Things from Another World

Chapter 914: You are here to demolish the station! ?

Jinlong's wailing sounded through the sky, and the surrounding dragon army returned to God, all of them were furious!

"Damn monster!"

"Quickly help the Queen!"

Several dragons quickly flew towards the falling golden dragon, trying to catch her.

Another group of dragons roared in unison: "Don't touch the dragon! It will be eroded by chaos!"

The dragon that rushed to it subconsciously paused, and the struggling dragon fell faster!


At this moment, just listening to an angry roar, a dazzling golden streamer instantly crossed a distance of several kilometers, the huge golden dragon body appeared below the dragon's back, and he carried the falling dragon's head unconsciously!

Immediately following the golden dragon, that is, Sasaglotte turned around quickly, and opened his mouth to spray Long Yan—

"Don't attack! You can't attack!"



Sasha Glott, who was controlled by the anger, calmed down, and finally released Long Yan into the sky. The terrible Long Yan burned through the sky and even broke the space along the way. The twisted starry sky appeared in Behind the broken space, we can see how angry Sasha Glotter was.

But the danger has not disappeared.

The chaotic pollution on the Queen of Queen Anne's body is spreading rapidly, and her vitality is constantly weakening. The vitality consumed is all used to neutralize the chaotic power that invades the body.

Eniglota shouted in pain: "Let me go! It will hurt you!"

"Shut up! Why are you distracted on the battlefield! Fortunately, there is hope this time, we can't die!"

Sasha Glott scolded her, and endured the pain of chaos erosion, carried Eniglotta off the battlefield, flew back to Down, and put Eniglotta on the ground with the pain of her body: " Your Excellency Tang En! Let us take care of you! "

I don't know if it is because of the kindness of Tang En or because of his hope for the power of the void, Sasha Glott trusts Tang En very much.

In just a few ten seconds, the power of chaos has spread from Eniglota to Sasha Glott, and is spreading at a rapid rate, corrupting their bodies.

"Leave it to me-it's spreading so fast !?"

Tang En's heart fell into a whistle, but he only said a word of effort, and the power of chaos spread even more. Eniglotta's body was centered on the point hit, and the smaller half of her body had become The weird black-gray exudes an unknown dark mist, as did Sashaglot, who had been in brief contact with her, and the corrupted area quickly spread from the point of contact.

This thing is much more terrible than cancer cells!

The terrified Tang En immediately drove the power of the void, and the gusting fire of the void penetrated Sasha Glott and Eniglotta's bodies through his two claws.

After the legendary mage who has mastered the incarnation of the dragon becomes a dragon, the spiritual power, magic pool, and casting ability will all increase by leaps and bounds, so he can release more powerful spells, but because the human form of Tang En is already the strongest state So, even if it becomes a dragon, the strength will not increase too much-the only difference is that the size is larger, the hand is longer, and it is more convenient to face the enemy with a large size.

Perhaps the visual impact can also be regarded as an enhancement.

All in all, the power of the void he can use as an incarnation dragon is still not much different from before, but fortunately, the fire of the void does not rely on quantity but quality to purify chaos.

The seemingly inconspicuous fire of the void was attached to the bodies of the two dragons. After encountering the power of chaos, it slammed fiercely like a **** shark, and then began to devour the chaos frantically. Strength, and constantly strengthen ourselves!

From the beginning, the fire of the void was only a small point, but it was like a natural enemy, completely suppressing the power of chaos that occupied the absolute advantage, and the spreading trend of corruption was instantly contained.


Sasha Glott took a breath, and couldn't help but stunned, looking at him like that, Tang En didn't know whether he was comfortable or painful.

The thick black gas was devoured by the fire of the void, and it was quickly restored by the severely corroded dragon. As the corroded area became smaller and smaller, the powerful and terrifying vitality of the original dragon began to fight back tenaciously. It's up!

The continuous force of order, like the flood, joined the anti-corruption army, and cooperated with the natural gram production of the power of chaos by the fire of the void, but it took a moment to complete the countermeasure.

The more the corruption was suppressed, the higher the concentration of the power of chaos, and the more troublesome it was to purify. After suppressing the center of the spreading corruption area on a small piece of dragon scales, he could hardly find any extra energy. , Go all out to control the fire of the void surrounded the forces of chaos, a little bit cannibalizing each other.

Eniglota had witnessed the changes in her body, she was completely shocked: "How is this possible !? The power of chaos was so easily purified !?"

"Not so easy."

Sasha Glott squeezed his wife's neck lightly and whispered, "This is because of the special power of His Excellency Donn."

Special power?

Eniglota discovered her mental strength, and tried to touch the inconspicuous fire of the void, but this contact surprised her--it was like a flame that was extinguishing, without even a little momentum, But when I came into contact with it, I discovered that it was exuding tremendous and terrible pressure!

The transparent flame is as sacred and inviolable as the Supreme Creator-no, it feels even more mysterious than the power of the original Dragon God!

how can that be! ?

How could this power appear in a human! ?

The shocked Eniglotta did not even notice that the corruption on her body was being continuously purified by the fire of the void.

About a few minutes later, under the constant encroachment of the power of the void, the chaotic power that invaded Eniglotta and Sashaglot's body was finally burned and completely cleaned up!

Tang En then regained the power of the void, breathed a long sigh of relief, and asked, "Should it be all right?"

Sasha Glott stood up again, shaking his wings and shaking his tail, grinning: "It feels great!"

"It's totally fine!"

Eniglotta looked at her body as she could not believe it. There was no trace of contamination left by the chaos on the beautiful golden scales. She was just as energetic as after just sleeping and eating!

Sasha Glott is very grateful to Tang En: "Thank you! Your Excellency Tang En! If it weren't for you, I'm afraid I can only watch Eni die this time!"

If it weren't for the appearance of Tang En, I'm afraid he can only watch his wife die today.

"Don't be so polite, I believe that without me, there will be others who will save her."

Sasha Glott shook his head: "No, you are wrong. No one but you can save a dragon that has been infected with chaos."

The dragons are polluted by chaos. There is only one dead end. After death, not even the corpses will remain. All flesh and blood and bones will become pure force of order to neutralize those pollutions.

Even if Sasaglotte is not afraid of death, and is willing to die for his wife, facing the situation of dying, he can't do anything to save Eniglota.

Because the dragons need their king, and the world also needs the dragon king, he must live. This is not power, but his mission, his responsibility, and even his obligation.

Brian scratched his head and muttered, "But then again, it seems that the reason why the dragon queen is distracted on the battlefield is because of the big brother?"

Sasaglot: "..."

Eniglotta: "..."

Elsa: "..."


Tang En's head was jumping with blue tendons (it's difficult to describe the appearance of blue tendons jumping on the faucet): "I said that you came out this time to dismantle the stage, right?"

Brian said dismissively: "I just told the truth that you don't like to hear."

"Don't worry, Your Excellency Don En, we really should thank you."

Worried about Tang En's misunderstanding, Sasha Glott immediately stated his position, and then said with a sadness, "If you can show up earlier, we don't know how many compatriots will be sacrificed."

Eniglota immediately dropped her head when she heard the words, her face sad.

"This is not something I can decide."

Tang En sighed and asked: "Since the dragon's resistance to chaos is so fragile, why is the Dragon Queen so careless? With the strength of the dragon, the mana shield should not be so fragile, obviously it has not been maintained at a high intensity. what."

Sasha Glotter sighed: "Don't blame her, is it because of these chaotic creatures? They are constantly advancing, and the tireless monsters will not rest. In order to stop them from progressing, our dragon family can only continue The dragons on Long Island sent here to stop them. This is not a break for a while, but a non-stop round-the-clock. "

Eniglotta nodded and said, "The dragons are divided into various groups, and each batch of dragon combat teams takes turns to play. Each rotation is for one week. During this week, we must continue to attack and suppress. If you want to keep a high degree of attention to avoid the attacks of chaotic creatures, the consumption of both mental and magic power is very amazing. Even if I ca n’t maintain a high-strength mana shield at all times, the consumption is too great. "

"That's fine."

Har Kamanda snorted and said, "At the beginning of the defensive operation, many young dragons were too careless and were hit by chaotic creatures. Due to the destructive force of chaos on the power of order, It was too strong, so the bones that fell last did not exist. Later, after gaining combat experience, after mastering the skills, the battle loss rate is basically equal to zero. Now the dragons of Long Island have taken harassing chaotic creatures here as a routine duty. Rotate to work. "

Down: "..."

Well, Tang En can only say one thing, the dragon's heart is so big!

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