Things from Another World

Chapter 888: The charm of gravitational waves cannot be resisted

Testero was so shocked that the shock in his head was beyond description.

Just by looking at the original design sketches, you can see how huge and magnificent the new Burkeso is, but for such a huge city, the Datang Civil Construction Chamber of Commerce has completed the construction in just one week. This efficiency is too scary!

He couldn't even believe it was true!

But his attention was immediately diverted by Tang En's words.

"Water supply line, yes, I remember you said that New Burkeso has a tap water system!"

Testro's face was frantic: "Is that the same thing as the one in my room that flows out of water with just a tap?"

"Yes, the water supply and drainage project is a very important project in big cities. It cannot be careless."

Tang En nodded and said, "Our technicians have begun the commissioning of the waterworks. It is expected to be ready for use in the next two days. You can wait and wait. After all, there is no trouble in the city without water."


Testero stood up arrogantly: "Now my people are still eating and drinking outside, as long as they can live in a house sheltered from the wind and rain, it's nothing to worry about. We can use our own water for two days."

Tang En said with a smile: "It's up to you to decide. The construction team will be back tonight after the completion of construction. As for the relevant occupancy of New Burkeso, it is up to your soldiers to manage and coordinate."

As soon as Tastro stayed, he thought about the scenes of the five big and three thick rough guys doing these fine work ...

Testero scratched his head and said a little embarrassedly, "Well, Your Majesty Tang En, since you have already been here, might as well help the people who will trouble you next? The soldiers under my team are fighting and hunting. It ’s a good hand, but I ’m afraid that it ’s not possible to arrange such a thing for our residents. Our municipal staff is also a grass-roots team. It ’s not a platform at all. It ’s far worse than yours ... ”

Oh, after a few days of training, I can use even idioms.

Don was instantly happy: "This is a rare exercise opportunity, don't you want them to exercise?"


Testero shook his head: "The problem of the resettlement of more than one million people will cause trouble. I know what level I am. Orcs may be qualified soldiers, but they are definitely not qualified politicians. Such things We ca n’t do it well, and we need to learn from you humans ... It's nothing to be shy. "

Don was a little surprised, but Tastro was quite frank.

After thinking about it for a moment, he said, "Well, then I will help you again and send someone to help you with the resettlement work. If you want Ursa to inherit your position in the future, maybe you should let him follow me now. People learned. "

"You're right, I almost forgot that bitch!"

Testro thought deeply: "I can't spare him this time. I'm sitting on the throne every day and can't move. I almost grow lice. Hurry up to train him to succeed and I can go chic."

Tang En's mouth was ragged, the orcs' attitude towards the royal power was exactly the same as the dwarves. The dwarves were obsessed with forging, and the orcs were obsessed with battle and adventure. Among the Prandall tribes, it seems that only humans are so passionate about kingship. .

In fact, helping Mr. Tastro to resettle the residents is only good for Tang En.

Because in the resettlement process, the residents' living conditions, class distribution, and even the people's financial situation will be clearly displayed in front of him. For the sales of the Datang Chamber of Commerce in New Burkeso Help a lot.

In fact, any qualified politician will not be stupid enough to let the imaginary enemy help him build his own capital, or even help his people to resettle. If the imaginary enemy really has a potential aggression consciousness, this behavior is undoubtedly extremely stupid. Yes, the key points of the city and the distribution of the residents are clear. It is too easy to invade.

Fortunately, Testero encountered Tang En-Tang En had never thought about invading the Rennes empire by force from the beginning.

Rather than conquering by force through bloodshed, he prefers means of mutual integration through economic binding and ideological invasion.

After discussing with Tastro, Tang En's gaze fell on the nervous little love ... on his chest-there was no way, the gravitational "wave" was too strong, and his gaze was drawn involuntarily.

Xiao Ai was stared down nervously with Tang En's gaze, his hands clasped tightly in front of her, and her arms were clamped to her chest, making the gravitational waves on her chest more obvious.


Her reaction made it harder for Tang to look straight.

Testro next to him was immersed in the joy of moving. He didn't notice that the thoughts of the two guys had somehow deviated, and he was running wildly on a rough road.

Tang En took a hard look back and said casually: "The other good news is related to Xiao Ai. I said before that I want to transform Bi Village into a logistics transfer station for the Great Tang Chamber of Commerce in the Ren Empire empire, and now it has been completed It ’s just that the events in New Burkeso have changed our original plan. We do n’t think it is appropriate for you to go to Bicun. ”

With a moment of small love, her big eyes became watery instantly, and those with anxious eyes would cry.

"You, don't you want me?"

Apparently she misunderstood something.

"What are you talking about?"

Tang En couldn't laugh or cry: "The work at the logistics transfer station is more tiring, and it is the center that provides warehousing services for the subsequent transfer of goods. You are not familiar with this one. What I have recently learned is sales and management. You went there blindly. "

Xiao Ai was bewildered. Although she has learned a lot recently, she still doesn't understand those things that are too complicated.

Tang En said with patience: "The new Burkeso has been completed. We will have a large shop there, and as a branch of the Rennes Empire, we need to have a diplomat role, and you are us and the Rennes Empire. The bridge between consumers. "

The director of the new Burkeso branch has already made arrangements. Fiona intends to let Thomas go, let him temporarily put down the work of Beyin of the mountain city, and go there to help Xiao Ai become familiar with things as soon as possible. After Xiao Ai can stand alone, Thomas It will be arranged to the branch of the Kingdom of Roninante, this time it can be considered to let him familiarize with the matters related to the establishment of the branch in advance.

The reason why Xiao Ai was appointed to be the head of the new Burkeso branch was because it was the king of the Rennes empire after all, and a human being there was in charge, and it was inconvenient to hire employees.

But if Xiao Ai is the supervisor, the situation will be much better.

In particular, in the eyes of consumers there, if there is an orc family storefront and a human storefront in front of them, they will definitely subconsciously choose a store opened by the same family, which is not a discrimination, but only a biological subconscious choice.

All in all, choosing an orc as the agent of the Datang Chamber of Commerce in the Rennes Empire has many advantages, and Xiao Ai is obviously the best choice.

And she and Tastro were also trained together at the training course, and they were quite familiar with each other.

"Me, can I do well?"

Xiao Ai looked at Tang En very nervously, she was not confident about herself.

Tang En held her shoulder and said seriously: "Trust me, there is something for those with a will, something that can't be done in the world without hard work."

Xiao Ai widened her eyes and said weakly, "But ... so many people want to be legendary powers, but only so few can succeed ..."

Down: "..."

My face hurts hot!

Tang En added difficultly: "--- If there is, it means he is not working hard enough!"

That's right! Not being a legendary powerhouse is not because "cannot", but because not enough effort! !! !!

Xiao Ai wanted to refute Tang En, but opened his mouth and swallowed it.

She felt that no matter how much she refuted, Tang En had a way to round it up.

The next day, Down, Testero, Little Love, Coco, Vanilla and others returned to New Burkeso.

"Yo! Daddy, have you finally finished class?"

As soon as I stepped out of the portal, I encountered Ursa. The dusty head of the blood-eyed prince, who looked like a hard worker, grinned and greeted Testro. Then he pointedly pointed at the city in front and said, "Open Look at it with big eyes. Do you feel shocked? "

Testro looked at the city in front of him, and his eyes widened, his face shocked.

"This, this, this--"

"Isn't it beautiful?"

Ursahaha laughed, "Isn't it? I didn't expect this city to be so beautiful after it was built. Looking at the shiny glass that came over, it was too beautiful in the light, and the big ones couldn't wait to move. Go in and live! "

"No, no, no!"

With a miserable look, Tester turned and looked at Tang En in a hurry: "What I want to ask is, what about the walls !?"

The city in front is unobstructed, and the wide road leads directly to the urban area. At a glance, you can even see the central square-there is also a statue of Vulcan Carlo River!

"City walls? Why do you want that thing? Too backward."

Tang En swiped his mouth: "I designed a central defense system for you, centered on the statue of Vulcan Caroma River. After activation, a protective enchantment with a radius of ten kilometers will be formed. Even if the new Burkeso is expanded, It's more than double, and I don't know how much better than a city wall. "

Upon hearing that, his old face flushed, and he felt like a hunk who had never seen the world before.

Of course, he knows the city-level magic defense enchantment, but the magicians of the Rennes Empire have withered. There is no magician who can set that level of protection magic. They can only look at them and try to pile the city walls as high as possible. It is thick to improve defense (in fact, it is still impossible to stop the apocalypse above the golden level).

Unexpectedly, Tang En even took out this valuable technology.

Not to mention, this debt is worth just for this large magical enchantment!

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