This actor needs more money

Chapter 40 Huang Bo’s dream is broken

It’s no wonder that the assistant director and cameraman were scared. They are both well-informed people. They have been in the industry for many years and have worked with many actors.

It's really the first time I've seen someone like Ding Xiu act in a murder scene.

No matter how good an actor's acting skills are, they are still acting, which is different from reality. But Ding Xiu's performance made both of them feel that this is what a real murderer looks like.

They were not the only ones who had this illusion. The extras who acted opposite Ding Xiu should be the ones who felt the most. Look at how frightening they are.

"Stop talking nonsense and do your own thing." Xu Haofeng drove away the two of them: "Isn't it just a movie? Is there any future?"

"You're a murderer. Damn it, uncle. When have you ever seen such a handsome murderer? A murderer can come to the crew to film and appear on TV openly. Can a murderer go to Zhang Jizhong's crew to play the second male lead?"

"I'm sorry, Director Xu, we are too talkative."

"That's right, it's all because Ding Xiu acted so well."

Xu Haofeng got angry, but the cameraman and the assistant director didn't dare to refute. They smiled angrily and apologized. If you think about it carefully, their worries were a bit unnecessary.

As Xu Haofeng said, which murderer has such courage, instead of going to the mountains and forests, he goes to the crew to film. Isn't this an old man who eats arsenic and is seeking death?

When the movie is released, won't he expose himself to the police?

This incident can only be explained by the fact that Ding Xiu's acting skills were so good and he was so involved in the drama that he unknowingly infected everyone around him.

After the assistant director and cameraman left, Xu Haofeng came to the window of the villa alone with a cigarette in his mouth, took out his mobile phone and made a call.

"Old Zhang, are you at work? Help me check someone, Ding Xiu, in his twenties... Let's see if this guy has a criminal record."

To be honest, he didn't believe that Ding Xiu's acting skills were staged.

Having been together day and night for so long, he was lecturing Ding Xiu every day. He knew exactly what level Ding Xiu was performing. Today's episode could be said to be superb. When the actor came, he would give him a thumbs up and say he was awesome.

If he didn't have similar life experiences, he wouldn't be able to act so realistically.

2001, February 1st.

In the courtyard, Ding Xiu, Wang Baoqiang, and Huang Bo were sitting around the stove, with roasted potatoes and sweet potatoes on the stove.

The potatoes and sweet potatoes belong to Wang Baoqiang. He went back to his hometown as soon as possible after finishing the filming, carried two sacks of potatoes and sweet potatoes, and took the green train all the way there.

Ding Xiu came back last month. It has been more than a month since he filmed the scene of the massacre, and he had already finished filming.

Before leaving, Xu Haofeng treated him to a feast, and when he was drunk, he said nonsense such as saying that he could not forgive him and that he should not believe him.

The three of them were eating sweet potatoes and watching TV. The TV show was "Evil and Poison".

"I have seen many young people like you. You know a little martial arts and think you can dominate the world. In fact, traveling in the world is very painful."

"With martial arts, there are many things you can't do. Now, you don't want to farm, and you don't bother to rob, let alone show up in public and perform on the street, so how do you live?"

"A strong martial artist has to earn a living. In fact, there is a profession that is very suitable for you. It can not only help you earn some money, but also allow you to do heroic things. I wonder if you are interested?"

Zhang Guorong's melancholy and magnetic voice is fascinating, and these high-quality lines made the three people in front of the TV slightly stunned.

After Zhang Guorong finished speaking, Huang Bo lowered his head to peel potatoes, imitated Zhang Guorong's voice, and said to Ding Xiudao in a low voice:

"I have seen many young people like you. You think you can get into society just because you are handsome. In fact, getting into society is very painful."

"There are a lot of things you can't do if you're handsome. Now, you don't want to go home and farm, and you don't bother to rob, and you don't want to show off on the street and perform, so how do you live?"

"You have to be handsome but you also need to eat. In fact, there is a profession that is very suitable for you. It can not only help you earn some living expenses, but also make you as happy as a god. I wonder if you are interested?"

"Being a duck?" Ding Xiu asked.

Huang Bo snapped his fingers: "Wrong, you want to be an actor. Where did you want to go?"

"Then you say you are as happy as a god?"

"Isn't it fun to be an actor? If you are so handsome, it is inevitable that you will have sex scenes in the future. How many ugly female stars are there? You should take advantage of it."

Ding Xiu nodded slightly. This was the truth. Whether they were filming Swordsman or the Lost World of Martial Arts, Miao Yi and Gao Yuanyuan had hugged him.

If this happened in the Ming Dynasty, they would be escorted to the government every minute, where they would either be dipped in pig cages or beaten to death and buried in mass graves to feed the dogs.

Rubbing his blackened fingers, Ding Xiu took a sip of tea to moisten his throat and said to Huang Bo:

"I have seen young people like you a lot. I thought that after graduating from high school and having some education, I could just become an actor. In fact, being an actor is very painful."

"With a degree, there are many things you can't do. If you don't want to go home and farm, and you don't bother to work in a factory, and you don't want to show up in public and set up a street vendor on the street, then how do you live?"

"Cultural people also need to make a living. In fact, there is a profession that is very suitable for you. It can make you make money and display your ambitions. I wonder if you are interested?"

Huang Bo was silent. He knew that Ding Xiu was trying to get him to give up taking the Nortel exam.

Because he failed the first art exam.

The first test is recitation, which is not very difficult. It mainly tests the students' eloquence and external image.

Unfortunately, he had a strong Shandong accent and a bad appearance. When he was at the entrance of the examination room, the young student in charge asked him, "Uncle, where is your son?"

He failed the first test and missed the retest. This year's efforts were in vain and he could only wait until next year to fight again.

But he is twenty-seven years old this year, and he will be twenty-eight when he takes the exam next year, and he will be thirty-two when he graduates, making him the oldest among the seniors.

"What's your profession? Be a screenwriter?"

"No, it's pornographic writing. According to my observation, there is a huge market in this industry. People's living standards have improved and they need entertainment more, and novels are definitely one of the lowest-cost forms of entertainment."

I am entertaining you uncle!

Huang Bo's face turned dark, and he almost stuck the potato on Ding Xiu's face. He took the potato and stood up to leave.

"I'm full, you eat slowly."

"Why are you going?"

"Read a book and prepare to fight again next year!"

He was still unwilling to give in. The more he couldn't pass the exam, the more he had to take it. The worst he could do was take the exam until he was thirty. In short, he was determined to go to Nortel.

Looking at his back, Ding Xiu sighed: "You can learn knowledge, but you can't change your handsomeness, so give up."

Wang Baoqiang also followed suit: "Yeah, maybe the teacher didn't let you pass just because you were ugly, and it will be the same next year."

Damn it... Huang Bo wanted to turn his head and punch both of them.

But he knew that what Ding Xiu and Wang Baoqiang said made sense. His appearance was his flaw, and this was indeed a difficult test.

"let me think again."

After returning to the room, Huang Bo lay in bed in a daze. For a long time, Ding Xiu whispered and sang a cappella from the yard.

"I'm ugly, but I'm gentle..."


"Who the hell threw the firecrackers?"

Ding Xiu's bowl was blackened by the explosion, the soup splashed all over his face, and there were still a few noodles hanging from his hair.

At the gate, Gao Yuanyuan stretched out her little head to take a look, then quickly retracted it, turned around and ran away.

Ding Xiu put down the bowl and rushed forward with Mei Ying in his arms.

This is the first time I have added an update. I feel ashamed. Thank you all for your rewards and monthly votes. I hope you can read the latest chapters every day and contribute a follow-up reading.

At least 8,000 words per day after publication! !

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