This actor needs more money

Chapter 73 Heading to the Film Festival (Additional update for Silver Alliance, please vote for me)

The Lost Martial Arts cannot be released in the country.

Xu Haofeng has tried this before. At best, he took the international route, but at worst, he could only try his luck at international film festivals.

Even if you don't win the award, if the film is spotted by a producer from another country, it can be released abroad.

Seeing that Ding Xiu was still silent, Xu Haofeng said: "If you have any concerns, you can tell us so that we can discuss it easily."

Ding Xiu: "Should you reimburse the round-trip air tickets, food and accommodation, or should I pay for it myself?"

He is so poor that he has no money to buy a scooter. Where can he find money for air tickets to foreign countries?

"I'll report it, I'll report it."

"That's no problem. By the way, shall we just go? Baoqiang and Yuanyuan won't go?"

"A work can only apply for one award. This time I only submitted your name."

A work can only be submitted for one award. This decision was made by Xu Haofeng after careful consideration.

He has watched this play dozens of times, and there is no need to think about the best director. He can't compete with those big guys.

The camera is outsourced, so there is no use for it. Why is it cheaper for others? You may not win any prizes.

Wang Baoqiang's acting as the second male lead is a bit immature and far from award-winning, and the lead female lead, Gao Yuanyuan, has very few scenes.

After much deliberation, Ding Xiu had to take action.

His male lead is great, the more I watch it the more I like it.

After finishing speaking, Xu Haofeng looked at Ding Xiu, wanting to hear him say a few heartfelt words of gratitude.

After all, there are a few directors in the world who are willing to give up the chance to win awards to their actors, and they all do it on their own if they can.

In some cases, when there is unhappiness during the collaboration, the director would rather throw the award away than give it to the actor.

"Director Xu."


"Since I am the only one who has a chance to win the prize, aren't you superfluous? I can just go by myself."

Ding Xiu's words silenced Xu Haofeng.

I wrote the script, paid for it, and participated in the entire post-editing process. I gave you the chance to receive the award, and you still didn’t let me show my face.

Is this human language?

"Director Xu, don't be surprised if Brother Xiu doesn't understand." Qin Gang couldn't stand it anymore and criticized Ding Xiu: "Do you know which way the door of the Cannes Film Festival opens? Just go by yourself."

Ding Xiu shook his head: "I don't know. I don't know which country this film festival is in."

"Cannes, France." Xu Haofeng explained: "Everyone speaking there is a foreign language, and you are not familiar with the place, so I have to follow you."

"The film festival opens on the 18th of this month. Let's arrive one day early. Please prepare your visa and passport."

Qin Gang responded on behalf of Ding Xiu: "Don't worry, leave these little things to me and I'll make sure your trip won't be delayed."

After explaining what needed to be explained, Xu Haofeng left.

Qin Gang changed his expression from before and said with joy, "Brother Xiu, do your best when you get there. I wish you immediate success."

"Come on, I'm just going on a trip." Ding Xiu crossed his legs and said, "If he was really sure of winning the prize, Lao Xu wouldn't have such a tone."

Qin Gang laughed dryly: "Anyway, I'm going to Cannes anyway. Even if I don't win the award, it's good to see the world. I can accumulate experience in advance and I'll be familiar with it next time."

He also heard that Xu Haofeng was not sure about winning the award. He might have gone there just to find someone to take advantage of and let The Lost Martial Arts be released abroad.

Putting down his feet, Ding Xiu said: "I'm going back, and you can take care of the visa and passport."

"By the way, give me some more money. I heard that foreign horses are very good. I'll go and see them."

Qin Gang: "..."

"I don't have money. I can't even get paid for cleaning now. I don't dare to turn on the air conditioner if I don't see it."

"Brother Xiu, what you represent when you go abroad is the image of us Chinese people. Don't mess around."

"Don't worry, that's not possible." Ding Xiu agreed, and then said: "Where's Xiaolan, why didn't you see her?"

"I've gone to film, and I'll give you my three pearls again, in heaven and on earth."

Ding Xiu was shocked: "How could you let her make this kind of film? It's so inconvenient for girls. Why didn't you call me?"

Qin Gang's brows twitched, he raised his forehead and said: "Huan Zhu Princess Part 3: Heaven and Earth."

"Return the pearl, return the pearl."

Ding Xiu knows this. After all, when he first met Huang Bo, he sang the first song of "Returning the Pearl". Su Youpeng, the male lead in the recently released "The Legend of Heaven and the Dragon Sword", is also famous for "Returning the Pearl".

The first and second parts of "Returning the Pearl" were aired, and many people became popular. Xiaoyanzi, Jinsuo, Ziwei, Erkang, Yongqi, and Huang Ama are all first-line stars now.

Qin Lan can star in the third film, as long as the role is not too bad, he will definitely be popular.

"What role does she play in it?"

"A villain named Zhihua, female number five."

"Okay, the rise is so fast."

"Of course, young actresses, especially beautiful young actresses, are very popular."

Things are changing, and the market is constantly changing. It is a fact that actresses are very popular at the moment and occupy most of the market.

For the same celebrity position, the salary of actresses is generally higher than that of male actors.

There are many endorsements available, including beverages, underwear, shampoo, cosmetics, gold and silver jewelry, etc.

Let’s take a look at what the actors are receiving, including aphrodisiacs, Liuwei Dihuang Pills, and peanut beer and mineral water.

Ding Xiu was too lazy, and Qin Gang wanted to hit him and make him a little more motivated.

"When your A Chinese Ghost Story is aired, it won't necessarily become popular immediately. Your future achievements will be no lower than Qin Lan's."

"Really, then I have to... get closer to Xiaolan in the future. Do you think if I stay with her, will the mortgage be repaid?"

Qin Gang was furious.

Ding Xiu's brain circuit is different from that of normal people. What this guy wants is to eat soft food.

How did he have the nerve to say this?

"Brother Xiu, we are men, we need to stand up. It sounds so ugly to say that you rely on a woman for food. Even if you want to be with Qin Lan, you have to be a good match, right?"

"She is very career-minded. Now that you are more popular than her, of course she will like you. If you stagnate, she will dump you one day when she becomes more popular than you."

"Listen to my advice, first become famous and then talk about it. Once you have money, no matter what kind of beauties you can't find, they will automatically send them to your door when the time comes."

Regardless of whether Ding Xiu heard it or not, Qin Gang said: "Go to Cannes and put on your Rolex. As for clothing, I will rent a set for you. Be careful not to get it dirty. Wear it on the same day."

At Peking Airport, Ding Xiu was dressed in formal clothes, with sunglasses on his face and a Rolex watch on his wrist. He looked like a fashion model wherever he stood.

In order to cope with the Cannes Film Festival, Qin Gang specially took him to get his hair styled.

Handsome back.

Ding Xiu originally has thick eyebrows, big eyes, and a high nose and nose, which is very suitable for this kind of hairstyle that exposes the forehead.

Elegant and noble.

Xu Haofeng, who is 1.8 meters tall, looks like a horseman walking beside him.

Suddenly, two boys dressed as students rushed out with schoolbags on their backs and said sheepishly: "I am your fan, my name is Zhou Haopeng."

"I am also your fan, my name is Cong Jinxiang."


"If you're not in a hurry, can you sign it for me?"

"no problem."

It was a rare encounter with fans, so Ding Xiu fulfilled their wishes. Before he could take the boy's pen and paper, a hand beside him took the pen away in advance.

It was a woman with big sunglasses on her face and long wavy brown hair hanging around her waist. The other person wrote two traditional Chinese characters in a scrawled handwriting, and only one of them, the character Shu, was recognized.


The two boys were very happy after getting the signature.

"Sorry, I can borrow it for a moment."

Ding Xiu was pushed away. He turned around and saw that there was a large group of people behind him, all following this woman.

After the woman left, Xu Haofeng said, "What are you looking at? He's gone far away."

Looking at the figure behind him, Ding Xiu said: "Who is this? He is so impressive."

"You don't even know Shu Qi?"

"It's her." Ding Xiu suddenly realized, then shook his head: "I don't know her."

"Pretend, keep pretending, it's obvious that you know her just now." Xu Haofeng said: "Shu Qi is very popular, has countless fans, and is popular among people from both sides of the Taiwan Strait and three places. She is a well-deserved first-line actress."

In just six years since her debut, this woman just put back the clothes she took off one by one.

In the past few years, the artists we have collaborated with are either kings or movie stars. The female protagonists have acted in one drama after another. Sometimes, they can take on seven or eight dramas a year, all with female protagonists.

Not only is she a vase, she has taken on a variety of roles and won more and more awards, which means she has great potential to become the best actress.

The most important thing is that she is only twenty-six years old and has great potential.

Putting a hand on Ding Xiu's shoulder, Xu Haofeng said: "Don't be envious. When we return from Cannes, no one in the world will recognize you."

PS: I can’t finish it. This chapter only has 2,500. I’ll write another chapter and post it after dinner. I’ll update it at about eight o’clock.

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