This director only makes bad movies

Chapter 138 The counterattack is now

Tao Heng just left like that, not looking back the whole time, and not paying attention to Xu Nan.

Xu Nan felt a little strange.

What did Tao Heng mean by his last words? Why does it feel so wrong?

But he didn't take Tao Heng's words too seriously.

This film critic is a vehicle for creating memes. Xu Nan just used him to create rumors to make the movie out of the circle, thereby attracting the public to watch the movie.

Now that the movie's publicity work has been completely completed, and the box office it should attract has almost been absorbed, Tao Heng's situation will actually have little impact on the movie.

Do whatever you like.

Tao Heng should have been stimulated by drinking foot washing water and drinking water, but he paid for this process.

So Xu Nan didn't feel that she had anything to feel sorry for Tao Heng. The worst he could do was give him a big red envelope to make up for it after the incident was over.

Xu Nan smiled, picked up the microphone and said.

"Dear guests, the celebration banquet has now officially begun. It's time for everyone to eat and drink. Eat well and drink well, ah."

After saying that, Xu Nan was ready to find something to fill his stomach.

He was really hungry.

"Wait a minute."

Suddenly there was a shout from the side.

Xu Nan turned around in surprise and found that it was director Liu Dongdong who spoke.

With a sneer on his face, he carried the gift box and walked towards the center of the venue.

The guests who were planning to eat were all shocked by Liu Dongdong's move. They looked here curiously, wanting to know what Liu Dongdong planned to do.

In the eyes of everyone, Liu Dongdong walked to the center of the venue carrying the gift box and picked up the microphone.

"Everyone, don't be impatient yet."

"I have something very important that I want to tell you."

The employees of Summit Film and Television focused their attention on Xu Nan with questioning eyes.

Xu Nan shook his head and signaled them not to act rashly, because he wanted to know what Liu Dongdong wanted to do.

Discredit "Captain China" so that the movie cannot win the box office?


Now the box office of "Captain China" is falling rapidly every day, and the box office potential has been squeezed out. Even if no one watches the movie from this moment on, Xu Nan will not suffer much loss.

And Liu Dongdong was also carrying a gift box.

Xu Nan previously thought that Liu Dongdong brought gifts specifically to repair the relationship, but looking at his current appearance, it didn't seem like it.

This gift box seems to have another dimension.

Let’s see what Liu Dongdong wants to do.

After seeing all the guests turning their attention to him, Liu Dongdong showed a proud smile on his lips.

He took the microphone and said: "Dear guests, and all the viewers who are still watching the live broadcast, here, I would like to ask you to recall something."

"Back then, when my movie "Our Thirty Days" premiered, Director Xu Nan specially attended and even made a bet with me."

"This bet is to bet on which movie has a higher rating between "Our 30 Days" and "Captain China"."

"At that time, director Xu Nan put down his rhetoric and said that whoever's movie has a low rating will eat daddy in public."

"Moreover, when the two of us made a bet, we specially invited guest reporters who attended the premiere to bear witness."

Speaking of this, the smile on Liu Dongdong's face suddenly deepened a lot.

"I just took a look and found that many of the guests and reporters attending the celebration banquet today had attended the premiere of "Our 30 Days"."

"In other words, you are the guests who witnessed the original bet. Now on Douban, the movie "Our Thirty Days" has a rating of 7.8, while the Douban rating of "Captain China" is only 3.3, which is lower than "Our Thirty Days"." "Thirty Days" is a full four and a half points lower."

"With such an obvious gap, I believe everyone can see clearly who wins and who loses."

"Obviously, the rating of "Captain China" is not as high as "Our 30 Days". Xu Nan lost this bet."

"According to our original promise, the loser will have to defend himself in public."

Having said this, Liu Dongdong became completely excited, his mood was high, and his tone was full of passion.

"There is no doubt that Xu Nan lost, so he has to fulfill his bet."

With that said, Liu Dongdong raised the gift box in his hand.

"I've been waiting for this day for a long time. In order for Xu Nan to fulfill his promise, I carefully selected for a long time before finally picking out a bunch and giving it to Xu Nan so that he could eat it in public."

"Xu Nan, come on, continue."

Liu Dongdong held the gift box high and looked at Xu Nan with burning eyes.

After waiting for a long time, I finally waited for this moment.

Watching the box office of my movie drop day by day, from a big profit to a small profit, then from a small profit to a small loss, and finally to a big loss.

Liu Dongdong's whole person collapsed.

It's obvious that he shoots movies so well and with so much care.

He obviously chose the most suitable time slot, and without any strong opponents, he could make almost 100% profit.

However, Xu Nan, this bitch, insisted on crossing the line, choosing a schedule that was the same as his, and confronting him head-on.

The most shameless thing is that the quality of the movies made by this guy Xu Nan is extremely bad.

But he just used evil marketing methods to steal all the box office of the movie. As a result, his movie not only failed to make any money, but also suffered a huge loss.

Do you know what this feels like?

This is like confessing your love to a goddess. It's almost certain that the goddess has already agreed to be your girlfriend in advance. You just need to go through the motions of confessing your love.

As a result, this guy Xu Nan snatched your goddess away halfway. Even if he snatched her away, he did it in front of you.

What is intolerable is unbearable.

Without Xu Nan, his movies would have made money, but now his movies are losing money.

Seeing that he had exhausted all means and was unable to reverse the decline of the movie's box office, Liu Dongdong simply gave up.

If a movie can't make money, then it can't make money. Just find a way to make money with the next movie.

But at least I have to fight for this tone.

People live in this world just to compete for a breath. Even if the movie box office cannot match Xu Nan, at least the movie rating is higher than Xu Nan.

On the day of the premiere, the two of them bet on the movie's rating.

So Xu Nan lost this bet.

If you lose, you will have to defend yourself.

There is nothing more satisfying than watching your opponent eat a piece of their defense.

Why did Liu Dongdong attend the celebration banquet held by Xu Nan? It was just for this moment.

He wanted Xu Nan to eat this stuff in front of all the guests.

He wants to make Xu Nan a legend in the director world and the laughing stock of everyone.

He had been waiting for this moment for a long time.

And now, the opportunity has finally come.

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