Third Master Jiang’s Absolute Darling

Chapter 831: I met a landslide on the way back

Chapter 831 I met a cave on the way back

Obviously he was still by his side the other day.

At this moment, there is a feeling as if I have not seen him for a long time.


Gu Xiang went to the store after eating, Bai Wei saw her and found that she looked very serious today, unlike the usual silly look, and said: "Uncomfortable?"

Gu Xiang sat on the chair and looked at Bai Wei, "No."

"Then why don't you seem unhappy?"

"I remembered the past." Gu Xiang looked at Bai Wei.

Bai Wei listened to Gu Xiang's words and said, "All?"


Bai Wei looked at her visibly different eyes, and said: "It seems that I really remembered it."

Gu Xiang sat aside and said nothing.

Bai Wei said: "Then why are you unhappy? Are you crying? Your eyes are a little swollen."

Although she has good make-up skills and a good cover-up, Bai Wei can still see her.

Gu Xiang said, "I just remembered Jiang Chi."

Thinking of those things, the first thing she thinks about is... love him.

How can she make him so good to him?

Give so much for yourself?


Bai Wei sat aside, a little afraid to speak.

In the afternoon, Gu Xiang went back early.

Jiang Chi was coming back. She wanted to prepare and made dinner herself.

She doesn't cook during this period of amnesia.

She didn't want to do it. She was not a person who likes to cook.

Auntie was a little surprised to see her take the initiative to cook today.

Gu Xiang was very calm.

Gu Xiang was cutting vegetables. Auntie was outside and suddenly walked in with her mobile phone and said, "Ma'am, did Mr. Jiang go to Pengcheng?"

Gu Xiang nodded, "Well, why do you suddenly ask this?"

The aunt picked up the phone and came over, "I was reading WeChat just now, and now the group is discussing it, saying that Pengcheng encountered a cave-in on the way back. Isn't Mr. Jiang coming back today? Will he..."

When Gu Xiang listened to the aunt's words, the hand who was cutting the vegetables shook, and the kitchen knife cut his hand. The blood came out, the aunt was shocked, and she didn't feel any pain.

The aunt hurried to get the medicine box.

Gu Xiang picked up the phone and turned over the aunt's WeChat group. As expected, everyone was discussing this issue.

"This is too miserable!"

"Is there anything wrong with the people in the car?"

"I don't know. I heard that the situation is very serious and the rescue work is not going well. People have not been rescued yet."

"This is terrible too! It's been a few hours."


The aunt brought the medicine box and saw that Gu Xiang's hand was still bleeding, but she was holding the phone and making a call.

The call was from Jiang Chi, but he didn't answer it.

Gu Xiang thought of Jiang Lin and knew that he had a good connection, so he picked up the phone and called Jiang Lin.

Jiang Lin was surprised when he received Gu Xiang's call, "Hello?"

Gu Xiang said, "Is there any news from Jiang Chi, Brother?"

Jiang Lin said: "What's wrong?"

"I saw some news in the group, and now I can't reach him."

"I asked, he is in their hospital now..."

Gu Xiang said: "Hang up first."

After she finished speaking, she put down her phone and left the kitchen.

The aunt followed her, "Madam, don't you wrap your hands?"

Gu Xiang glanced at it, pulled the paper towel, wiped it, "It's okay, I'm out, you clean up the kitchen."

Without changing the slippers he was wearing, he ran out and went to the hospital where Jiang Chi worked.

Jiang Lin was holding the cellphone and looking at the hung up phone, and he was speechless for a while. He didn't finish what he said, and she didn't finish listening.

Cheng Jing looked at Jiang Lin, "Gu Xiang's phone number?"

(End of this chapter)

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