Third Master Jiang’s Absolute Darling

Chapter 891: She is not worthy

Chapter 891 She is not worthy

When Mother Jiang walked out, she happened to see Bai Wei standing there, being discussed by the women. She stood aside and dared not say anything.

Mother Jiang said to Old Du: "Go and ask her to come and see me."

Bai Wei has been with Jiang Feng during this period, and Jiang's mother has never looked for Bai Wei.

But now they are all together, there is always a meeting.


Bai Wei was stunned for a while, and saw Lao Du coming over, "Madam is looking for you for something."

Bai Wei listened to Lao Du and followed Lao Du to see Mama Jiang.

In fact, she had a hunch that Jiang's mother would come to her.

She was very surprised if she dragged it to early now.

When she walked in, she saw Mother Jiang sitting on the sofa.

The legs are folded, very elegant.

Bai Wei took the initiative to speak, "Auntie."

Mother Jiang raised her eyes and glanced at her, and said calmly, "Sit down."

Bai Wei sat down.

Feeling Jiang's gaze, she glanced at her belly and asked, "How is the child?"

It's like grandma is caring about her grandson.

Bai Wei lowered her head, because of the current situation at home, in front of Mama Jiang, she always felt like she couldn't raise her head.

She said: "I went to the hospital two days ago and I am very healthy."

Mother Jiang looked at Bai Wei and said, "You are a very smart woman."

Bai Wei looked at her in surprise. Is this complimenting her?

Mother Jiang said: "In order to hang Jiang Feng and directly pregnant with his child, I have to admit that you are very courageous."

This sentence was very polite, but Bai Wei still read the humiliation from it.

Mother Jiang said: "But... in this world, some things may not be as simple as you think. Jiang Feng will not interfere with your family's affairs."

Bai Wei bit her lip, and she said, "I know. What my father did is what he should bear."

Mother Jiang looked at Bai Wei and said, "It seems that Jiang Feng has already made it clear to you. It's fine if you can understand."

Bai Wei looked at Mother Jiang's appearance high above, without making a sound.

Mother Jiang has already stood up, stopped next to Bai Wei, and glanced at Bai Wei condescendingly, "Take care of the child in your stomach...When he is born, the reward he deserves will not be less than you."

Bai Wei was stunned when she heard the word remuneration. She stood up and asked, "What does remuneration mean?"

Mother Jiang said, "Don't you just want money? Isn't it for money to be with Jiang Feng? You can't tell me, do you want to marry him with this child? How did those people discuss you just now? Yes, you can also hear clearly. A person needs to be self-aware in life, right?"

After saying this, Mother Jiang walked out the door directly.

Bai Wei stood in place, feeling qi and blood surge, and embarrassment occupied herself.

Although she knew that there was a big gap between her and her second brother, and knew that his family would not agree with her, she still held a trace of luck and thought she could be with him.

Until now, Mother Jiang’s words have nakedly exposed her little dignity...

It was obviously impossible for two people, and she didn't know what she was expecting.


After Jiang's mother went out, Jiang Feng walked in about ten minutes later.

Seeing Bai Wei sitting on the sofa alone, she asked: "Why are you here? I have been looking for you for a long time."

When she went to the bathroom, she put her mobile phone in her bag, but she kept it with Jiang Feng.

Bai Wei looked at the man who appeared in front of her, and said, "I was a little uncomfortable just now."

(Good night, remember to vote if you have a monthly pass at the end of the month, do you?)

(End of this chapter)

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