Things from Another World

Chapter 895: Not a word to be your mother

After Tang En left, the atmosphere in the room suddenly became weird.

Aurelia's word made Iluli more restless.

to chat with? If it ’s usual, Aurelia wants to chat, and of course Illuli welcomes with both hands. But now, what can you talk about?

Obviously, it must be something related to Tang En!

Illy's eyes fluttered uncertainly: "Now is not the time to chat, let's continue to prepare for the glorious festival."

When Illy finished speaking, she planned to stand up.

Unfortunately, Her Royal Highness pressed it with a smile and pressed her down with a smile: "Illu, don't worry, although Tang En doesn't understand, but we are veterans after all, can't it take much time to prepare those things and processes? "

That's right, but I'm afraid you talk to me about Tang En!

Yi Luli wants to cry. As a Holy Lady of the Holy See, now she has changed her heart because of a contract, she has become an idiot, and she is a slave exclusively for Tang En. How could it be discussed with people!

Believe it or not, it is extremely shameful to say it anyway!

Fiona, playing with a pen, looked at the two girls opposite each other, and she will see something interesting today.

"Illuly," Aurelia finally spoke. "You are my best friend. You know what I want to ask, can you tell me what is going on?"


Illi turned to Fiona for help, but Fiona deliberately looked away as if she didn't see it, so she was isolated under the crown of the Virgin.

Seeing that she couldn't find any support, Yi Luli nibbled her lower lip, her pitiful big eyes blinked and looked at Aurelia, and coquettishly said to her, "Oli, don't you ask, OK ... I, I really don't know what to say ... "

"not good."

Aurelia yanked Yi Luli's cheeks, pinching her tender cheeks, and said sternly, "Hurry up and explain, you should know that Tang En is my stepfather now, do you want to be Is my mother? "

"Well !? Become Ollie's little, little mother !?"

Illuri exclaimed: "I never thought of that kind of thing!"

Alleria stared, "You can't say it!"

"This, this ... its, actually I ..."

Illuri finally surrendered. If she didn't explain clearly to Aurelia, I'm afraid she would continue to misunderstand.

But in fact she really didn't want to be Aurelia's mother!

Yi Luli just found that she was accustomed to the power of the contract, used to the peace of mind that Tang En brought, and panicked at the fear and anxiety when she couldn't see Tang En ...

When talking about her inexplicable mental journey, Yi Luli herself was depressed. She took off her scarf, pointed at the golden pattern on her neck, and said with a grin, "You can't blame me. I have tried various methods. It hasn't been unlocked yet. "

Aurelia took a closer look, and the circle of golden patterns really was a very small but mysterious rune. She reached out and touched it, it was no different from the touch of the skin, but it could not be wiped off—not painting Go up.

"It's really unsolvable."

Yi Luli was helpless. In fact, the mark left by the Goddess of Eternal Darkness on her belly was the thing that really killed her. Every time she lost control, it was almost because of that rune. The rune on her neck did not let her. Any discomfort.

"The **** of light can't help it?"

Aurelia's face was unbelievable: "I can't believe it till now, how could a goddess come to use you as a shield! There is such a brazen goddess in the world !?"

Yi Luli was also very depressed: "In fact, there really is ... After I went back, I checked the literature. The goddess of eternal darkness, Atanoksi, is one ... how to say ..."

Illuri's expression was a little weird: "She is a relatively unique goddess ..."

Generally speaking, the deities have already surpassed the existence of mortals, and it is also normal to get rid of the seven emotions and six desires, but Aitanox is a goddess very faithful to her own desires, and the dark elves she created have inherited this.

In all the shrines, Atanoksi can be called a strange existence, so it is understandable that she would use Eluna as a shield.

"How do you say this kind of thing ..."

Aurelia is also a little aggressive, and Illuli will become what it is now, the product of various coincidences.

Although the scroll of slavery divine magic was used by Tang En, he couldn't blame him, who made Lola intend to turn Tang En into a slave at that time.

Lola's summoning of Athanoksi is also an accident. No one expected her to call the goddess ...

Just call the goddess, who would have thought that Atanox did not directly dispel the divine art, but instead found a scapegoat?

The only female priest who was present was only Illy, who happened to be the virgin of Yebilny. She was unlucky.

After clarifying all the causes and consequences, Aurelia was a little bit crying and laughing, this kind of thing is really no wonder she and Tang En.


Aurelia looked helplessly at her friend: "What are you going to do now? Will not just go on like this?"

After being enslaved, she was unable to cancel the effect of the contract. For a long time, she has become accustomed to this feeling. Now the situation is a little bit wrong. It is clear that Irouli is used to living under the contract, and also A bit of fun ... in short, was brainwashing successful?

If you really let her fall like this, I'm afraid that her best friend will really become her own mother in the future ...

Can you play happily together ... this is the rhythm of being your stepmother without a word!

"If you don't, you can look like ..."

Yi Luli was a little bit guilty. Because of this contract, she prayed for seven days and seven nights and prayed for seven days and seven nights. She finally contacted the **** of light who had lost contact for many years. As a result, she did not wait for Yi Luli to ask for help. The omnipotent **** of light threw her six words and cut off the connection.

Then follow him.

Just follow him ...

From him ...

From him ...

Yebirni's benevolent and vocal voice still lingered in Elully's mind.

That's right, the **** of light who is regarded as the savior actually let his own sacred girl directly surrender to the contract and become Tang's slave girl ...

Illuli thought that the **** of light was joking with her, but then she couldn't contact Yebilny again anyway, then she suddenly realized that the **** of light might be serious.

But how could such a thing be said!

Could she be told to tell others that the God of Light has given her to Tang En! ?

Let ’s not say reality is unrealistic. Even if she did say it, who would believe it?

Yi Luli is full of bitterness, and the baby is bitter, and the baby cannot say.

Now her situation is the most embarrassing. This kind of thing cannot be told to Tang En, because Tang En will think that this is her fate.

She couldn't tell the Pope about this kind of thing. The Pope would think that it was because she was in love with Tang En, that was why she found it.

This kind of thing can't tell Aurelia, she will think that she wants to be her mother ...

One didn't handle it well, maybe the sisters didn't have to do it.

"Actually," Fiona said contentedly at this time, "Don En said about the issue of Illuli's contract before. If that contract is magic, he can undo it, but he can't do the magic. ... "

In fact, Tang En had talked with Otellini in private about Emilia, and Otellija also said that she was powerless.

If it was only a single divine spell, she might be able to dismiss it, but this is the effect of the superposition of the divine scroll and the goddess of eternal darkness, and she is powerless.

If her divine power can be fully recovered, she can help weaken some effects, but it can't be relieved, after all, she is just a weak waiting god.

If you want to solve the divine magic on Iruli, I am afraid that you can only find a secondary **** and the eternal dark goddess to work together to solve it, or to find two of the twelve higher gods to work together. You must also be a light god. , A dark deity.

If you used to go to the temple to pray, you might still have luck, but now, it is no less difficult than reincarnation ...

After all, Prandall's space structure is fragile, the walls of the entire universe are full of scars, and every advent of the deities is accompanied by great risks. The stronger the deities, the stronger the impact of the deities, and the world will be The more dangerous.

In order to prevent the world from going into destruction, the gods rarely send out the shrines now. Of course, it is even more impossible to come to Prendall to help Illy ...

Anyway, the consequence now is just to become a slave of Tang En. If we still count on him to save the world, it should be regarded as an inspiration to him.

Poor Illuli didn't know she had been sold to Tang En by the **** she believed in, but the confused maiden was still doubting her life.

"He's really helpless? Not intentional?"

Alleria is now quite suspicious of Tang En's manners, and he may turn a blind eye to Illy's pitiful situation in order to satisfy his selfish desires.

No one at the scene knew Tang En better than her. When she became a nightsong, she personally experienced Tang En's unscrupulous torture and binding techniques.

That guy's rich technology and skills in some aspects simply don't look like a human being should master, but more like specialized skills in related fields.

"I don't think he will lie about such things."

Instead, Fiona stood up at this time. "If he likes a girl, he will say it generously, and he will never use this method of inferiority."

Alleria was deeply skeptical.

"All in all, there is no way to look back on Yi Luli's affairs now, I hope you can understand and continue to keep her secret."

Fiona shrugged and said, "But speaking, in addition to having difficulty controlling his emotions when encountering En, and usually involuntarily wanting to approach him, it had no special impact on her."

It is true that there is no special influence. It is better to say that because of the existence of the contract of these two divine words, on the contrary, it has allowed Iluli to further understand the divine art and master a lot of skills.

"Of course I will keep her secret, but ..."

Alleria's expression was complicated, and Elluli's expression was also complicated.

Not good ...

Quite bad ...

If we continue this way, there will definitely be quite a bad situation ...

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