Third Master Jiang’s Absolute Darling

Chapter 975: It's hard for you to hide it

Chapter 975

"Then tell me about you and Bai Wei, I really want to know. She was **** you into the hospital. I will definitely talk about her when I look back. Even if she is my friend, I won't I don't mind to protect her." Gu Xiang looked sincere.

Mother Jiang said, "I'm a little tired and want to sleep for a while."

She really didn't want to talk, so Gu Xiang nodded, "Okay."

Mother Jiang fell asleep soon.

I don't know if I really fell asleep.

Gu Xiang sat aside and watched her sleeping, not knowing why, but it was a bit funny.

Her mother-in-law is terribly afraid of her.

As if she was some devil.


After eating, Bai Wei took Xiaobai to play in the yard.

This house lived in the heyday of the Bai family. It is very big, so Xiao Bai can play in it, and he doesn't have to be afraid to take him out like before.

Bai Wei sat on the side steps, thinking about what she said to her second brother in front of Mama Jiang today, Xiaobai picked a small flower and walked over, "Mom, here's the flower."

Bai Wei retracted her attention, handed the flower to her, and took it, "Thank you baby."

"It looks good." He stared at the flower and said.

Bai Wei said: "It looks good, the baby is awesome."

After being praised, the little guy raised his mouth and ran to pick it up again.

Bai Wei sat aside, watching him grow up day by day, remembering how he was when he was just born, and feeling that life is really amazing.


At this moment, the door was knocked, the aunt went to open the door, and Jiang Feng walked in from outside.

Seeing him, Bai Wei was stunned for a moment, "Why are you here?"

Jiang Feng didn't say a word. The first time he walked in, he saw Xiao Bai pouting his **** picking flowers.

Xiaobai held the newly picked flower in his hand, turned around and saw Jiang Feng standing there, his eyes widened.

It's bad!

With short legs, he ran to Bai Wei's side and hid behind Bai Wei.

Jiang Feng also recognized this little guy at a glance before seeing him in the hospital.

At that time, the two well-meaning people said that this was his child, and even Lin Jing said that they were like...

He didn't think much at the time, he didn't expect...

It really is.

Aunt Qiu stood by, looked at Jiang Feng, and said, " you?"

Bai Wei said: "Do you know each other?"

Aunt Qiu said, "I saw it when I went to the hospital last time."

Bai Wei heard this and looked at Jiang Feng. He didn't expect that he and Xiao Bai had already met.

Jiang Feng has already walked over, standing in front of her, looking at her, "Are you okay?"

Bai Wei said: "I'm fine, aren't you in the hospital? I heard that your mother is sick."

Before Gu Xiang went to the hospital, he called her. Asked about the situation.

So Bai Wei also knew that Jiang's mother was mad at the hospital.

Jiang Feng said: "The doctor said there was nothing serious, so I want to come and see you."

If it wasn't for his mother to faint, he would come directly to Bai Wei.

Unexpectedly, it was delayed until now.

Bai Wei said, "I said, you don't want to come in the future. I don't want to make your mother angry again. I don't care, you probably have ideas in your heart."

After finally calming down, when I saw him at this moment, I started to feel uncomfortable again.

Jiang Feng listened to her, and said: "Weiwei, you have made me suffer, you lied to me that the child is gone...I thought it was true. If you told me earlier..."

Bai Wei looked at Jiang Feng and said: "Tell you earlier, won't your mother despise me? Now these things won't happen?"


(End of this chapter)

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