Things from Another World

Chapter 882: Don't mess with me! I went crazy and even hit my own place!

Tim clearly didn't expect that Tang En could take out the core of the artificial soul so easily.


He has been lethargic and finally showed a smile: "With this, we can save a few days."

"Keep it."

As soon as Tang En handed the core of the artificial soul to him, everyone saw that the alloy plate cut by Tang En suddenly flew up again, returned to the chest of the gold giant statue, and then returned to its original state in a tight fit.

Rao is stunned by Tang En: "This Oliha Steel's self-recovery ability is too strong!"

Hi Nima! The memory metal on earth is not so exaggerated! ?

The most surprising thing is that the recovery effect of this Oliha Steel does not seem to consume energy-that is, magic, because there is no magic in the body of the golden giant statue, and it still has a recovery effect.

If this alloy appears on Earth, it is estimated that those physicists and materials scientists will be crazy, and they must find ways to study the molecular structure of this thing-unfortunately there is no electron microscope here, and Tang En can't see the molecular structure.

Even if you see it, it may not be useful, because the basic elements of this world may be very different from the other world.

Tang En asked again, "What else is needed?"

After talking about it for a while, Yustisa and Tim whispered to Tang En: "There is also the problem of the power source. The original power source of the gold giant statue is very backward, and we need to redesign ..."

"Can't it be replaced with a magic engine?"


Yu Stisa shook her head: "Although the magic engine can convert magic into power, it is only suitable for simple magic machines."

In her eyes, those magical machines are very simple mechanical constructs. The important significance is to transform the mysterious power of magic into a power that ordinary people can also operate, but it is not enough to use it on the golden giant statue. .

If you use the power of the magic energy engine, I am afraid that the entire golden giant statue must be completely transformed. The complicated transmission and balance design alone can be a headache.

This also coincides with what Tang En thought. The gold giant statue is obviously a mystical thing. If you want to change it to a high-tech gundam, the technical content will rise straight, but there is no way to produce it so easily. Already.

Tim made a suggestion: "I suggest it is best to use the power of alchemy, although the cost is huge, but it can avoid a lot of trouble."

"I listen to experts."

Tang En nodded, so things were settled.

Yusita ’s main research direction is the soul signal amplification device. Tim ’s main research direction is the adaptive transformation of the artificial soul core. Clotto and Angus ’energy are mainly focused on the study of Oliha Steel and In terms of the internal structure of the Golden Titan, if it goes well, it should be able to come up with a preliminary solution after one month.

Tang En is very excited. As long as he can solve these problems, he can have an invincible legion that can face up with Chaos-if coupled with the Templar's magical aid, I'm afraid the effect will be stronger.

After the plan was finalized, it was too late, and everyone disbanded.

Tang En closed the golden giant statue and finally relaxed his tense nerve.

However, he still couldn't relax completely. After these warm-up days, Fiona was fully prepared, and residents of various cities once again ushered in the baptism of the flyers. Today, the flyers are nothing new. The publicity method has been changed, but people are still very willing to take the initiative to accept leaflets, not only for remembering things, but also for "wiping things" in some cases.

As the Datang Chamber of Commerce opened its supply of paper, the Datang Printing Factory also began to operate externally, and small branch factories were established in various places. Therefore, various Illus Chambers of Commerce also became accustomed to using leaflets to promote their products.

Although the production capacity of Ellington's paper mills for producing super white paper is still very low, after the market is opened, the future demand will increase. Some people have started to seek cooperation and want to set up new factories to specialize in the production of leaflets. Posters and other products.

The publicity of the leaflets is only a supplementary means. The really important publicity is actually the news section of the Datang Daily and the indiscriminate broadcast of the radio station.

After a period of development, the Datang Daily has long occupied a place in the mainstream society of the Illus Empire. Everyone is used to reading newspapers during breakfast.

Civilians want to get discounted promotional information for shops from newspapers to save some living expenses, or to see which shops are recruiting workers, you can try your luck in the past.

The nobles would like to know more about what happened in China yesterday, and by the way, see what will happen today.

The businessmen are more concerned about the summary of the local intelligence in the Datang Daily-yes, because Tang En's teleportation team has spread all over Tiannan and Haibei, the Datang Daily has also obtained great benefits. The reporter of the newspaper every evening The news gathered from various cities can be obtained, compiled and edited in Ellington's headquarters, and then published in the news of the previous day.

Because of this convenient channel of information, Carl Tang, president of Datang Daily, decisively decided to open up a business column and publish supply and demand information in various places.

No one believed it when it was first published, but when the first merchant, Jiang Xinjiang, was suspicious ... I mean, he tried to prepare the goods according to the information in the Datang Daily, and then sent back a lot of news. It actually caused the second sales peak of Datang Daily, and those businessmen who lag behind in the news channel originally suffered from no news channel, and now Datang Daily has become their open source of information.

Based on fair and impartial channels of information, how they make money depends on their abilities.

The reason for saying so much is just to explain one thing-that the Datang Daily now has an unprecedentedly powerful influence in the Illus Empire. Whether it is civilians, merchants, or nobles, it is now inseparable from it. Tang Daily has completely occupied the mouthpiece of public opinion!

Therefore, when those people saw the headline on the front page of today's front page of the Datang Daily, they continued to read it by accident, and then they learned the relevant news.

Headline "Historic moment, the birth of the magic cell phone!"

The subtitle is "Great news! Plantar is about to usher in the era of wireless mobile communications!"

"Great news, according to the latest news from this newspaper, the Magic Energy Engineering Research Institute in Ellington has recently overcome the technical bottleneck of the" ultra-long-range magic wave communication theory "and successfully brought this technology out of the laboratory and into the factory. Into a real product. "

"It is reported that the basis of the" ultra-distance magic wave communication theory "is derived from the" magic wave theory "proposed by His Majesty Tang En (for details, please go to the Patent Office to read the relevant patent), according to His instructions and this theory Under the guidance of the Datang Chamber of Commerce, a group of researchers at the Magic Energy Engineering Research Institute worked hard to overcome countless difficulties and finally achieved gratifying results! "

"According to relevant sources, this latest product from Datang Chamber of Commerce allows holders to conduct instant communication over long distances after registering personal information. The so-called instant messaging means that the two parties can talk at the same time on the spot, and It's not a question-and-answer format like today's correspondence. "

"According to the current test information, the communication distance tested has exceeded 5,000 kilometers (see the attached table for the specific distance). Within this range, the sound signal is not attenuated, and the phone can be used normally. The maximum communication distance is so far. No data was given. According to our speculation, I am afraid that the limit distance should be more than twice the existing distance. "

"That is to say, with the launch of this product from the Datang Chamber of Commerce, our Illuth Empire is about to lead any country in the mainland and take the lead in the era of wireless mobile communications. From now on, Yalinks and Elling Do n’t be far away, even if you are on the far east side of Prendall, your voice, sight, and text can be transmitted to the west side! "

"This technology is more convenient than Magic Letter, and the product is cheaper. It is foreseeable that the birth of this product will completely change our lives and change our world."

"His Majesty Tang En, who relies on marriage, is perhaps the most controversial Regent for thousands of years, but there is no doubt that he is also the most legendary His Majesty the Regent. Under his rule, we are bound to pass. A happier and better life. "

"Neither I nor our 2,000 employees have any doubt about this."

Newspaper headlines propelled a huge wave in the territory of the Illus Empire, and almost everyone was inevitably involved.

People were either excited, nervous, or embarrassed, and many people gathered involuntarily that day, discussing in private what exactly this "magic cell phone" was.

In a luxurious garden, a few richly-dressed rich people gathered together and whispered.

The head of the group was called Borbons, and was the chairman of the Yalinks Chamber of Commerce.

He held the black tea and said in a deep voice: "It is said in the news that the holders of the mobile phone can register information with each other, and then they can talk unlimitedly over long distances. That is, even if I am in Fira, you are in Alinks, as long as we have registered with each other, we can always contact ... I think everyone can see the significance of this thing? "

Another rich man shook his head decisively: "This is impossible! What must have been said above must be false news. This is really ridiculous!"

"His Excellency Darnet, why do you say it is impossible? Since Magic Letter can achieve remote communication, there is no reason this can't be done."

"Why do you say? If there is such a thing, do you think they will sell it?"

Danette said disdainfully: "Look at the description, how big is the significance of this magic cell phone in the army? Don't I say? This kind of thing is a battlefield artifact. It is not an exaggeration. If you have mastered this Technology, would you sell it? "

Burbons frowned slightly, what he said made sense!

"Not to mention," Danette said with a sneer. "A set of magic letters can only be used once, but is worth 10,000 gold coins. If this so-called magic phone is real, it can communicate over unlimited distances, then Wasn't it smashing the Silver City? Do you think His Excellency would sit and watch? "

Of course not, but ...

Another whispered, "Hi Danet, I remember that in previous editions of the Datang Daily, His Excellency was also a member of the Datang Magic Energy Research Institute. For his credit, he wouldn't smash himself? "

Danette: "..."

Burbons: "..."

This TM is awkward!

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