Third Master Jiang’s Absolute Darling

Chapter 846: Mother Jiang knows

Chapter 846 Mother Jiang knows

Jiang Chi glanced at her, "If I can be pregnant, I still use it to see your face?"

"What does it mean to look at my face?" Gu Xiang was unhappy. "How can I show you the face? Who dares to show the face of our third master?"

Jiang Chi said, "Then we will give birth to one now."

"..." Gu Xiang heard Jiang Chi's words and said: "You are deliberately agitating me by talking for a long time."

Jiang Chi lowered his head and kissed her, "Then you don't want a child? I want it. I want to have a daughter as lovely as my wife and spoil her as the happiest child in the world."

"I am the happiest child right now." Gu Xiang said, "Didn't you say that you already have a baby of me?"

Jiang Chi stared at her and said, "Yes, someone called me father before."

Gu Xiang said, "If you don't mind, I can call again, Dad."

"Shameless." Jiang Chi lowered his head and bit on the tip of her nose.

The two had a fight on the bed for a while, and Gu Xiang got up when he was hungry.


Jiang Feng is also up, Bai Wei hasn't gotten up yet. She is pregnant now and can sleep a little bit more than usual.

Jiang Feng walked out the door, went downstairs, poured himself a glass of water, and sat down aside.

After a while, I received a call from Jiang Lin.

"Big Brother." Jiang Feng answered the phone.

Jiang Lin said, "Mom told you to come back."

Jiang Feng froze for a moment. Jiang Lin made the call instead of Mother Jiang herself, and suddenly felt a bad feeling.

He finished drinking the water, looked at the aunt at home, and confessed to her, "Make Bai Wei something to eat, ask her to get up and eat something at nine o'clock, or bring her to the room. Then remember to call Ni Ni gets up for breakfast and goes to class."

The aunt nodded, "Okay."

After the explanation, Jiang Feng got out of the house and drove back to Jiang's house.


Jiang's mother and Jiang Lin are eating breakfast. Grandpa has finished eating and returned to the room.

Father Jiang went on a business trip recently and was not at home.

Jiang Feng saw his mother and eldest brother, walked over, sat down on the side, and greeted Mother Jiang, "Mom."

Mother Jiang looked at him and smiled, "Why didn't you bring Nini over?"

"Still sleeping." When Jiang Feng replied, the aunt had already brought breakfast.

While eating breakfast, Jiang Feng asked mother Jiang: "Mom is looking for me?"

Mother Jiang glanced at him, "I heard that you have been walking very close to Bai Wei recently."

Mother Jiang now thinks about it and realizes that she trusts Jiang Feng too much.

Because he kept saying nothing, she didn't let anyone ask.

Now that she heard from others, she still didn't want to believe this fact.

Jiang Feng was not surprised when his mother asked about Bai Wei.

With the abilities of the Jiang family, it was too late to hear the news at this time.

He didn't deny it either, saying: "I'm planning to tell you this. Bai Wei and I are getting married."

"..." Mother Jiang was holding the cup in her hand, and when she heard Jiang Feng's words, the movement in her hand instantly solidified.

She raised her head and looked at Jiang Feng, her voice still gentle, "Are you serious?"

Jiang Feng said, "Well. I planned to bring her over to see you in these two days. I didn't expect you to know in advance."

"Jiang Feng." Mother Jiang tried to restrain her emotions, "You told me well before, what do you mean now? You clearly said you wouldn't be with her."

If Lin Lu hadn't said it, she might have been in the dark.

(End of this chapter)

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