Things from Another World

Chapter 886: Do you want to apply for a package?

Danette is a businessman, but also a Lord of Honor.

Normally this is the highest position that a businessman can achieve. Want to be a real noble? Unless you put on your armor and build your career on the battlefield, killing ten enemies will give you the status of a baron—unfortunately, now that Prandall is in peacetime, even if you really have the courage to build your career, you wo n’t have that chance.

In this environment, it is almost impossible for Danette to continue to climb upwards-but this does not prevent Danette from learning the noble lifestyle.

He is committed to enjoying life like a true nobleman.

Having breakfast every morning is a relaxed and pleasant morning practice time, or practicing swordsmanship, or practicing horsemanship. When Lumbica rises to the middle of the tower, it is an elegant morning tea time. Breathing fresh air in the yard, brewing a cup of black tea, savoring the fragrance of black tea, eating three or two refreshments, incidentally despising the life of the next class ...

This has always been a special hobby of Lord Danette.

But today, the servants at Danette House suddenly discovered that Lord Lord had given up his usual hobby, but was rather happy to play with a compact box.

"Sir, it's time for swordsmanship. The silver apocalyptic swordsman you hired at the Mercenary Guild has arrived ..."

Lord Darnet said impatiently: "Well, let him wait! Don't bother me!"

"But sir," the maid reminded Danette, "the course is charged by time. Since he got here, the time has been counted, and now there are a hundred gold coins ..."

Danette frowned, thinking for a moment, and said decisively: "Let him go back first, today ’s class is canceled-no, the next few days are canceled, I will contact him again when the class starts again! "


The maid then stepped back, and looked curiously at the small box on Danette's hand before leaving. Danette had just written on it.

What exactly is that

When the maid closed the door, Danette's face changed, and it became very cumbersome in an instant. He picked up the magic phone and pressed it lightly, and the phone projected a small light curtain, and then he quickly wrote on it A few lines were sent out.

"My dearest baby, someone came just now. Why don't we go out and meet?"

Mrs. Burns: "No, my husband will be back soon. If he sees it, he will kill us. Darnet, my sweetheart, don't forget our date tomorrow night."

"Of course, dear little baby, I will definitely be on time for the appointment."

If you let others see it, I'm afraid that I will be horrified immediately, because the other side talking to Danette is the wife of Burbons.

That's right, Danette is stealing love with Mrs. Borbons's wife-when he got the registration of the magic cell phone, he discovered the wonderful use of the magic cell phone that night.

Completely private communication, do n’t worry about anyone hearing it, and you can also communicate easily anytime, anywhere ... Is there anything more convenient and stealing than that?

Danette is probably the first person to be ambiguous with texting.

In fact, Darnett has discovered that the use of magic cell phones is not only for sending private messages, they can even use video to talk.

Last night, Danette and Mrs. Burns used the video function to chat for the middle of the night. The clear video call function opened the door to a new world for them. The two were fiery, and Danette turned Burbons even more. Madam's flood is flooding. If it was not too late that day, it would be easy to cause suspicion. It is estimated that the two will really run into a tryst.

From the initial skepticism, disdain, resistance, to becoming a loyal fan and fanatical follower of the magic cell phone, Danette's back and forth changes only overnight, and the mystery is really amazing.

Outsiders don't understand, but the insiders who got the magic phone can be completely convinced by the convenience of the magic phone in a short period of time.

Take a very simple example.

You are sitting at home, the maid went out to buy things, and suddenly remembered that there was something to add, if it was before, you need to send another person to run out, catch up with the person in front, explain it again, if the two wiped away If you pass, it is very delaying.

But now it is different. No matter what needs to be supplemented, a phone call will be made to explain directly.

I used to think of a very important thing at home to be conveyed to a friend who lives on the other side of the city. It may be just a sentence, but in order to convey this sentence, I must write a letter and wait a day, or take a trip on a carriage It is too much trouble.

And now, as long as I have exchanged contact information with friends, I think of something to say, call the phone, and talk as you want, just so casual!

For the presidents of the chamber of commerce, they found that the magic phone is a peerless artifact-this is absolutely not an exaggeration!

It used to take a day to convey a message. Now it may only take a short cup of tea to find the person in charge, call in the past, notify, and hang up. It's that simple!

The larger the chamber of commerce, the more powerful the magic phone is. This is because it is not possible to exchange contact information with branches in other cities. As time goes by, once you have exchanged contacts with relevant people in other cities. This way, it can be expected that the operating efficiency of the entire chamber of commerce will soon rise a lot!

Those who have experienced the convenience of the magic phone in person, all those users are crazy!

1999 gold coins are expensive? No, it's not expensive at all! It can even be said to be extremely cheap!

The magic letter can only be used once, and the price is up to 10,000 gold coins. The magic phone can not have as many restrictions as the magic letter. You can use it any way you want. It is cheap and easy to use!

After realizing the benefits of the magic phone, Datang Mobile's shops were immediately crowded out by enthusiastic crowds. People waving banknotes and shouting to buy the magic phone. Unfortunately, the existing inventory on the market has been sold out.

"I want to buy a magic phone! This is my five-star membership card!"

"Sorry, we are out of stock now ..."

"What a joke! As a five-star member, you tell me it's out of stock !?"

"But sir, this is true. It is not yet certain when the next shipment will be delivered."

"How do you do business !? All of my friends have used the magic cell phone, but I haven't, how can you make me look up in front of them !?"

"Sir, I think you can only wait, as does the six-star member Count Andrew."

"Six-star member! Earl Andrew !?"

The five-star member who was yelling loudly died down at once, and he was at best a viscount, who couldn't turn him in front of the count.

"I want to complain to you!"

At this moment Lord Danette, who was very complex, rushed into the business hall with a thunderous storm: "You are a scam! It is a fraud! The quality is too bad!"

The trained waiter immediately stepped up and said calmly, "Sir, please speak responsibly. Why do you say we are fraud?"

"I'm chatting with my --- friends, but suddenly I'm reminded that I can't talk!"

Danette growled: "I just bought it yesterday and it broke today. What are you not cheating !?"

"Lend me your cell phone and have a look."

The waiter took Danette's mobile phone and checked it, then frowned, took out Danette's phone card, inserted his phone card, dialed the number of his colleague, and successfully connected.

The waiter took out his calling card, and looked at Danette blankly. "Sorry, sir, there is nothing wrong with your phone, and the quality is absolutely fine."

"But I can't talk!"


The waiter's face showed a proper disdain: "You must not have listened to our explanation carefully when you bought a mobile phone for a phone card yesterday, did you charge a fee for the phone call of Magic Mobile?"

"Of course I know! Five copper coins at one time (the ancient calendar used by gnomes and goblins, 36 hours a day, 36 minutes at a time, 1 degree at 36 minutes), is nothing to me at all!"

"That's just the basic cost of a voice call. Within 50 words of each text message is a copper plate, and every 1 degree for a video call is 1 silver coin."

The waiter looked at Danette with a strange look: "After the calling card is completed, the basic talk time that comes with a gold coin has been used for a long time. You ... did you make a phone call last night?"

Danette heard that the expression on his face immediately became unnatural. He did make a phone call last night. It was still a video call. While chatting with Mrs. Borbons, he was talking with his little lover. It feels amazing ...

"Looks like you should understand."

The waiter brought Count Danette to the recharge counter next to it. This is probably the first time the recharge counter has opened, but they are very clear. In the future, it will probably become one of the most important channels for attracting money from the Datang Chamber of Commerce.

The waiter Mali inserted Danette's phone card into the card slot, and then smiled with a kind (seductive) kind (confused): "It was His Excellency ... Then how much would you like to recharge? We provide 1, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000 and other various types of recharge methods, starting with a minimum of gold coins, without capping ... "

"In addition, we also provide a variety of rich packages for you to choose from. You see there are business packages, couple packages, and family packages ... Did you want to apply for a package?"

If people on the earth saw this iconic smile from telecom salespeople, they would definitely be alert immediately, but these aliens who have never experienced the test ...

Minute jumping without explanation.

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