Things from Another World

Chapter 912: What is your dependence?

Through a simple little method, Tang En found the secret hidden in the dragon's blood. He didn't pay much attention to it, but opened up Saschaglot and Hal Kamanda.

Because even they did not know that the power hidden in the blood was actually manifested in this form.

Perhaps it is not just them. As a source of strength among the various families with a unique bloodline inheritance in Prandall, the same "special ingredients" may be hidden in their blood.

After all, in the rumors, many ancestors of the Warlock family once had something indescribable with the devil or even the devil, and then gained the power of the devil. The form of gain is often closely related to the keywords of gifts, sacrifices, and blood. Linked together, if you diverge your thoughts, you will find that it is likely that the blood of those families is the devil or the source of the devil's power.

Sasha Glott knew it was important to them, but couldn't figure out how important it was.

After all, even if you know that gold cells are their source of power, you can't copy them, right?

Can't kill other dragons to extract gold cells and inject them?

If it is other worlds, this possibility is not absent, and it is still very large. But Prandall is different. The dragon here is the creation of the dragon god. God is watching this world, and it is absolutely impossible to allow his own children to fall. Yes, if a dragon dares to do that kind of behavior, it will definitely be punished by God.

So Tang En has no pressure on this matter.

"Let ’s put this matter down for the time being. You do n’t need to tell us about raising Yalong and drawing blood to produce Oliha Steel. We · Ya · Ya · Long · No · Gate!"

Sasaglotte smiled terribly, and Tang En immediately understood and nodded with a smile, so Sasaglotte put down the test tube and said with satisfaction: "Let's get back to business, I am more curious about how you Can you be sure that you can solve those chaotic believers? You must know that their current strength is not weaker than us. Their attacks are accompanied by a very strong erosive force, which will pollute order and life. If not our power is strong enough, and can To some extent, the pollution is neutralized, and they are blocked here. I am afraid that the entire Long Island has been corrupted. "

Tang En smiled slightly: "Because, this is not the first time I have done such a thing."

"So what is your dependence?"

Sasha Glott looked at Tang En with interest: "You are not a dragon, without the power of order, you are not an elf, without the power of life and nature, although human origin determines that humans have a certain power for chaos. Resistance, but it ’s hard to get the power to fight chaos. "

Humans are the people created by the joint efforts of the gods. Therefore, their beliefs are disordered and chaotic with complex attributes. For chaotic powers, although they are easily attracted by chaos and corrupted, humans also have the strongest resistance among the races. Force, to a certain extent, the relative strength is weak, the number of ethnic groups is large, and the humans with strong reproduction ability are the best choice to fight chaos.

"My dependence is this."

With a smile on his face, Tang En raised his hand, and a transparent flame burst out in the palm of his hand. The swaying flame naturally swayed, burning in his palm, but it was kind of people. It does not exist in At present, there is not even a sense of contradiction in this space.

"what is this?"

Suddenly Sasha Glott felt the unique power from the flames in the hands of Down.

It is similar to the feeling that the Father God brought to him, but it is not exactly the same. It seems to be closer to some origin?

"Fire of Nether, or Power of Nether?"

Tang En didn't quite understand what this power was. If it wasn't for Nora, he would have thought it was an ordinary flame of alchemy.

"The name doesn't matter, what's important is what power it has?"

The expressions of Sasha Glott and Hal Kamanda are both serious, their strength is very powerful, the Dragon King can be called a demigod existence, and their intuition is sometimes better than the experience of ordinary apocalyptic more reliable.

This transparent flame is absolutely unusual.

"Well ... probably reconstructing matter, purify chaos."

Tang En is not quite sure. Both of these points have been verified. The use of Netherfire in alchemy is stronger than the alchemy array used by ordinary alchemists. I do n’t know how many times. I restructure the material structure and change it at will. The power of material form is really easy to use, and it is also the foundation of Tang En's life. The ability to purify chaos is also reflected in Aegwynn and the gate of chaos. As for other powers, Tang En is not very clear. .

But it is shocking enough to reconstruct matter and purify chaos.

Didn't see Sasha Glott and Hal Kamanda both stunned.

Currently known to Plantand that can completely purify chaotic pollution, only pure force of life, natural forces and forces of order can only neutralize chaotic pollution to a certain extent or restrain the spread of chaos, and It is not possible to transform a contaminated life form back.

And Tang En said that the power of the void he can completely cleanse the chaotic pollution!

This simply breaks the inherent perception of Sasaglotte!


Sasha Glott looked at Tang En with a look of surprise ... Can't wait to say, "If you don't mind, let's try it now?"

"Of course, but I'm not sure if I can completely defeat those chaotic creatures."

Dunn shot Sasha Glott in advance: "All I can do is purify the pollution and curb their power. If they are too powerful and I cannot kill them directly, they will only Make them stronger. "

"Of course, no problem!"

Sasha Glott smiled very happily: "Because we didn't do our best when we shot, we let those chaotic believers survive by chance and strengthened, but later they were worried that they were too strong. Killing them will make them stronger, so they will stand still. "

Har Kamanda said fiercely: "If you can guarantee to suppress their power this time, our dragon army will give it all out and it will definitely destroy them completely!"

But Down has reservations.

If the chaotic creatures can be completely destroyed by using powerful, crushing power, the gods will not regard the chaotic creatures as the enemy, even to the extent that they dare not show up now.

Chaotic creatures have a strong ability to corrupt pure order creatures, and they are stronger when they are strong. Using pure power certainly cannot completely destroy them-at most they weaken them for a short time.

If they can't purify them in the short period of weakness, they will soon absorb enough of the power of chaos, becoming stronger and scarier than before.

"It's not too late, let's go now, even if we can't solve them now, at least we can clean up the chaotic pollution temporarily."

In recent years, Sasha Glott has been driven crazy by the chaotic creatures in front of her house. Thanks to them, Sasha Glott has no chance to go out and relax, and can only stay on Long Island to sit in the base camp.

Sasha Glott immediately changed his mind and regained the golden dragon form after speaking. Hal Kamanda followed closely behind him, and then did not wait for Tang En to speak. Then he grabbed them into the air and flew to the west of Long Island.

"Ah ah ah ah ah--"

Brian didn't even have time to put down the golden holy fruit in his hands, watching "the earth (of course everyone knows it is actually an island)" getting farther and farther from himself, scared, he rolled his eyes, and spit foam. Shocked.

"What's up with him?"

Sasha Glott flew as she watched Brian's condition.

"What can the people of the earth leave the earth?"

Tang En held up a shield to help Elsa block the violent air flow, and said angrily: "I'm afraid of heights, and I'm dazed."

"The dwarf still has this problem. I haven't noticed it before."

Sasha Glott flew his wings high, but his claws became more intense-he was definitely playing Brian on purpose.

Hmm ... the screams came to an abrupt end.

Down glanced, Brian had completely fainted.

Maybe this is better for him, after all, I don't feel anything ...

After just a few tens of seconds, they flew from the Order Temple in the center of Long Island to the west side of Long Island. The thick smoke and dark fog they saw when they came were more obvious from a close distance, and there was still a lush forest in the distance. The closer it gets to the edge of the island, the worse the chaotic corruption will be, the trees will wither, the earth will crack, and the river will dry up.

Dozens of giant dragons hovering in the sky, continuously exhaling the breath of chaos and the spreading chaos breath. The green dragon continuously releases the power of nature and helps the forest below to resist the pollution of chaos. The blue dragon invites the purified Gan Linpu Landing on the ground has suppressed the spread of chaos to a certain extent. Huanglong communicates with the earth, cuts off the connections of the corrupted soil, and builds a solid high wall to stop the spread of evil fire. The blue dragon calls a hurricane to block the escape of chaos, and the red dragon The black dragon is the main force of harassing chaotic creatures in the air. They constantly approach the chaotic creatures, spraying dragon breath or releasing spells, attracting their attention, and blocking the chaotic creatures from advancing.

In the area isolated by the high wall, an unknown evil breath spewed out from the cracked earth cracks. Black and purple flames were burning on the ground. Three chaotic creatures up to tens of meters roared on the edge of Dragon Island and released. With the power of terror, beside them, the strong power of chaos has condensed and formed into an indescribable monster, like a tentacle monster patched up with shards of strangeness, and a part of the waving tentacles infiltrated into the earth to draw the power here, The other part kept attacking the dragons in the air.

In the past ten years, the dragons have persisted like this.

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