Chapter 888 Wedding

It was obviously very lively and there were many people around, but Gu Xiang found that other people seemed to be gradually disappearing. In her eyes, only this man was left.

Isn't she very happy?

Jiang Chi put her on the wedding car.

The convoy set off toward the hotel vigorously.

Gu Xiang sat aside, Jiang Chi looked at her, "What time did you get up in the morning?"

"Five o'clock." Gu Xiang said, "It's tiring to get married."

It's been a long time since she got up so early.

Jiang Chi said, "It's still early to get to the hotel. You can sleep for a while."

Gu Xiang said, "No, don't mess up your makeup and hairstyle, and you can't sleep."

The weather today is good, not very hot.

Jiang Chi sat aside, looked at Gu Xiang, and said, "It's very boring anyway, why don't we play a game."

"What game?" Gu Xiang asked.

Jiang Chi said: "One compliment each other."


Gu Xiang glanced at Jiang Chi, full of interest.

Jiang Chi said, "Our Xiangxiang is so beautiful today."

Gu Xiang glanced at the man in front of him and was sure that he didn't deliberately make excuses and wanted to praise himself?

She said, "Thank you. Husband, you have a good eye."

"..." Jiang Chi gave her a dissatisfied look, "Is it taking advantage of me?"

The driver was aside, driving the car, listening to the two of them, couldn't help but smile.

These two are so funny. He, an old man, sounded a little envious, and he couldn't help but think of funny stories when he got married.


The hotel guests have already arrived.

The motorcade stopped at the entrance of the Manor Hotel, the driver in a tuxedo opened the door, and Gu Xiang was picked up by Jiang Chi...

The bridesmaids flickered beside them, cuddling them through the door.

The Jiang family were all in the lobby, and Jiang's father and Jiang's mother were there. The two of them offered tea to the elders and received red packets before they went to the hotel lounge.

There will be a formal wedding ceremony later. Gu Xiang feels tired. She sits in a chair and the makeup artist puts on her makeup. Bai Wei opened the door and walked in, "Xiang Xiang."

Gu Xiang glanced at her in the mirror, "Weiwei."

"Little aunt." Nini leaned her head from behind Bai Wei.

The little girl was wearing a flower girl's clothes, and she also put on makeup, she was very cute.

She stood beside Bai Wei and said, "I finally saw you."

"Nini is so cute today." Gu Xiang stretched out her finger, squeezed her cheek lightly, and looked at Bai Wei. He has been too busy these days and hasn't seen her much, "How is your body?"

"Yeah." Bai Wei nodded, "Very good."

Gu Xiang stretched out his hand and touched her belly, feeling a little envious... I didn't expect that he and Jiang Chi would be together first, but Bai Wei was pregnant first.

Bai Wei looked at Gu Xiang with a gentle look, and said, "Why, envious?"

"No, I'm very envious." Recently, she has been discussing children's affairs with Jiang Chi.

At the mention of this, both of them were a little excited.

Gu Xiang even couldn't help but watch some baby stuff online.

Bai Wei said, "Then you can't hurry up."

Nini walked aside to pour herself some water.

Not long after Bai Wei arrived, Cheng Jing also came after a while, and Lin Lu was with him.

Lin Lu also came to the wedding today, after all, the friendship between the two families is here.

Came with her husband.

She walked in, stood aside, looked at Nini, and said, "Baby."

Nini walked over, "Mom."

Bai Wei stood aside, looked at the way Lin Lu and Nini were affectionate, and smiled.

(End of this chapter)

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