Third Master Jiang’s Absolute Darling

Chapter 785: Meng Yan thinks her mother is too partial

Chapter 785 Meng Yan thinks her mother is too partial

The next morning, after Jiang Chi went to work, Li Jiayin called and asked about Gu Xiang.

Gu Xiang said, "I'm pretty good."

"Mom wants to come and see you." On the phone, Li Jiayin's voice was very gentle.

After all, Gu Xiang had amnesia.

This matter is no small matter to her.

She was quite worried.

Meng Yan sat aside while eating, and she was taken aback when she heard Li Jiayin talking.

Gu Xiang said: "No, I'm fine. I have things to do later."

Gu Xiang's affairs today are full.

Hearing her refusal, Li Jiayin said: "Then when you are free, my mother will come to see you again."

Li Jiayin finished speaking and hung up the phone.

Meng Yan said: "Mom, when did you call your sister, so gentle?"

"..." Li Jiayin heard Meng Yan's words, glanced at her, and said, "What's wrong? Isn't she amnesia? It's serious. I'm a little worried."

She was quite afraid that Gu Xiang would become a fool.

And... Gu Xiang, after amnesia, looks really soft and cute, like the kind that needs protection, so she has to worry about it.

Meng Yan said: "What's the use of you caring about her anymore? My sister doesn't have you at all in her heart! Only me will support you in the future."

Meng Yan has now found a job.

Li Jiayin frowned when she heard what she said, "What are you talking about? I can't care about your sister anymore? It's you, what do you run out every day? Didn't you say you got a job?"

"Yes." Meng Yan said, "Sister Mianmian introduced me to a director, and I'm going to make a movie in the future."

Hearing this, Li Jiayin couldn't help frowning, "Can you go to your brother's company and find a reliable job? What movie to make?"

"Why can't I make a movie?" Meng Yan said: "What do you do now, be a celebrity and be rich? When I become popular, I can support you for a lifetime."

She is full of hope for her future.

Li Jiayin looked at her, "Meng Yan...what's so good about being a star? The entertainment circle is so messy, and there are so many people, why is it so easy to think about it?"

"The director said that I am a high-level face, saying that I am particularly recognizable, especially easy to get angry." She was not confident before.

Now that I heard the director say, my confidence in myself was instantly gained.

It was the first time that Li Jiayin saw her own daughter and felt bored.

So lofty, not at all practical.

I've already suffered Lu Chengyuan's loss once, and I'm still not at ease.

She looked at Meng Yan and said, "It's up to you."

Meng Yan looked a little unhappy when her mother looked down on her, "Mom, what is your attitude? Have you noticed that you look at me more and more unpleasant? Yes! Are you? Do you think Gu Xiang is better than me? Isn't it because she married Jiang Chi, does she live better than me? But don't forget how Gu Xiang married Jiang Chi. That was originally my position..."

"I don't want to talk to you anymore." Li Jiayin couldn't listen anymore. "Just do what you want! It's your business that you love to be a big star. I don't want to care about your affairs in the future."

She is really mad at her!


In the evening, the aunt who used to follow from Jiangzhou brought some food to Gu Xiang from home and took a look at Gu Xiang by the way.

Tell Gu Xiang about the recent family affairs.

"Madam and Meng Yan are getting worse and worse recently! Meng Yan wants to be a star in the entertainment industry. Madam thinks she is unreliable..."

(End of this chapter)

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