Things from Another World

Chapter 947: Artificial new energy?

Down was asked by Angus.

The supply of magic is a big problem.

Even if it is powered by the essence of magic, the miniaturized magic crystal cannon cannot be fired several times. Although the consumption of the chain saw sword, electromagnetic cannon, and assault rifle is small, considering the huge volume and the consumption of continuous combat, it is integrated The demand for magic is also amazing.

Although the source of magic power can provide a steady stream of magic power, the cost of building a source of magic power is too high, it is impossible to implant a source of magic power into each golden giant statue.

What's more, the magic of the source of magic may need to be absorbed and transformed before it can be used.

The ubiquitous magic is owned by Plantar, the clean energy not found on earth.

This seems to be the basic law of the universe-after all, magic is also widespread in the astral world.

However, even if magic is omnipresent, wanting to use magic efficiently is also a difficult problem.

There are indeed many advantages to magic, such as its widespread existence, continuous flow, clean and pollution-free, and wide range of uses, but it also has an unavoidable disadvantage-it is too scattered.

Yes, magic power is indeed widespread, but magic power itself is a very thin power. The magician itself is like a refining machine that absorbs magic power from the world into its own body. After extraction and refining, the concentration is high. Release it in a highly efficient way, so as to realize the efficient use of magic.

But the Golden Giant is just a man-made construct. To put it plainly, it is a robot. How does a robot simulate the process of a magician absorbing magic and refining it?

Can't do it!

Unless it is directly powered by high-concentration magic crystals that exist in nature-that is, magic crystals.

But it ’s like driving a Gundam with a lead-acid battery. The power is too high to drive it.

The magic essence is the highest magic reserve in nature. If the magic essence cannot satisfy the consumption, the magician can only be put into battle directly.

Take a look at the cannon armor in front of you, it is indeed amazing, but who can use this weapon besides the Dragons?

No second race is available.

Tang En, who had been silent for a long time, slowly raised his head, and suddenly asked a strange question: "Angus, do you know how the magic crystal is formed?"

Angus stunned: "Why do you ask this? Gene and I have both studied it, but the exact reason for the formation is still unclear ... Gene speculates that it should be a magic deposition environment, and magic erosion under special conditions. Or agglomerates adhere to the mineral, and gradually formed over a long period of time. "

Tang En nodded, and then suddenly asked: "If, I mean, if we can create something with magic reserves far beyond the essence of magic under artificial conditions, can we solve this problem?"

Angus was taken aback: "This is simply whimsical! How could it be done !?"

"Why not?"

Tang En's weird expression: "Capable magicians usually use emeralds to infuse magic and make magic gems for spare (see Chapter 119). For more powerful ones, they can directly condense magic to form mana gems. Use the magic to release the spells. Since we can make artificial magic gems, we can naturally make things with higher magic content. "

Down thought of the artificially synthesized metal hydrogen on Earth.

Under ultra-high pressure, liquid hydrogen is compressed into metal hydrogen, which has a very small volume, but can release very huge energy.

The same reason, if you can figure out the reason for the formation of the magic veins and magic crystals, and then analyze the forming reasons of the higher-level magic essence in depth, determine whether there is some causal relationship between the two, and then use artificial means to create a further step. Can the molding conditions (such as the high temperature and high pressure methods commonly used to make new materials on the earth) be able to artificially produce more powerful energy materials?

Although it is likely that Tang En's whimsical, but this way it is possible to find a better energy alternative to the essence of magic to drive the gold idol.


Angus was speechless. What Tang En said was whimsical. How could it be possible to do that with human power?

Looking at his expression, he was clearly and seriously considering the feasibility.

After thinking about it for a moment, Angus resolutely nodded and nodded: "Go back and Jean and study it and try it out. I'm also curious if I can do that. If it can be done, we will no doubt Open up a new era. "

Open up a new era?

The new era has already arrived ...

After collecting all the artillery armor, Tang En was about to leave, and Angus handed him a space ring.

"this is?"

Angus grinned, and said, "Armor for Elsa."

Other dragons may not always stand firmly on Tang En's side, but Elsa is definitely a loyal supporter of Tang En. How can a good thing like the magic artillery armor be missing Elsa?

Angus they made armor with psychedelic gold not only to enhance their defense ability, but also to pull out some Oriha steel to create a pair of dragon-shaped armor for Elsa.

Her magic cannon armor covers a larger area and has a stronger defense ability. More importantly, after wearing this thing, she does not need to wear any skirts in the dragon form ...

Then Tang En, Sasha Glott, and Illuli went directly to Long Island through the teleportation array.

In the temple of order, Hobmavis hummed and sang while bathing in the holy spring, listening only to the wind coming from behind his head. Hobmavis, who was slightly fatter, avoided it at an incredible speed. A surprise attack by Sasaglotte.

"Huh! Why don't I steal my reserve grain!"

what! ? The reason you are doing this is because of this! ?

Dunn was stunned, thinking he had taboos when Hobmavis was bathing here.

"Ah, it's a waste to put it anyway. I think you have confiscated it. I thought you let us eat it casually."

Hobmavis twisted the farts and strands, dried the water on the scales, and watched the shiny blue scales narcissistically for a while: "Speaking of which, you are not going to Ellington for a holiday Are you here? Why are you back so soon? I thought you would stay there for decades. "

Vacation for decades! ?

Damn ... Long live this **** concept of time!

"Less nonsense."

Sasha Glotter shouted eagerly: "Hurry up Guro, Nal, Zovi, they are coming! It is time for us to show our strength!"

Hobmavis stunned, and suddenly his eyes lit up: "Is the magic artillery armor ready?"


Sasha Glotter smiled proudly: "Call them over and see the boss I took them to blast the chaos into dregs!"

Hobmavis rose into the air immediately, howling and rushed out.

Without a moment's effort, a deafening dragon roar suddenly sounded over Long Island. Tang En looked up, and several dragons flew from a distance.

Sasha Glott smiled slightly and said, "Gulukamanda, Nal Haksha, Zoviventis. They were the first dragons on Dragon Island and the most powerful fighters of the dragon legion. I called out the eight of them with the strongest fighting power. In addition to me and the dragon, ten of us equipped with magic artillery armor and launched an attack together will definitely be able to bombard the three chaotic creatures without even slag! "

Sasha Glott's self-confidence is certainly not groundless. In addition, the strength of the eight early-generation dragons is almost the same as him, and it is conceivable how scary it is.

Eight heads ... No, it was the nine-headed dragon that landed in the Temple of Order with a strong airflow. Tang En looked at the dragon in a tattered skirt with a confused look, his mouth twitching: "Ai , Elsa? "

"Brother? Don't look, it's too embarrassing ..."

The gray-faced Elsa blinked, her head was covered with wings, and she was obviously ashamed to see Tang En at this moment.

"What a shy thing!"

On the other black dragon, Nal Haksha took a bad shot of Elsa: "Lift your head like a real warrior!"

"Yes, it is……"

Elsa stood upright subconsciously, her head raised high, and even in the form of a dragon, Tang En could obviously feel Elsa's nervousness.


Sasha Glott said to Down: "Considering Elwy's bloodline issues, let Nal teach her to master her powers. Rest assured, Nal has also taught her parents before and is a very qualified teacher."


Tang En is quite skeptical about this-shouldn't the dragon use the same education method as the eagle to educate the young eagle?

"No more nonsense!"

Sasha Glott transformed, restored the dragon form, and said with a smirk: "Today, our human friends have brought us good things. Remember the Oriha steel we made a while ago? They have all become magic Artillery! It's time for us to fight back! "

"Well !!!"

"Magic cannon armor?"

"Is that the thing that His Majesty the Dragon King played last time?"

"Great! I can't wait to burn those dregs to ashes!"

Tang En was no longer hiding, and took out all ten sets of magic artillery armor, lined up in the Temple of Order.

Looking at the glittering magic artillery armor, the first generation of dragons were boiling. As long as this stuff is passed, they can directly **** their mothers without hands and feet!

"Damn chaotic creatures, we must completely solve them this time!"

Narhaksa roared skyward: "Their end is here!"

"Don't be blind!"

Sasha Glott slammed in the head: "Fastly equip the magic artillery armor to adapt to the new combat method!"

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