Chapter 632 He gave up

Bai Wei caught her, "What are you going for? If I remember correctly, you haven't divorced yet? Wouldn't it be too much to be with another woman without divorce?"

The latter sentence was addressed to Jiang Chi.

Jiang Chi stood there, looking at Gu Xiang, without making a sound.

Gu Xiang said to Bai Wei, "Let's go."

"Gu Xiang." Bai Wei said, "They deceive people so much. You can bear it, but I can't bear it."

"Forget it, I will ignore you."

Gu Xiang ignored her, let go of her hand, and walked away directly.

Jiang Chi looked at her back and wanted to follow her, but he resisted.


Bai Wei glanced at Jiang Chi and said, "You come with me."

The girl stood beside Jiang Chi, looking at Bai Wei with some caution, "Who is this?"

"You go first." Jiang Chi said to the girl.

The girl pouted and walked away.

Just as she walked away, Bai Wei raised her hand and hit Jiang Chi's face.

This scene stunned the people next to him.

Everyone was surprised to see this.

Bai Wei looked at Jiang Chi and said, "I have helped you so much before. I really misunderstood you now! Jiang Chi, I didn't expect you to be such a person. How could you treat her like this? How could you? You Do you know how stupid she looked when she told me that she liked you. Do you know that you are the first person she likes... Do you know that when you were in Ningcheng, she did it for you? I was wronged by the people in your family. I thought you would do something. Even if you get divorced, there is nothing you can do. But I didn’t expect you to have someone else around you before you get divorced. Jiang Chi, you really are a scumbag !"

Jiang Chi looked at Bai Wei and said nothing.

The girl who was with him just saw Bai Wei here, came over, and said to Bai Wei, "Who are you? Why are you bullying my boyfriend."

Bai Wei listened to the words of her boyfriend, looked at Jiang Chi who was indifferent, and walked away directly.


Bai Wei did not go home tonight, and followed Gu Xiang back to the Gold Coast. She has been crying since entering the door.

Most of the paper towels are used up.

Gu Xiang sat aside, looking at Bai Wei, "What are you crying for?"

Although she was a little bit sad when she saw that scene, but then she held back and did not cry.

Bai Wei raised her head, looked at Gu Xiang, and said, "I think I am sorry for you. I used to support you so much to stay with him... I was really blind at the time! It's all because of me. I’ve always been inaccurate, every time I was fooled by a scumbag, even if I cheat myself, even you. I didn’t expect him to do such a thing when he looked so well."

Gu Xiang sat aside, looking at Bai Wei, thinking of the girl who was with him at the time, thinking of the way he came to beg himself the other day.

He said that our marriage is still a baby, so we need care...

but now……

He gave up.

In fact, after the divorce, it would have been like this.

There will be other people around him, but now it's just a little bit ahead, and he has found someone else before going through the formalities.

She had already prepared it in her heart.

I had already thought about divorcing her.

Gu Xiang stretched out his hand and patted Bai Wei on the shoulder, "Why are you crying? Actually, this is also good, at least he won't come to pester me again."

"But he was really too much." Bai Wei said: "This matter is obviously a problem with their family. Even if their family does that, it's the same for him."

Gu Xiang watched Bai Wei cried with his nose and tears, and said softly, "I'm really fine. Even if there is no today's affairs, I and him will be divorced. Now this is fine."

(End of this chapter)

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