Things from Another World

Chapter 994: Strong entry

Tang En began to suffer again.

This is one of the bad problems he brought from the earth, always thinking that women need protection.

There is a saying that if you want to care, you will be messy. Many men in love will commit this kind of problem, because they care about each other too much, so they want to protect each other everywhere.

And actually?

Aegwynn is a legendary hero with a long history!

Looking at her strength, the entire Prandall is also top-level, and few people are better than her!

If even she would be in danger, let alone others.

This attitude of Tang En made Aegwin feel very strange. He said he was uncomfortable and seemed quite fresh. This was the first time that someone was so worried about her safety, but she should be obedient to hide beside Tang En to accept his protection. ?

Sorry, she can't.

She was never a weak woman who needed to be protected in her arms. Instead, she was capable of protecting others.

"Tang En, we are very strong. It is because we are strong that we need to shoulder more responsibilities."

Aegwynn pointed to the smoky city of Lothermar and said, "Did you see it? The war here is for you, these soldiers are fighting for you, do you have the heart to watch them die here? Chaos minions are Our common goal is that we should solve them with the highest efficiency, and we act separately to make the best choice. "

Aegwynn's voice had just fallen, and he stabbed a sword gas, piercing a fallen apocalyptic not far away.

"You're right, I was wrong!"

Seeing Aegwin frowning, Tang En suddenly panicked and said a little at a loss: "Let's break up."

"That's right."

Aegwynn raised his eyebrows, raised Longgang's sword, and said, "Notify me immediately if something happens."

After speaking, she rushed directly to the west of Lotheramar, where the fighting was fierce at the moment.

After Tang En watched Aigwin leave, rubbing his nose with a wry smile, then turned to Elsa next to him and said, "... Elsa, you can move freely, now you can stand alone, pay attention Safety."


Elsa pursed her lips and turned to fly north.

I was still concerned about Aegwin just now. I felt that she was in danger of trying to protect her. She was weaker than Aegwin. In a blink of an eye, she became a person who could stand alone?

This difference is too obvious!

She doesn't want to protect, but I want it!

The girl's heart was full of depression, but she didn't want to express it. She simply poured all the depression into the chaotic believers.

Instead of becoming a dragon, Elsa wore the previous armor, plucked the chain saw sword that Tang En built for her, and rushed directly into the battlefield to kill the Quartet.

The powerful power that the dragon's bloodline brought her made her like an indestructible humanoid chariot wherever she went-no exaggeration to say-but after Elsa awakened the bloodline, her power became significantly more terrible. Now, with one punch, you can easily blast a house. With her power, the chainsaw sword becomes an extremely scary weapon. The rapidly rotating sawtooth can easily tear the flesh and bones. She rushes to the chaos believer. The previous one swept past, and you can see the sky fluttering, often killing two or three chaotic believers with one sword.

Some Templars didn't know Elsa, and were stunned when she saw her power.

"This girl is amazing! Who is she !?"

The Templars who returned to God immediately gave Elsa a bright blessing, making her even stronger and stronger.

"It's the older sister's head!"

"Sister's head? She !?"

The gods are on! What do you think she's just a 16 or 7 year old girl!

"Yerbilny is up! The strength of the older sister's head has grown again!"

"This is not good news, we will have to suffer again next time!"

The commando in the rear saw Elsa so imposing, cheering and cheering for a while, and frowning for a while, this contradictory performance of the ice and fire made the Templars even more puzzled.

"poor guy."

Elsa split the chaotic believer in front of him in half.

But she was also surrounded by Chaos believers. After kicking the flying corpse, she twisted her waist, and the roaring chainsaw sword swept across the circle. The surrounding half of the crazy Chaos believer fell directly to the ground, and all her internal organs Flowing out, the gushing blood turned into a stream.

Elsa's eyes were drooping, and her eyes were slightly red: "Sad fate ..."

An invisible aura formed around Elsa quickly, a long hair flying wildly, waiting for the height of the chain saw sword to rotate faster under the infusion of power, the sawtooth has been completely connected into a white light. .

"Let me give you rest!"

Elsa dragged the chainsaw sword and rushed forward, her steps were savage and swift, without rules, but she was able to find the right path in the dense attack.

A burst of chaotic light **** exploded beside her, and chaos rays passed by without hurting her.

"For Your Majesty! Please die!"

The road in front was suddenly blasted and a huge rock was set off. Elsa stepped on it and jumped high into the air. The flying long hair blocked the sun, and the chain saw sword raised high was glowing with red light-- Like Valkyrie came to the world! The commandos in the back are stunned!


Elsa landed like a meteor, the chainsaw sword was cut forward, the whistling sword gas spurted out, tearing a 100-meter-long gully, and the chaotic believers at the landing site were all shaken by Yu Wei on the spot. The chaos believer in front of Jianqi failed to even leave the corpse, and it became completely dust.

"Well! Sister is invincible!"

"Big Sister is awesome!"

"Big sister does a pretty job!"

Elsa, who was immersed in the sadness of the killing, heard the cries of the people behind her, and immediately blushed, stomped, and angrily said: "What a blind name!"


She walked casually, and the house next to it was directly knocked down.


A group of people suddenly snored.

"Less nonsense!"

Elsa pulled out the chainsaw sword and pointed forward: "Follow me!"


The camera returns to Down.

"Elsa went north, with Aegwynn to the west, and east and south ..."

Tang En murmured to himself, suddenly burst into the sky, returned to the city of silver, and shouted at Angus: "The situation is tight, come down to help!"


Angus stunned: "Let me go?"

"Jean wants to stay in the Silver City. When Sasaglotte doesn't appear before the game, Serna reacts negatively and hasn't arrived every night. Who are you not going to? Or you go to get sharp teeth or Ebern Are they calling? "

Tang En said impatiently: "The nails in Nancheng District have been given to you. I will be in charge of Dongcheng District. I will clean up the surrounding chaotic believers as soon as possible, and lead the team to the central urban area. After chasing the chaotic believers there, we will directly cut off the grass!"

"But I haven't done it in a long time ..."

Due to chaotic creatures, spells can no longer be used in combat. Although the promotion of legends and professional boundaries have long disappeared, Angus is still more accustomed to the combat habits of the caster.

Unfortunately, Tang En didn't listen to him at all, and immediately swooped down to Dongcheng District.

"This guy really makes people call ..."

Angus took out his wand with an anguish, walked to the edge of the Silver City and sighed at the city below, sighing and wondering what to do.

"Come on, you!"

Jean next to him kicked Angus down.

"——Jean, I **** you!"

Angus dragged a long tail and disappeared into the sight of everyone.

Facing the others' uncertain eyes, Jean shrugged. "I just want to help him."


Angus slammed heavily on the ground. The shock wave destroyed buildings within a range of more than ten meters. The nearby chaotic believers were also knocked over by people who were hit.

"That's ... Master Angus !?"

The 021 commando, who was suppressing Chaos believers in the distance, suddenly saw Angus and breathed a sigh of relief: "Great! With the support of Master Angus, our pressure will be much less!"

Angus took off his mage's robe and wrapped it around his waist. The shirtless man gently stroked his staff, and flames and frosty cold air appeared from both ends of the staff—enchanted flame weapon and enchanted ice weapon.

"Cover Master Angus! Bless him quickly!"

"Blessing of Light!"


"Da da da--"

Under the cover of the 021 commando, Angus put his staff to the side and began to shoot himself BUFF.


The elegance of the wind.

Physical damage suppression.

Spell damage suppression.

Storm shield.

Mage armor.

Dragon scale skin ...

After a series of gain spells were shot on the body, Angus's entire body became larger, and the body was shining with various elements, like the majesty of heaven.

"Well! Let's die!"

Angus picked up the staff and rushed straight up, facing the chaos believer's head in front of him!


The chaos believer had a burst of chaos before he was smashed into a sauce by Angus.

The other Chaos believers surrounded him without fear, Angus waved his backhand, the ghost blade flickered, and the sharp Arcane blade cut all the chaos believers rushed into fine pieces of meat.

The splash of blood was blocked by the armor of the storm, but the unpleasant smell of blood was unstoppable. Angus' face was quite ugly: "So I hate melee, there is no elegance at all!-Do you understand? You know what it means to fight! "

Pick, point, hit, bump, knock, roll ...

A legendary staff was flaunted in his hands, and the airtight defensive net made those chaotic believers unable to approach him at all, and the sharp stick method beat the chaotic believers completely without a fight, and appeared intermittently. Melee spells are more like ghosts in the dark. Once they appear, they must harvest a **** storm.


A hurricane suddenly emerged from Angus's staff. A dense wind blade was formed in the compressed spherical hurricane. The staff stabbed through the enemy's body with a sharp whistling sound, followed closely by the hurricane. Exploding directly, the dense wind blade shreds all the chaotic believers within ten meters ahead.

"whispering sound……"

Angus pulled a stick: "I haven't been active for too long, my bones are a bit stiff, and my stick is almost forgotten."

"... is this how the legendary mage fights?"

The 021 team behind is completely dumbfounded.

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