Third Master Jiang’s Absolute Darling

Chapter 602: Mother Jiang came to Gu Xiang

Chapter 602 Mother Jiang came to Gu Xiang

"What Jiang Lin said, he saw Gu Xiang today." Since Jiang Lin said it back, it must be back. Cheng Jing said: "But after she came back, she didn't contact us. It is probably difficult to get her back."

If Gu Xiang still wants to be with Jiang Chi, he will definitely contact everyone after he returns.

However, until now, she has not revealed any wind.

With Gu Xiang's personality, it seems not so easy to coax her back.

Mother Jiang said, "It's fine when she comes back, and it's fine as long as there is nothing wrong."

Recently, some messy news spread out, Jiang's mother was worried to death.

Now Gu Xiang is safe and relieved.


In the morning, Gu Xiang got up late and arrived at the store almost ten o'clock.

She moved to a new home and enjoyed her life in the new home. She got up in the morning and cleaned up before she came out.

As soon as she reached the door, someone stopped her, "Gu Xiang."

Gu Xiang turned his head and saw Mama Jiang standing behind him.

Mother Jiang was wearing a cheongsam with a white coat outside, looking dignified and noble.

Gu Xiang almost called his mother, and stopped when he reached his lips.

She hadn't called Jiang's mother by another name before, and she didn't know how to change her name for the time being, but since she planned to separate from Jiang Chi, she couldn't call her mother anymore.

She said: "Why are you here?"

There is nothing impolite to Jiang's mother.

Gu Xiang couldn't tell the Jiang family any resentment, he just felt that the place did not belong to him.

They look down on her, and she cannot force others to like her.

Mother Jiang looked at Gu Xiang's appearance when she saw herself, and said, "You still blame me?"

After hearing her words, Gu Xiang's eyes were very calm, "Nothing."

Mother Jiang said: "Why don't you go home when you come back? I heard your second brother say that you ran to Ningcheng, you are really brave. I have sent you so many messages, and you won't reply."

Gu Xiang said: "Sorry, I worry about you. I'm fine."

Although Gu Xiang's attitude was very polite, Jiang's mother could see that she was no longer the same as before, and she looked very affectionate.

In the past, Gu Xiang really liked Mother Jiang.

Because she thinks that Jiang's mother is very kind to her. Although she usually speaks a little bit coldly, she is very concerned about her and does not let others bully her. She treats her much better than Li Jiayin's mother.

So she really treats Mother Jiang as her own mother.

Later, after learning about it, I found myself a little too worthy of myself.

The Jiang family treats her well, but they all look at Jiang Chi's face, so they dare not take themselves too seriously.

Mother Jiang said to Gu Xiang: "I told Jiang Lin last night that you were back, so I came to see you today. Now that I'm back, let's go home and have a look! It happened to be back with Jiang Chi."

Gu Xiang was silent for a while listening to Mother Jiang's words.

Mother Jiang continued: "We are all a family. Because of Jiang Chi's affairs, Mom did say something bad, but that was really too worried about Jiang Chi. When you and Jiang Chi have children, you You will understand my heart as a mother."

When Gu Xiang heard this, he smiled and said, "Maybe you will be disappointed. I have already planned to separate from Jiang Chi, so I won’t have any children with him. I have already talked with Jiang Chi, he I also agreed, and we will get divorced after a while."

Hearing the word divorce, Jiang's mother looked at Gu Xiang in disbelief, "Why divorce?"

(End of this chapter)

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