This actor just wants to verify

Chapter 288 Cannes Red Carpet (asking for monthly pass)

You are not playing by the rules.

Xu Ke had already prepared for Hao Yun's small card, but he didn't expect Hao Yun to take out the storyboard manuscript.

He had heard of Hao Yun's bad reputation a long time ago.

But he didn't resist, but admired Hao Yun's spirit.

If he played with women less, drank less, and worked on technology more, Hong Kong movies would still be saved.

However, he could understand Hao Yun.

To learn to be a director from Jiang Wen, he had to find an outsider to learn how to draw storyboards.

Otherwise, the storyboards he drew would probably only be understood by himself.

That would be a waste of film.

However, when Xu Ke took the manuscript and opened it, he was immediately upset. He wondered if he had remembered it wrong.

"Did you learn to be a director from Jiang Wen?"

Is there something wrong? He has never seen Jiang Wen's storyboard manuscript, but he has heard others mention it. It is said that it can only be described as horrible...

But looking at the storyboard manuscript that Hao Yun gave him now, there is no trace of the stickman at all.

It's not particularly good, but at least it's above average, and it has a unique flavor.

"I learned some from Mr. Wong Yuk-lang, and some from other senior directors, and combined them together to become like this. I didn't learn storyboarding from Director Jiang Wen."

Hao Yun didn't betray his master, he wanted to carry forward his master.

If they make up for the only... only two... only three... well, one of the many shortcomings of their master, then their strength in the director circle will be taken to a higher level.

No one can beat me and Jiang Wen!

Now he has set his sights on Xu Ke again. When Xu Ke read his manuscript, he easily got the attributes he wanted.

Director Xu, next time you read my storyboard manuscript, you will probably find that the manuscript has your style.

Xu Ke didn't feel anything.

He just felt that chatting with Hao Yun became more and more enjoyable, the water became colder as he drank it, and the topic became more and more heated as he talked.

Hao Yun strolled around Cannes the next day. There was nothing to see in such a small town, so he finished the tour quickly.

Then he asked the stylist to fix his clothes and hairstyle...

This was all for the Avenue of Stars, which started on time at 6 o'clock local time.

A long walkway paved with red carpet, with audiences, media, and filmmakers who received invitations on both sides.

There was also a large live screen, through which people far away could watch.

Today, more than just Hao Yun and a few Chinese walked the red carpet.

Although only three crews from "2046", "House of Flying Daggers" and "Labyrinth of the Heart" came, there were a lot of Chinese people who wanted to walk the red carpet.

Whether you have works or not, it's always right to come and gild yourself.

Hao Yun was in a relatively late position.

Going first does not mean that your status is low. The light is the best at this time, and many international celebrities have started to walk.

Venice Film Queen Gong Huang, Indian supermodel Aishwarya Rai and French supermodel Laitya Casta appeared together, becoming the most shining presence at the scene.

After a while, Hao Yun saw Yang Zhiqiong, Shu Qi, and Chen Huilin one after another.

These people seemed to have no works to be exhibited, and it can only be said that they have nothing to do with this Cannes Film Festival.

If I had known this earlier, I would have brought An Xiaoxi and Huang Bo here to see the world.

An Xiaoxi is one of the producers, and Huang Bo is a supporting actor.

Liang Chaowei also came, and he followed Wang Jiawei and Zhang Ziyi.

This is the crew of "2046". They were shortlisted for the main competition unit and are Hao Yun's main opponents.

The Cannes Film Festival cannot give too many awards to Chinese-language films.

If Wang Jiawei hadn't intervened, Hao Yun should have had a small chance to win a small award, but now it is uncertain.

Zhang Yimou also came, and he brought Liu Furong, Jin Chengwu, and Zhang Ziyi.

The two Zhang Ziyi are the same person. She is very glorious this time, and she has appeared in both films.

Zhang Yimou represents "House of Flying Daggers", but this movie did not participate in the competition unit.

It's not that he doesn't qualify, but Zhang wants to compete for the Oscar.

He doesn't care about the three major European awards anymore.

His new partner Zhang Weiping is very awesome, and his hype level is comparable to Zhang Jizhong.

The three Zhangs should really become sworn brothers.

First, the hype was that the film passed the review without cutting.

It was also reported vividly that during the review, the experts participating in the review were "shocked" by this martial arts film. A member of the film review committee actually rushed out of the screening room with tears on his face, rushed into his office, closed the door, and experienced the strong shock and spiritual impact brought to him by the film alone.

So in just a few days, the film passed the review without any cuts, which can be said to be very rare in the film review.

The fact that such a press release can be written without disgusting can only be said that Zhang Weiping is as simple as a child of more than 500 months old.

However, the publicity is not without effect.

The film festival has not officially started yet, and Zhang Yimou's film has already been sold.

It is said that the North American distribution rights were sold for about 115 million yuan, and the Japanese distribution rights were sold for 85 million yuan, which adds up to exactly 200 million yuan.

The total investment of "House of Flying Daggers" is 290 million yuan, which can be said to have recovered more than half of the investment before the film was released.

If it can reach the domestic box office of "Hero" of 250 million yuan, and add up the distribution rights income from other overseas regions and all copyright income, "House of Flying Daggers" will definitely make a profit.

Hao Yun also saw Jennifer Aniston.

When this sister was young, she was extremely beautiful. It can only be said that women in Europe and the United States age too quickly.

She came with her husband, Brad Pidan.

At this time, the two of them were in a very good relationship, with love in their eyes. Aniston was wearing Verses, and Pitt was wearing formal clothes. Everyone who looked at them would praise them as "golden girls."

Zhang Manyu is also here, but she is participating in the film festival as the heroine of the French film "Clean".

The film was "tailor-made" for her by her ex-husband Olivier Assayas.

The most outrageous thing is that the two people signed the divorce agreement on the set.

Speaking of which, Wang Jiawei is to blame for this divorce, because Zhang Manyu was asked by Wang Jiawei to film "In the Mood for Love" just one month after they got married.

She thought that the filming would be over after three months, and she could return to France to continue loving her husband.

As a result, this crappy movie, with a running time of only 98 minutes, took fifteen months to shoot.

In order to maintain the state of filming, they maintained a sense of being in the drama for a full 15 months to avoid being overwhelmed by sudden filming.

Neither of them came out of the scene until long after they finished filming.

Wait, where is my husband?

Zhang Manyu said in an interview that because of the filming of this movie, she was unable to get together with her husband for a long time, and finally had no choice but to divorce.

Later, when they stepped on the red carpet in Cannes for "In the Mood for Love", Liang Chaowei held his girlfriend Liu Jialin with his right hand, but his left hand was tightly interlocked with Zhang Manyu.

Someone commented on "In the Mood for Love" and said, "I have never seen any movie that can capture the word ambiguity in such a flavorful and thrilling way."

I can only say that Wang Jiawei is awesome.

I just don’t know that at this year’s Cannes Film Festival, Wang Jiawei, Liang Chaowei, Zhang Manyu, and Zhang Manyu’s ex-husband Mr. Olivier Assayas...

When they walked on the red carpet, they smiled so calmly.

It was finally time for Hao Yun to walk on the red carpet.

You always feel that you are looking at the scenery, but in fact sometimes you become the scenery in the eyes of others.

This time, he, Jiang Wen, Zhou Yun, and Luo Jingmin, representing "The Labyrinth of the Heart", walked on the Avenue of Stars in Cannes.

Luo Jingmin lived almost 50 years old. He never thought that one day he would be able to walk on the red carpet in Cannes.

Hao Yun went to find Quentin and Xu Ke, and the translator took them all around Cannes and ate authentic French food.

Frankly speaking, this is his first time attending a film festival.

It was also his first time going abroad, and Wu Laoliu had notified him to apply for a passport as soon as possible.

"Don't be nervous. We Chinese are no worse than these foreign devils. The country you are treading on is only a little bigger than Sichuan Province." Hao Yun's words made Luo Jingmin lose his awe in an instant.

He even wanted to express his disdain by spitting on the Walk of Fame.

Of course, that won't happen.

We are a country of civilization and etiquette.

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