Third Master Jiang’s Absolute Darling

Chapter 926: Someone who's overbearing

Chapter 926 The Overbearing Someone

Lin Lu said, "Yes, it's pretty."

However, she knew that it was impossible for Bai Wei to enter Jiang's house again.

Therefore, I have no idea about Bai Wei.

"Thank you." Bai Wei said to Lin Lu.

Lin Lu said: "Welcome back. You were not there before, but Jiang Feng has been sad for a long time."

If others say this, they don't think there is anything, but... when Lin Lu said it, Bai Wei always felt something strange, and couldn't say it for a while.

Bai Wei didn't say a word.

Lin Lu didn't care either.

Her dignified Miss Lin family didn't need to care about such a woman.

After greeted Bai Wei, Lin Lu took Nini and her youngest son away.

Gu Xiang stood aside, looked at her back, and looked at Bai Wei, "Are you finished?"

Bai Wei said, "Back to the hotel."

"Let's go." Gu Xiang took her out together.

Bai Wei said, "Is it really okay for you to leave Third Master at home like this?"

"He was alone with his daughter, thank me for being too late. He might even think that I was stealing women from him."

Jiang Siran is a fair baby. He misses his father if he doesn't see him for a while, and he misses his mother if he doesn't see his mother.


Back at the hotel, Gu Xiang sat down and Bai Wei sat aside, removing her makeup.

Holding the magazine, Gu Xiang asked as he read it, "Will you be here after this event is over?"

"There is also a start-up event here." Bai Wei said: "I will stay for two more days. Actually, there is another reason for coming here. My mother said that she missed my dad, and I plan to take her to see my dad. "

Bai Wei's father has already been sentenced.

Fourteen years later, the sentence was actually reduced. Although Bai Wei left afterwards, Jiang Feng still thought of many ways.

"Auntie will come back too? Will Xiaobai come?"

Bai Wei said: "Yeah."

Gu Xiang said: "Then I will let someone vacate the house on the Gold Coast, and you can live in when you come back."

Their family.

The Bai family's houses are all put up for auction.

You can't stay in the hotel after you come back, you can always find a place to stay.

Living in a hotel, Bai Wei is an entertainer after all, and will be noticed, and children may also be photographed.

But having a home makes it easier.

Bai Wei said: "It's convenient to have a friend."

"You fart to me."

Gu Xiang glared at him, looked at the magazine, and stopped talking.

Not long after, Bai Wei's agent came over.

Her agent is a man, but the kind of person is pretty good, and it is also very good to Bai Wei.

After he came in, he told Bai Wei about the launch of the new drama.

"The start of this show may be delayed."

Bai Wei asked: "Why?"

"Something went wrong with the heroine." The agent said: "It is said that the drama party requested a temporary change of the heroine."

Bai Wei said: "Isn't the previous person settled?"

"Yeah, I've been robbed again now." The agent said: "That Meng Yan is really disgusting! It's great to have an older brother, and I want to grab it when I see a good script."

Hearing Meng Yan, Gu Xiang raised his eyebrows.

After Meng Yan entered the entertainment industry, Gu Xiang originally thought she would give up soon, but she didn't expect her to mix well in the past two years.

At least the resources are good, one heroine after another.

There was speculation about her background on the Internet, and some people later speculated that her brother was Meng Yuanzhou, and everyone didn't say anything.

Of course, some black fans even scolded Meng Yuanzhou.

Said that he was not a fortress personally entering the entertainment circle, wasting resources.

(End of this chapter)

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