Things from Another World

Chapter 893: Don't laugh, I said seriously

If the earth is here, too advanced technology will only become a tool of capital, a plaything of political gladiatorial, a weapon of power confrontation.

But here is Prendall, and Tang En has undeniable golden thighs.

Therefore, he can develop technology far beyond the current era without hesitation.

From the magic energy household appliances to the current magic energy mobile phones, the birth of each product is enough to become the mark of an era, and now it is continuously appearing.

The residents of the Illus Empire have even become accustomed to the various surprises brought by the Datang Chamber of Commerce. The launch of a variety of products beyond imagination has brought about drastic changes in people's habits. For more than a year, the people of the Illus Empire can no longer imagine how life was spent more than a year ago.

For the simplest example, the laying of waterworks and water pipes greatly facilitates people's water use. Whether it is cold winter or hot summer, people can use clean and clear tap water without going out, and never have to go to the river or The water has been lifted by the water well. If we return to our previous life now, people will definitely feel uncomfortable.

In agriculture, the birth of the magic energy combine harvester greatly reduced the pressure on farmers to harvest wheat. The magic energy tiller facilitated arable land and sowing. The magic energy sprinkler can easily irrigate farmland ...

If the magic energy machinery for agriculture is too expensive, most people can't afford it, but the magic energy furniture for household use is cheap and affordable. Basically, the families of the Illus Empire city can buy it without pressure.

In the family, the magic energy water heater allows people to use hot water at any time. The magic energy refrigerator allows residents to save perishable food for a long time. The popular magic energy washing machine greatly reduces the labor pressure of housewives and maids. Magic cleaners revolutionize the way of cleaning ...

A myriad of products has completely changed people's lifestyles and brought great convenience to them. It is no longer just two people who have brought praise to the products of the Datang Chamber of Commerce. People deeply love this product. Datang Chamber of Commerce with unlimited possibilities.

However, so far, there are only three that can really talk about completely changing the technology of Prandall.

The first is the magic energy engine technology, which is the core of all magic energy machinery. Without its birth, there would be no magic energy machinery.

The second is the magic array stamping technology, which is the basis of the mass production of magic energy furniture. Without this technology, magic energy furniture cannot achieve mass production and can only become a luxury product for a small number of people.

The third is the micro-magic array re-engraving technology. This technology has unlimited development potential. It is the core technology of magic energy mobile phones and the core technology of producing various large-scale high-end sophisticated magic energy products in the future.

And it will be the magic mobile phone that will be truly promoted to everyone, so that everyone can feel the revolutionary technological progress.

With the magic cell phone, you have the possibility to connect with the world. All users in the entire Prandall will be closely connected through a small magic cell phone. From then on, the separation is no longer forever, and reunion will become commonplace. , People will be more willing to communicate with people and make more friends ...

The collision of countless sparks of thought always brings a miracle, and this miracle is what Tang En pursues.

In order to achieve his own goals, Tang En was willing to destroy Burkeso at all costs (except for the internal consumption), so he deliberately destroyed Burkeso and tied Tastro with high aid construction debts, not only obtained a large amount of unmined mineral resources, At the same time, I also got the opportunity to penetrate the new Burkeso, and the impact of what Testero saw and heard when he came to Ellington, and Tina ’s brainwashing, all these methods were superimposed. Has produced the current effect.

The Rennes Empire is willing to take the initiative to join Down's team.

This is of course a good thing. In fact, even if the Rennes Empire does not join for the time being, it will not last long. It will be completely annexed by the Datang Chamber of Commerce after a maximum of three or five years. Soft economic invasion is difficult to resist, especially Tang En. Still from a world that likes to play with financial wars, he is not a master in this field, but he is knowledgeable and knows how to use the cards in his hand to play the best results, which is enough.

"The production capacity of the Magic Phone can be further expanded, but we are short of staff."

Fiona revisited the old issue. It is not a day or two that Ellington faced a labor gap problem. The introduction of the intercity bus a while ago has brought Ellington a steady and steady increase in the migrant population. With the wave of expansion of production, In a blink of an eye, the factories that were uprooted by the people were digested, and they were not enough.

"I have an idea."

Fiona whispered, "For those simple, repetitive tasks, we might as well grab some dog-head slaves, lizard-human slaves, or Lin Jing, and let them do it?"

The use of these lower creatures as labor is a common method for many miners. Doghead slaves and lizard human slaves are very common cheap labor. (Lin Jing doesn't count, they often lazy to party, so the cost of employment is higher, see Chapter 600) Because they are generally low in intelligence, have a strong threat to civilians, and will actively attack travellers who have placed orders, they are defined as harmful species, and they have strong fertility, and they can often produce healthy crops. There is no fear of being treated as a consumable.

After Tang En thought for a while, he shook his head and gave up the tempting solution.


Fiona was very puzzled. She thought it was a good solution to the labor shortage.

"This is indeed a good way to solve the labor shortage, and it can greatly reduce costs. If I am a profit-seeking entrepreneur, I will definitely choose this method. Unfortunately, I am not."

Tang En smiled and put down the tea cup and said, "I am a king, or to be more specific, I want to lead this country, and even Prendall to a glorious one, don't laugh, I said seriously."

Fiona said coyly, "Well, I don't laugh."

"You're laughing ... well, forget it."

Tang En bounced on her forehead and attracted the beauty to throw a pair of white eyeballs. He said with a smile: "As a king, the first task is to make the country rich and strong, and the meaning of prosperity is to make the people under my rule. The wallet is bulging. How can this be done? Of course, this is achieved by creating jobs and increasing salary. "

If it is the general royal family, the country's industrial structure adjustment can only be achieved by adjusting the tax rate to support the industry. Of course, it is more likely to ignore the tax collection, but Tang En is different. He is based on Ellington, more precisely, is Datang Chamber of Commerce in Ellington.

The Datang Chamber of Commerce has a strong ability to attract gold, and its hot-selling products bring it unique competitiveness. No one has ever competed in the market, so the benefits it creates are extremely horrifying.

With the benefit income, the capitalist will earn money to enjoy his life, or continue to expand investment to increase income. Of course, Tang En is not a qualified capitalist, because his first thought is how to release these incomes in a reasonable way. Give back to this society and gradually reduce the huge gap between rich and poor.

The higher the average income of residents, the stronger their spending power, the greater their desire to work, the more value they create, and the faster the development of this society.

"Expanding production capacity is just to increase jobs and increase opportunities for wealth distribution. Our jobs have attracted countless people to gather here. If you use your approach at this time, let the dogheads, lizards or Lin Jing in these positions. Work, replacing the work that should have belonged to them. What do you think will happen? "

Fiona pouted after thinking about it, "They will think that we have decided to reduce the cost of hiring, no longer need human employees, and Ellington's population growth will be in a stagnation period. At the same time because this will also be a future for us Hiring workers makes a difference. "


Tang En nodded with a smile: "Employing dog people and lizard people is a cost-reducing option. Although we didn't mean it originally, we will give those people this hint. This is like drinking water to quench thirst and solving labor in a short time. Difficult situation, but lost the long-term development possibility. "

"Understood, so we continue to recruit workers and provide jobs. When there are insufficient staff, we will suspend the expansion of production first?"

Fiona tilted her head and looked at Tang En: "Say to you first, if you delay the expansion of production scale, you want to fully meet your magic mobile phone popularization plan. The fastest and fastest will be by the end of the year. Only satisfy consumers of the aristocracy. "

After a moment of thinking, Tang En nodded: "It is enough to satisfy the consumer market of the aristocracy before the end of the year, and it will not be affected until it is completely popular until next year."

Fiona raised an eyebrow: "Why?"

"Because civilians have no thought, especially civilians without education."

Tang En explained: "They will instinctively chase and imitate the life of the nobles. If the nobles have a magic phone, when the cheap version of the magic phone will be introduced to the market, even if they do not know what this thing is for them As long as economic conditions permit, they will definitely choose to buy one out of their longing for the aristocratic life. "

"After they buy them, they will figure out how to use this thing and what it can do. As long as they find and accept the magic cell phone, my purpose is achieved."

Fiona sighed: "Your way of thinking is always different, but now I can understand your thoughts faintly ... this doesn't seem very good."

Tang En couldn't help laughing, "Why not?"

"It means my thinking has been influenced by you."

Fiona stared at Don's face and said quietly: "It also means I can't live without you."

Staring at Fiona's resentful eyes, Tang En's heart jumped, and his mouth was dry. He just wanted to speak, and a crisp knocking sounded, followed by a person who pushed in the door, warm and tender. His body fell into his arms.

Suddenly, both Down and Fiona were holding back.

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