This actor needs more money

Chapter 585 You still know how to play in the entertainment industry

It was so thrilling yesterday, and the crew had to continue working during the day. Many people came to work yawning, so scared that they didn't even dare to close their eyes last night.

"Hey, Brother Xiu, I've checked everything and the results will be sent to your email."

While Ding Xiu was still lying down, he received a call from his cell phone, and then he lay on his side and checked his mailbox.

After he came back last night, he asked someone to check the home address mentioned by Barron to see if it was correct, and to learn about Barron's family information.

If you don’t know it, Barron sees that such a libertine actually has a wife and children.

The child is still young, eight years old, a girl.

"I have a wife, children, and parents-in-law. It's good."

As the old saying goes, if a person has no hobbies, it is best not to associate with him.

Because it is too boring and has no desire for anything.

When Ding Xiu came out to hang out in the world, Ding Xiu had a rather extreme idea. He would never make friends with people who had no weaknesses in the world.

This kind of people have no weaknesses and do things as they please. They are very troublesome and fearful when they really want to fall out.

Those with weak points are much better, and you feel more at ease in contact with them.

Just like Barron, knowing that he has a wife and children, he will do things in a measured way and will not dare to be too presumptuous. He will not fight you until it is absolutely necessary.

Sometimes even if you don’t think about yourself, you still have to think about your wife and children.

At eight o'clock, Ding Xiu came to the set after washing up.

What I took today was a barbed wire interceptor rocket launcher.

After ordering breakfast from the staff, Ding Xiu watched the scene and helped Wu Jing solve on-site scheduling and other issues.

After a while, Barron and Fox came over dressed as tourists and carrying a backpack.

"Brother Xiu, we are ready to leave."

Ding Xiu nodded, not surprised. If he didn't run away after completing the task, then he was mentally ill.

After finding a small space, Barron whispered to Ding Xiu: "Shall I deposit the three million U.S. dollars in a Swiss bank and you can pick it up yourself, or should I call you directly?"

Ding Xiu looked at him as if he were a fool: "What age are you calling me directly? You think I didn't die quickly enough, right?"

Now when you go to the bank to deposit money, if it exceeds 100,000 yuan, the staff will ask you where you got it.

Three million U.S. dollars will be paid directly into his account, or it will be remitted overseas, and the police will come to his door in minutes.

"What should we do?" Barron was embarrassed: "Our company has a system that can pay wages reasonably. You are not a member of the company, so it's not easy to deal with it."

Ding Xiu sighed: "Minibus, I'm not telling you, your business ability is nothing. You can't handle such a simple thing."

"There are many ways to transfer money to me reasonably. For example, I have an ancestral sauerkraut jar at home. If you are willing to spend three million US dollars to buy it, who can control you?"

"For example, if you register a bad brand at any time, including shampoo, toothpaste, and shower gel, ask me to endorse it and give me three million US dollars."

"Another example is if you set up an investment company and invest three million US dollars in my next film. After I got the money, I used it to build a filming palace. After the filming was completed, it exploded. I said it would be how much it cost."

"Or you can invite me to film a movie. The three million US dollars will be the salary. You can set up a few cameras and we will go out to sea for a few days and then come back. Then we will announce to the public that the crew was not managed well and they broke up."

"If it doesn't work out, I have a thousand-year-old jujube tree in my yard. It has been struck by lightning and can ward off evil spirits. It's cheaper and I can sell it to you for 20 million."

After listening to Ding Xiu's words, Barron gave a thumbs up: "You still know how to play in the entertainment industry."

These operations abroad are difficult to do and can easily be targeted.

But there are certain risks if you follow what Ding Xiu said. No one is a fool nowadays.

After thinking about it, Barron chose a safer path: "Then I will register an investment company and invest three million US dollars in you later."

"You can use this money to pay yourself a salary or blow up the palace, it's up to you."


After Barron left, Ding Xiu continued to work on the set. With his size, it was easy to digest the three million US dollars.

After all, the market price of his movies is already 60 to 70 million per play, and the TV series must be 80 to 90 million.

Adding in these three million US dollars, the salary can easily exceed 100 million US dollars.

The only drawback is that he has to pay taxes on this money himself, and a lot of deductions are made. He stabs people, shoots, and works hard. In the end, he doesn't make a dime, and he still has to give them tax subsidies. Where can he reason? go.

Shaking his head, Ding Xiu felt that adding three million US dollars to the salary was not worthwhile.

Personal tax is too high, up to 45%.

Three million U.S. dollars, but only half of the clean money was left in the end. He didn't care, but his brothers were in big trouble.

Who can bear the thought of losing half of their income without any reason?

It would be better to use it to invest in movies. After paying taxes, at least 80% can still be saved. By then, this money should still be able to earn some money, making up for the remaining 20% ​​is not a problem.

What should be a headache for me is how to distribute the money to Zhang Wei and the others.

If you pay them directly, they will be taken away that night.

The crime of unknown source of huge amounts of property.

Suddenly, Ding Xiu's eyes lit up as he glanced at the actors filming on the set.

At noon, he called over several people who performed the task yesterday.

"Are you interested in becoming an actor?"


Several people were confused and didn't know what was going on.

"It's like this. It's not easy to give the money to you directly. It would be too troublesome to deal with it. After much thought, I decided that it would be better to sign a contract."

"The next film will give each of you millions of dollars in salary, and you can easily get it done after three to five months on the set."

Everyone in the industry knows that actors are highly paid.

A movie with a salary of several million is too much to hire a fourth-tier star now. Even if Zhang Wei and the others are newcomers, a movie can cost one to two million.

"Brother Xiu, you make the arrangements, it's up to you." Zhang Wei said, "But I don't want money, just give them a few."

"Boss, no, if you don't accept it, we won't accept it either!"

The three of them were frightened. What they had held before was already hot to handle, so they did not contribute much during the whole process. The danger was handled by Ding Xiu and Zhang Wei.

The two of them don't want money, how can they have the nerve to ask for it, and how can they be so shameless.

"Stop arguing, everyone has a share." Even if Ding Xiu himself is included, everyone can get about four million. This amount of money is enough for any difficulties at home.

If it's really not enough, just lend a hand and it'll be over.

He didn't really want to share these millions. If he didn't accept it, they probably wouldn't dare to ask for it.

"Thank you Brother Xiu."

"Thank you Brother Xiu."

Hearing that everyone has a share, a few people feel much more relaxed and their psychological burden is much reduced.

After finalizing the matters here, everyone continued to work.

Soon, it was one month since I came to South Africa. Due to weather and other reasons, the filming progress was very slow and it would take at least half a month.

So the crew stayed for another half month.

Until the day they left, the skin of the entire group had become much darker from top to bottom.

When Ding Xiu returned to Peiping, the first thing he did was to pay wages and bonuses to the security personnel involved in Wolf Warrior 2.

Because it involves fighting, it can be considered a subsidy.

Ding Xiu gave the three people who participated in the encirclement and suppression of the drug lord a higher bonus and a promotion.

Worried that they were in urgent need of money, Ding Xiu also asked the company to organize a voting event for the dedicated bodyguards and let the artists vote for who was the most dedicated.

Through secret operations, these three people won the bid again. As the boss, Ding Xiu each received a reward of 200,000 yuan.

Qin Chao entertainment circle, in the office.

After catching Ding Xiu working hard, Zhang Wei knocked on the door lightly and came in. After sitting down, he said: "Brother Xiu, are those three people waiting for the money to pass away before letting them go?"

In front of the computer, Ding Xiu was looking at the company's intranet, which contained artist schedules, annual plans, movies and TV series to be shot, variety shows to be presented, etc.

"What, are you afraid they won't be safe?"

Zhang Wei told the truth: "I'm worried about bringing you trouble."

No one wants their subordinates to know their secrets or tricks. Silencing them is definitely not possible. The best way is to make an agreement and then transfer the people.

A star as big as Ding Xiu earns hundreds of millions every year. If he falls over due to this incident, it will be a big problem.

Ding Xiu turned the boss's chair, faced Zhang Wei, and said with a smile: "Why, you have no confidence in your brother?"

"Of course. They are all my comrades-in-arms. They have experienced life and death together. They can stop each other's bullets. I just don't want to cause you any trouble."

Zhang Wei has 100% trust in his brother.

"That means you don't trust me." Ding Xiu said with a smile.

"It's nothing." Zhang Wei felt a little guilty.

In the past, he had quite a lot of trust in Ding Xiu. He was such a big boss and earned so many years every year. There was no conflict of interest between us and we got along very well.

Whenever his subordinates encounter any difficulties, Ding Xiu will do whatever he can to help.

But after experiencing this, Zhang Wei was a little scared, as if he had met Ding Xiu for the first time, and he was a little worried about the three brothers.

Although Ding Xiu may not necessarily silence him, but what if, what if, with his ability and strength, it would be too easy to kill a few people silently.

Even if there was only a small chance, Zhang Wei didn't want his brother to risk it.

"This is what I think. I'll sign contracts with the three of them later and pay them the mission rewards. Then I'll arrange a unilateral breach of contract and let them go home owing millions in liquidated damages."

"Of course, I'm not really asking them to lose money, but I'm just saying it so that everyone can speak more appropriately in the future."

Ding Xiu picked up the cigarette on the table and lit it: "Old Zhang, you underestimate me too much. What a big deal, do you care?"

"Not only will I not fire a few of them, on the contrary, I will reuse them."

"Don't worry, I won't burn bridges. I'm not that kind of person. Just keep it in your stomach."

The profession of bodyguard is hard to say. You can't tell who has strong abilities at ordinary times. Only when something goes wrong can you tell the character.

These three people have personally been on the battlefield, fired guns, and dared to fight tooth and nail.

In the previous battle, he helped them, and several of them were grateful. It is no exaggeration to say that if someone wanted to assassinate him now, the three of them would definitely be the first to rush forward and block the knife.

The three great men of men have carried guns together, and the relationship lies here.

It would be a pity to fire such a good bodyguard.

As for his secret being leaked, Ding Xiu doesn't care at all. Someone has to believe him.

Barron took the order, and their company has files, so everything makes sense.

Wu Jing can testify that he has been on the crew one day, and if necessary, he can even ask the entire crew to testify.

And the three of them didn't dare to talk nonsense, because they were also involved. If Ding Xiu fell into trouble, could they run away?

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