Third Master Jiang’s Absolute Darling

Chapter 904: Jiang Chi's birthday is coming

Chapter 904 Jiang Chi's birthday is coming soon

In the bedroom, Gu Xiang was lying on the bed, feeling the man beside him turned over and put his hands on his stomach.

Because it was late at night, the voice was very lazy, "Daughter-in-law."

Gu Xiang said, "Why haven't you fallen asleep yet?"

"Did you have any opinion on me lately?" Jiang Chi was full of suspicion.

Gu Xiang said, "No, why do you ask?"

"Then why do you keep ignoring me?"

Gu Xiang smiled and shook his waist, "When did I ignore you?"

"You will not touch me."

"Isn't this because I watch you work hard every day?" Gu Xiang said, "So I want to give you more time to rest. And I haven't kept you touched, right? It's not a few days."

"It's the ninth day." Jiang Chi remembered every day clearly.

Gu Xiang smiled, "Is it necessary to count so clearly?"

Jiang Chi said: "The main reason is that I have been thinking, is it because I am too busy at work, and you have opinions on me, so I deliberately quarreled with me?"

When he went to work during the day, he took the time to look at the strategy, saying that women are always angry so that you don't let you notice, the kind that you want to notice yourself.

Because of this, Jiang Chi became more worried as he thought about it.

Don't let your wife get angry, he doesn't know when she dumps herself.

Hearing Jiang Chi's words, Gu Xiang felt very interesting, "How can I be so bored? When did I get upset and buried you? Aren't they all straightforward?"

Jiang Chi said, "But we haven't quarreled for a long time."

Especially since marriage till now...

Listening to what he said, Gu Xiang raised his mouth, "Why, are you looking forward to quarreling with me?"

"As long as you are happy, I am willing to fight."

Gu Xiang turned his head and kissed him on the cheek, "Don't think about it, go to bed."

Jiang Chi lay beside her, putting his hand on her unconsciously, Gu Xiang held his hand, "I'm sleepy."

Jiang Chi hugged her without saying a word, still a little confused.

Gu Xiang said, "Isn't your birthday coming soon? I'm just thinking about how to celebrate your birthday. My parents have something to do recently and can't come over. I heard that my eldest brother is very busy at work. The only people who can come are the second brother and Nini. This is also the first time that I accompany you on your birthday, of course you have to be cautious."

"That's it." Hearing Gu Xiang's explanation, Jiang Chi felt a little more relieved. "Then what are you going to do?"

"Give you a gift." Gu Xiang looked at Jiang Chi and said, "You should like it."

"Okay." Jiang Chi lowered his head and gave her a kiss. "I will definitely like the gift from my wife. Go to sleep!"

The doubts in his heart were answered, and he also relaxed a little, as long as he was not angry with her.


In the morning, Gu Xiang got up late and Jiang Chi didn't bother her. He got up first and saw that Meng Yuanzhou had gotten up and was feeding Gu Nuannuan by the side.

Jiang Chi walked to the bar, poured himself a glass of water, and asked Meng Yuanzhou, "Did you sleep well last night?"

Meng Yuanzhou responded, "Yes."

Jiang Chi said: "Gu Xiang hasn't woken up yet, it may be that it has been cold recently, and she got up late. So wait a minute, and the aunt will come after a while."

Jiang Chi can't cook, neither can Meng Yuanzhou, so the two men can only wait for their aunts to come over and make breakfast.

Meng Yuanzhou looked at Jiang Chi and felt a little surprised when he listened to him.

How do you look at Jiang Chi? I don't seem to know that Gu Xiang is pregnant?


He didn't pierce the window paper either.

(End of this chapter)

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