Things from Another World

Chapter 880: The idea of ​​making a case!

"I heard that Lord Herald wanted to repair the Golden Colossus?"

Tang En nodded: "Yes, I heard that you were involved in the design and production of the Golden Titan?"

Tim shook his head: "It's impossible to talk about design. My design proposal was ultimately rejected by Master Hohenheim. The final solution adopted was the result of the integration of your opinions."

It turned out to be negative ...

Fortunately, your plan has been rejected, otherwise it may be the white demon of the Federation if it is passed ...

Tang Enke restrained his grotesque desire, and asked, "Do you know why they did not respond to the command of the royal staff?"

"Isn't this obvious?"

Tim kicked the gold giant statue and said dizzily: "The core has stopped working for a long time, the supply of magic power has been lost, and the earliest version of the artificial soul could not be maintained for a long time. After such a long time, they It dissipated, and now there should be only the empty core of the artificial soul in this golden giant statue. "

Although the original design was not conceived by Tim, the final draft cannot be separated from the large frame, and the basic design concept will not change.

At the beginning, their idea was to use artificial souls as the core and use magic power to drive the golden giant statue. Now that time has passed so long, there is no magic supplement in that space, and the original magic reserve gradually dissipates, plus the fragile space The structure has caused frequent cracks in the space, and storms from the astral world are constantly washing the gold giant statue, and the internal energy has long been dissipated.

Without the maintenance of magic power, of course, the pure energy body of artificial soul cannot last long.

After listening to Tim ’s explanation, Tang En brightened his eyes: "That is to say, these golden giants are all blank bodies? Can we fill in new artificial souls at any time?"


Tim nodded: "If the artificial soul designed with our mature technology is filled in, the fighting power of the golden giant statue should be much better than that year, and many special fighting skills can be added."

"That's great, let's do it now-wait!"

Speaking of here, Tang En suddenly flashed a flash of lightning. The blank soul core of the Golden Giant Statue Corps is all the elite hall of elite soldiers. It is a space of integration ... Hey, I wipe! Isn't this a perfect match? ?

The biggest problem of the Golden Titan now is the loss of abundant energy drive, the backward power drive core, and the artificial soul core that has become a blank after dissipating.

However, Tang En had a problem that had been haunting him before, and that was how to turn the heroes of the Yingling Hall into actual combat power-after all, it is quite difficult for the soul to interfere with the living world.

Although they have very rich combat experience, they do not have the ability to interfere in the living world.

But now it's different!

The point is that the core of the blank artificial soul should theoretically be able to carry the soul!

That's right!

The Golden Titan is a powerful body that can replace the soul. After adjustments and modifications, each heroic warrior in the Palace of Heroes can enter the Golden Titan and control the powerful Golden Titan to fight!

The number of golden giants is also very large, which can meet the needs of those warriors in the Yingling Temple, and basically can also solve the need to transform the warriors into actual combat power.

Even better, because the space to store the gold giant statue is not stable enough, Nora has now asked her goblin friends to merge the two half-plane spaces. Once the merger is completed, the space of the heroic hall and the gold statue becomes As a whole, heroic warriors can also use the Golden Colossus for practical training at any time.

Tang En grew more and more excited, and felt more and more that this approach was feasible. Perhaps in the actual implementation process, some difficulties will be encountered, but those difficulties are foreseeable and can be solved.

When you think about it, Tang En directly asks: "Master Tim ..."

"Please don't call me a master, I'm still far behind."

"Lord Tim, I want to ask you a question."

Tang En asked: "What do you need to do if you want a human soul to enter or leave a blank artificial soul core at will?"

"Human soul?"

Lost Tim heard his eyes opened slightly and looked at Tang En in amazement: "Human souls are far more complicated than artificial souls, so there are a lot of things that need to be modified, but what do you ask?"

The soul of the deceased is within the authority of the **** of death Gritters, and mortals do not even have the ability to see the soul, let alone interfere with the soul to the kingdom of death, that is blasphemy.

As soon as Tang En asked this question, Tim guessed what he thought—someone had made this suggestion at first, but it was eventually rejected.

Tang En refreshed: "Although modifications are needed, at least they are feasible, right?"

"That's right ..."

"How long would it take to modify the kernel of all the Golden Titans?"

"long time."

After a pause, Tim thought for a moment and went on to say: "It was mainly because of the protection of the core when constructing the gold giant statues that I used Oriha steel provided by the dragon to shape them. It is difficult to damage, and it will automatically recover the shape after impact distortion ... "

"Oliha Steel?"

Tang En was stunned: "mountain copper? What amuse me? Will the gadget have such strong performance?"

The original name of Oliha Steel is Shan Copper, also known as Orecarcos, Oliharugg, Olihacan or King Metal. It is a metal mentioned in some ancient documents, such as Plato ’s Kerry The story of Atlantis is described in Tias.

According to the description in Critus, the value of mountain copper is considered second only to gold, and it was found and mined in many areas of ancient Atlantis. Then, in the age of the writing of Critus, only the name was known.

In monetary science, it is a golden yellow copper alloy (ie, brass) used to make the ancient Roman coins Seteti and Dupontia. In many modern cultural products such as fantasy novels and video games, mountain copper Become a valuable mineral that can be mined and made into powerful armor and weapons.

But how could this thing still have the ability to remember metal?

"What is mountain copper?"

Tim stunned: "Oliha Steel is an alloy smelted by the Dragons. It is very powerful. In order to make these gold giant statues, the Dragons have emptied almost all their inventory. Oh yes, because this metal is a Dragon It was developed, so we also called Oliha Steel as Longgang ... "

"This is impossible!"

Tang En flatly denied: "I also have Longgang, it is a silver-white metal, not gold at all."

Tang En not only has Long Steel, but also saw weapons made by Long Steel. A pair of Long Steel swords from Aegwynn are precious weapons made by Long Steel. Bright silver is the most prominent feature of Long Steel, not gold at all. Titans are golden yellow like this.

Tim frowned slightly: "Then I don't know. If you don't believe it, you can look at the information. We have records in the information. The material is indeed Oliha Steel, which is Long Steel."

Croto, who was studying hard beside him, picked up the ancient book and turned it over for Tang En to see: "He's right, it does indicate the materials used. Oriha Steel, also known as Dragon Steel, a powerful metal material provided by the Dragon family , Has become the best material for the gold giant statue. "

This is weird ...

Tang En's heart moved and said: "Wait a minute, there is just a dragon guy here, I'll call ..."

"You looking for me?"

Before Tang En's words were spoken, a head leaned over to startle him and startled him: "How come you are so crazy !?"

"I've been here long ago."

Eldorcamanda said with a smile: "Elsa's awakening is a good thing. How can I miss such an important thing, I have been watching."

"Are you still talking by the side?"

Tang En said angrily: "Also stay away from me!"

This guy's face was so close that Tang En had an inexplicable sense of crisis.

And the thought of this guy's bright clothes is actually streaking around the clock, Tang En feels even more awkward.

Eltro Kamanda reluctantly took a half step back and asked curiously, "What are you talking about? I didn't notice."

"Things about the Golden Titan Legion."

Tang En stepped back, kept a distance of three meters with him, and then said, "About the materials used in the construction of the gold giant statue ... wait, I first ask, is Orihan Steel the Dragon Steel? "

"That's right."

Alcho Kamanda nodded: "Long Gang is your name, we are calling Oliha Steel."

"But it's wrong."

Tang En frowned, and took out a piece of silver-white Longgang: "What's this?"

"Oliha Steel."

Atjo Kamanda's face was taken for granted.

"What about this?"

Tang En pointed at the Golden Colossus.

"Golden Titan."

"Mom's mental retardation! I asked for the material!"

Eldor Kamanda suddenly realized: "Oliha Steel."

Damn this is playing me! ?

Seeing that Tang En's face was instantly gloomy, Alcho Kamanda was stunned, awakened, and hurriedly said, "Both are Oliha Steel!"

"What a joke! How could one material have two names?"

"But it is true!"

As soon as Tang En raised his hand, Azkar Kamanda took a step backwards and said in a hurry: "I didn't lie to you! Really! It's just different materials!"

"Since the materials are different, why is it called Oriha Steel? Why not rename it?"

"But Oliha Steel is Oliha Steel ..."

Tang En felt as if he had caught something suddenly, and suddenly clapped his hands, cursing: "I rub it! Remember it! Oriha means" mixing, synthesizing "in the Dragon language!"

"That's it."

Eltro Kamanda is very innocent: "Is there anything wrong?"

The wrong place is big!

The so-called "Oliha Steel" in Long language actually means "alloy, synthetic steel"!

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