Chapter 936 The White House

When she got into the car, she looked at Jiang Feng and said, "What did you run over this morning? I already told you thank you for what happened last night."

"Where? I'll let the driver see you off."

"No, I'll go down when you finish."

"Didn't you say that there will be a job later?"

"Not yet, I want to go home and sleep."

Jiang Feng said: "In this case, then take you to a place."

After he finished speaking, he said to the driver: "Let's go."

Bai Wei was sitting in the car, more restless than last night.

I drank some wine last night, and it was not as messy as this. Now, sitting with him, I was sober again, and it was really embarrassing.


Because he was busy paying attention to his existence, Bai Wei was somewhat surprised when the car stopped and realized where she was.

Jiang Feng had opened the door and got out of the car.

Bai Wei sat in the car and looked at the familiar courtyard inside, somewhat surprised.

Standing at the door, Jiang Feng said with a gentle voice, "Come down."

She listened to him, got out of the car, and looked at the familiar house in front of her. This was where she had lived for more than 20 years, and she felt sad when she came back here at this moment.

She said to Jiang Feng, "What are you taking me here for?"

Jiang Feng glanced at her, stretched out his hand, took her hand, held her, and walked in the door.


He had the key and entered easily.

The furniture inside has hardly been moved... the grass in the yard has also been cleaned up.

Bai Wei stood inside, looking at Jiang Feng, "What do you mean?"

Jiang Feng said: "I bought this house. Since you are back, don't stay with Gu Xiang forever. It will be inconvenient if you are friends, it will be inconvenient for a long time. Move here. Your mother I'll live a little bit more."

"..." Bai Wei had an indescribable feeling listening to his words.

She looked at Jiang Feng and suddenly felt a little amused, "My house was so difficult at the beginning, and there was no way to buy the house. I didn't expect... the second brother bought the house back so easily."

There was a bit of irony in her words.

Jiang Feng looked at her, "I didn't mean anything, but I didn't want it. I was bought by someone else, so I stayed."

Bai Wei said: "Since you bought it, it's your place. We have nothing to do with me. This house has nothing to do with me."

Jiang Feng looked at her, "Weiwei, being with you, I seem to have never done anything for you. I didn't help you with your father's affairs. Just treat this house as I owe you. You have suffered a lot because of me."

Bai Wei said: "I don't need it, you can keep it. Now I can't afford such a good house. But thank you."

After Bai Wei finished speaking, she walked directly outside the door.

She knew what he meant.

After all, she was pregnant with his baby at that time.

All he is doing now is because he wants to compensate her.

However, she really didn't want to accept the house, she always felt that she had accepted it, and everything seemed to have deteriorated.

She was with him just because she liked it, not because of anything else.

Don't make it as if she was kept by him.

After breaking up, she gave her a house or something.

Jiang Feng stood aside, watching her about to leave, suddenly followed and closed the door.

Bai Wei was blocked from the way, froze for a moment, looked at his hand on the door, and said, "Second brother."

Jiang Feng said: "I don't even have the right to do anything for you in the end? Weiwei, are you hating me?"

(End of this chapter)

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