Third Master Jiang’s Absolute Darling

Chapter 606: Brother's phone

Chapter 606 Second Brother's Phone

Jiang Chi said, "Especially knowing the wrongs you have suffered, and knowing that you are in Ningcheng, I am really worried. Now that you are back, I want to be with you and stay with you."

Gu Xiang looked at Jiang Chi in front of him without saying a word.

She also experienced those things Jiang Chi experienced.

She actually understood Jiang Chi's feelings very much.

In that desperate situation, I really want to see the person I love.


At this moment, listening to Jiang Chi's words, she couldn't say anything, just as the audience, listening quietly.

After a while, Jiang Chi's cell phone rang. He just let go of Gu Xiang and picked up the phone to answer the call.

The call was from the second brother. Jiang Chi pressed the call button and said, "Second brother."

Jiang Feng said: "You haven't got off work yet? I came to Xiaolong Bay and found that you were not there."

Jiang Chi said, "There's something wrong, I won't be back recently, you don't have to worry about me."

"What's the matter? Work?" Jiang Feng said, "Gu Xiang is back, did you go to Gu Xiang? You go find her quickly! Mom went to find her today, but Gu Xiang didn't want to come back. You This daughter-in-law doesn’t rush to coax her, she is probably going to get a divorce."

Gu Xiang was very close to Jiang Chi, and he heard Jiang Feng's words clearly.

Jiang Chi glanced at Gu Xiang, nonsense, when the second brother remembered, the day lily was cold, okay?

Knowing that Gu Xiang was back last night, Jiang Feng told Jiang Chi the first time.

He didn't even know, but Jiang knew that Gu Xiang was back sooner or later.

After listening to the second brother, Jiang Chi just responded, "Yes."

Jiang Feng was speechless as soon as he heard his unhurried and unhurried attitude. He now seriously suspects that Jiang Chi has really changed his mind. This attitude is also too cold, "You are a p! You have been waiting for her to come back before. What do you mean now? The emperor doesn't rush the eunuch, right? Where are you, come back quickly, I will take you to Meng Yuanzhou to find Gu Xiang, she must be with her brother."

Gu Xiang sat aside, listening to Jiang Feng's words, couldn't help laughing.

Jiang Feng's ears were erected over there. Although the voice was not loud, he still heard, "Who are you with?"

"No one." Jiang Chi didn't want his family to interfere with him and Gu Xiang now.

Jiang Feng said, "You stayed with other women before getting divorced? Jiang Chi, you make me feel so sad! Second brother didn't expect you to be this kind of man. Gu Xiang treats you so nicely, people still run away Ning Cheng will go to see you... I tell you, you divorced her and you must regret your death."

Before Jiang Feng finished speaking, Jiang Chi had hung up the phone.

Jiang Feng stood by the floor-to-ceiling window in the Xiaolongwan living room, looking at the phone, speechless for a while, he dared to call me!

Gu Xiang looked at Jiang Chi and said, "Are you doing this well?"

Jiang Chi said: "He is too noisy."

Gu Xiang said: "Second brother is very good, you will treat him better in the future."

Jiang Chi listened to Gu Xiang and looked at Gu Xiang, "As long as you stay by my side, I will treat him well."

"What do you mean? It's really unreasonable." Gu Xiang gave him a white glance.

At this moment, Gu Xiang's cell phone rang, and Jiang Feng called.

Gu Xiang looked at the call, thinking that Jiang Feng was a bit pitiful, but he answered it.


Jiang Feng said: "Gu Xiang, it's me. I heard you have come back! Where is the person? I want to bring Nini over to see you. Don't you know, Nini thinks about it every day when you are away. you."

Although Jiang Chi's stinky brother was not reliable, Jiang Feng still cared about Gu Xiang.

No matter what, I still want to see Gu Xiang first before rest assured.

(End of this chapter)

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