Things from Another World

Chapter 877: My mount is invincible!

The main reason why this space is on the verge of collapse is that it has now completely lost its vitality—the entire space is gray, and the magic of the golden giant itself has been dissipated in the sleep of nearly a thousand years, losing these Energy, this space is like a dried up balloon, very fragile.

To restore it to stability is to refill the balloon.

Filling this space with energy is actually very simple. Whether it is the four elements of ground water, fire, wind, magic, life force, etc., it can be regarded as energy. As long as there is a cycle of these energy, it will not be so easy to collapse here.

The Golden Titan Legion is a very powerful legion weapon. It is foreseeable that it will definitely play a decisive role in future battlefields, so Tang En must ensure the stability of this space.

If you leave it alone, you can imagine what will happen in the future-the battlefield is extremely fierce, he summoned the army of the golden giant statue, but the entire space collapsed due to the spatial fluctuations during the transmission, and then all the 100,000 golden giant statues were rolled The turbulent flow into space disappeared ...

That fun will be great.

Although it is cumbersome to do, it is essential.

The only trouble is ...

The amount needed is too large.

That's right, the volume of this space is much larger than the space of the Yingling Hall. At the time, the space in the Yingling Hall was still the stable space that Nora had found by looking for fairy friends, and they were consolidated after the strength of them. use.

Compared with that space, the basic conditions of this space are much worse now, and the only strength is probably the big one.

Now this strength has become a short board-because to feed this space, the power consumed will be an astronomical figure.

Tang En groaned for a long time and asked Nora: "If you simulate a small ecological cycle here and gradually restore life here, will this space stabilize?"

"Okay, this method works very well, and we all like to do it."

Tang En was pleased: "So it's set ... How long?"

After Nora shook her head for a while, she said uncertainly, "It will take hundreds of years, not long."

It is not long for hundreds of years ...

Sure enough, the concept of time cannot be discussed with the longevity species.

"Another way."

Tang En's mouth twitched constantly: "Build a source of magic here, what about the Unicom element world to extract elements?"

Nora nodded: "It's okay, it's only a matter of decades to stabilize this space."

For decades ...

"It's still too long."

Tang En frowned, the next thing to do was to determine the situation of the Golden Giant Statue Army, and then solve the problem. Once the problem was solved, he requested that the Golden Giant Statue Army could be invested in the next battle of the Chaos Gate encountered. use.

If he can't use it for decades, then he will spend so much energy doing it.

"Doesn't it last for decades? A blink of an eye ... wow! Bad guy Tang En!"

Nora hurled her cheeks, "Why are you pinching me!"

"It's nothing to you for decades, but it's been a lifetime for humans."

Tang En said angrily: "Troublesome, stand on the other side and think about it next time when discussing the issue of time!"

"But the concept of time really doesn't make sense to us!"

Nora flew up and kicked Tang En's forehead: "So anxious, just merge the half-plane space of the Yingling Hall with this space."

"Of course it will be fine ... !!!?"

Tang En smiled and froze there suddenly, then grabbed Nora and stared straight at her: "Two spaces can merge !?"

"Yeah! Hooligans! Bad guys!"

Nora exclaimed, holding on to Tang En's fingers, Tang En looked down, and said angrily, "I'm not interested in making you a hooligan like this!"

"Ah! You hate death! I ignore you!"

Nora was angry, her arms swollen and her face turned away, making it clear that she did not intend to take care of Down.

Tang En had to apologize to her, "I was wrong. Nora is the prettiest and cutest goblin in the world."

Nora was unmoved.

Tang En sighed, and took out a large rainbow wave plate sugar without expression: "I was going to apologize with this insult, but a certain little fairy refused to speak, so I had to eat it myself."

"Yeah !!!"

Nora could not help but glance at it, immediately screaming, struggling to fly out of Tang En's hand: "That's mine!"

"Are you angry?"

"Give me!"

"Are you angry?"

"You hate death!"

"Are you angry?"

"Give me-I'm not angry!"

Tang En then handed her the rainbow wave board candy, holding the rainbow wave board candy that was one size larger than herself, and Nora was satisfied.

Tang En asked again, "You said just now that you can merge the space of the Yingling Temple with this space? Can you really do that?"

"Of course you can. What do you think we are fairies?"

Nora proudly said, "We are masters in space."

"But you're not saying you ..."

"I'm a fool, but my friends are not!"

Oh my God! She actually admitted that she was a fool! ?

Tang En really wanted to record this moment and keep it for later.

Nora seemed to feel that she was stupid, too. She hurriedly added, "I mean, I'm lazy, not stupid, well, that's it!"

Useless, you're done.

"What will happen to the two spaces after the merger?"

"What else? Of course it's integrated."

Nora carefully pushed the wave plate sugar into a small space door, saying casually: "After the two spaces merge, the new space will replace the original two spaces, the volume will be superimposed, and the internal environment will merge into One. "

Tang Enmo said with a chin, "That is to say, the over-saturated filling energy at the Yingling Temple will be diluted by the new space, and this space will be restored to stability after being replenished ...

"I don't know what you're talking about, but that's roughly true."

Nora nodded. "If you are in a hurry, this is the fastest way."

It all sounds good, making Tang En a little unbelievable.

"What are the disadvantages of this approach?"


Nora nodded her lips and thought for a moment, and said, "When the two spaces merge, energy tides will appear, which is dangerous for the creatures in the space and will be torn. This is the biggest disadvantage, right? But these two spaces No creatures, right? "

Tang En was overjoyed. There was only a soul body in the Hall of Spirits. This space had only a golden giant statue. There was no need to fear the tide of energy. This shortcoming could be ignored.

"anything else?"

"Basically it is gone, that is, the phenomenon of spatial distortion will occur when the space is merged. After all, it is impossible for two independent semi-planar spaces to completely correspond, and the space coordinates need to be recalculated. forget."

Nora blinked innocently and continued before Tang En said, "But my friends remember."

Tang En was relieved. When this guy learned to speak, he was out of breath ...

"That being the case, then use this method. Can your friends come to help?"

Tang En remembered the last time they asked them to find a space to build the Hall of Spirits. As a result, she disappeared for so long. The time concept of these guys was too terrible.

"no problem!"

Nora patted her small breasts: "I promised to bring them something delicious to share last time, and everyone was waiting."


Tang En rejoiced: "Since this is the case, I will leave it to you, and I will concentrate on solving the repair of the giant statue."

"Okay, after the end, you have to make up for the candy that served them!"

Nora patted her wings and told Tang En very seriously. Before Tang En answered, she turned into a little bit of light and disappeared.

Tang En laughed and found that this guy was still an action figure.

Down came back to Elsa: "Let's go, we should go back."

"it is good."

Elijah happily rode on the astral warhorse.

Tang En asked curiously, "What name did you give it?"

Elsa was a little embarrassed: "Invincible."

Tang En almost planted her head.

Girl, what FLAG are you trying to establish! ?

Tang En pursed his lips and asked, "Why, why is this name?"

I'm not surprised even if you're called Xingyuan, but why is your uncle named Wudi?

"Because it wasn't chased by the Nether Hunter before."

Ilia patted the head of the astral warhorse and said stubbornly: "So we hope it can become stronger, and it is best to be invincible, so we call it invincible."

It is for this reason that such a terrible FLAG is established! ?

Tang En didn't know what to say ...

As a goddess, you are not afraid of being cast by men ...

Mom, shouldn't there be 25 feet men to turn me?

Tang En sighed several times, but depending on the appearance of Elijah and Elsa, he still accepted the name silently.

After walking through the portal and back to the back garden, Tang En suddenly realized that it was already afternoon, and before lunch he had unknowingly passed.

Looking at the remnants on the table of the backyard, and then looking at the elated Angus, Jean, and Brian who pushed the cup to drink, Tang En felt his head straight.

Hey guy, he's exploring inside, these guys are here to eat delicious food and drink as a dinner?

"Hmm? Big brother, are you back?"

The blushing Brian stood on a stool and shook his glass at Tang En: "You haven't eaten yet? Come here for two drinks, and there are many things left untouched!"

Faceless Tang En glanced at the messy food on the table, wondering which posture he should use to press his head up.

At this moment, Jean suddenly exclaimed, and suddenly stood up humbly: "My God-Astral War Horse !?"

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