Things from Another World

Chapter 864: Elsa's Inner Struggle

"I don't know that I don't want to hear that I don't believe it!"

Elsa squatted on the floor, covering her ears and shaking her head.

How can such things be accepted!

Suddenly a few people came out and said that you were not the child of your parents, you were a child of another person, but you just borrowed the woman's belly and went through the process of birth again ... Who would believe such words?

Regardless of the authenticity, even if it is true, it is hard to accept!

The family that has been living together for a while has suddenly become a stranger with no relationship? Who can accept this great change?

Mom, she was so weak, but she still took care of herself until she grew up.

Although the father is often away from home, he always brings delicious food and plays with him every time he returns. He looks at his own eyes clearly and is looking at his daughter. If he is not his daughter, how could he be so loved Myself! ?

At least Elsa herself was unacceptable!


All he said was false!

This is not true!

"It's true. I'm not lying to you. You must believe me, Ai Lu, I'm your Uncle Har!"

Hal Kamanda was anxious to get Elsa to accept herself.

Tang En stopped him, shook his head, and whispered, "Don't force her."


"Let her slowly accept the truth."

In fact, Elsa should have noticed her abnormality long ago.

Since she was a child, she has far more power than her peers, and even more powerful than an adult man. If only the talent is used to explain, this talent is too incredible for a little girl-not to mention many people Everyone knows that the so-called "power of the dragon" is not too rare, but no one has ever been able to obtain such a perverted power as Elsa.

Elsa had long suspected that there was something “wrong” with her, so she had always deliberately controlled her power, and she hated others calling herself “Weird Girl” —Jun Bu seeing her elder sister ’s head as a Weird Girl How many crimes did Danny and Tom suffer.

Occasionally, she would also dream in her dreams that she would grow wings to fly in the sky. Although the flight is unstable, it is no doubt that she is flying with her wings-an unusually real feeling Time made Elsa unable to distinguish between reality and dream.

As a child, she even sneaked up to the tree and jumped down—because she always felt that she would grow wings to fly—if she wasn't strong enough, she would have fallen short.

However, all these visions have been answered today.

Her origin is indeed not ordinary, not only unusual, but also terrible!

Dragon race!

Who dares to say it?

The so-called strange power is just the normal power of the Dragon tribe. After her re-incubation by Clara, her power has not grown yet. If she grows up completely, her power will further increase.

The flight in the dream is not fake, but the memory of her when she was Elrohaxa-although the surface consciousness has lost that part of consciousness, the soul has not changed, and the deep memory still exists in the soul. Immortal, those memories will not disappear, after all, she will be retrieved.


Elsa was scared that day.

After she was afraid, afraid to retrieve her memory, she was no longer herself.

No longer Elsa, but the so-called Ellu Haksha in their mouths.

When you are no longer yourself? Who can accept this cruel reality?

At least Elsa couldn't.

If it was Tang En who encountered such a thing, I am afraid he would not accept it.

Changing memories is just as scary as changing individuals, changing identities, and the meaning of one's existence now completely disappears.

Dunn knew Elsa's concerns at the moment.

The problem she is facing is actually a split personality (actually not, just what she thinks it is), also known as dissociative personality disorder-fearing that she will replace her current existence in another memory.

There is no doubt that her situation is very similar to that of Elijah, except that Elijah is the reincarnation of the goddess. She knows her situation very well, and often observes the world through Elijah's eyes. The subjective consciousness is also through the spirit and her superficial consciousness. Communication and guidance made it easy for her to accept the present situation, and she will grow up slowly and gradually accept the awareness of the subject.

If you resist like Elsa, there will be exclusion and you will reject your past.

In fact, both Elsa and Ellu Haksha are self-conscious. Even if they accept the truth and the memory of Ellu Haksha, Elsa's memory will not disappear. It won't change, she is still her, and if she realizes this clearly, she won't be so afraid.

Perhaps she needed comfort.

Dunn crouched down and hugged Elsa from behind.

The warm embrace made Elsa tremble a bit, then she shrank into Tang En's arms subconsciously, and the crying young girl looked up at Tang En, trying to get some comfort from him.

"Don't be afraid, I'm here."

Tang En said softly: "Whether you are willing to accept your past identity, I will still be your elder brother."

"Brother Tang En!"

Elsa cried again with a "wow": "I'm really scared. I'm scared that I'm no longer myself. Are they all true?"

"……it is true."

After only a moment of hesitation, Tang En decided to tell her the truth.

A well-intentioned lie won't give her much comfort, but will cause her to feel resentment after the truth is revealed, and it is better to let her face the reality.

Before waiting for Elsa to speak, Tang En hugged her and said in a deep voice: "But you don't have to be afraid, whether it's Elro Haksha or Elsa, you are you, Elro Haksha's memory It won't replace you now, and Elsa will not disappear. You are all alone. "

"But, but that's another strange memory--"

"That's still your memory, isn't it?"

Tang En rubbed her head with a smile, and said, "Regardless of whether you are willing to accept the reality, the reality will not change there. Ellu Haksha is the past you, Elsa is the present you, you do n’t need to Worried about disappearing. "

In addition to worrying about her disappearance, the reason why Elsa is so sad is that she does not want to deny the current family—grandparents, grandparents, grandparents, and moms. They have nothing to do with themselves. Is n’t she a stranger?

Tang En knew her fears and said, "In addition, you don't have to worry that Aunt Clara and Uncle Abbot will not want you. Don't forget, they already know your identity, but they have always regarded you as their biological daughter. It ’s the same kind of upbringing, isn't that enough to show their love for you? "

Tang En thought for a while, and then asked a question: "Do you think that in a family, is blood relationship or parenting relationship important?"

Elsa snapped: "Of course it's blood ..."

"Wrong, big mistake."

Tang En shook his head: "No matter who your child is, the hard work of raising your parents is the one you really should respect and respect. The so-called blood relationship is actually not as important as you think-just Parents usually do not abandon their children, so the blood relationship we usually talk about often includes parenting relationships, and it feels more important to have extra points. "

The pedigree theory still prevails in Prendall, so kinship is very important. Tang En's statement is simply challenging everyone's three perspectives, and even Elsa is stunned.

Tang En gently wiped the tears on Elsa's face: "Think about it from another angle. After the biological parents abandoned the child, if it wasn't for the adoptive parents who raised the child, the poor child would have died long ago? Isn't abandonment a very cruel behavior? "

Elsa nodded subconsciously. The confused girl felt that Tang En made a lot of sense, but the common sense in her heart made it difficult for her to break through her mind ...

"Okay, another angle."

Tang En shrugged and said, "Although you are not Uncle Abbot's daughter, even if Ellu Haksa's purpose is to use Aunt Clara to reshape her body, you are a child born of Aunt Clara. This is beyond doubt, isn't it true that you are her biological daughter? "

Elsa nodded.

"Uncle Abbot and Aunt Clara are husband and wife, so are you right their daughter?"

Elsa nodded again.

"Then what are you afraid of?"

Tang En asked: "You didn't understand at all. I'm afraid you should be worried about being abandoned. Should they be the two of them?"

The raised daughter finally knows her true identity, noble blood from the Dragon tribe, can she still accept her parents as mortals? ——This kind of worry is inevitable. It may even be something that Abbotton and Clara have been worried about.

Elsa looked back, her mind suddenly cleared.

Yeah, since mom and dad have n’t talked about it, it means that they have always raised themselves as their true daughters. How can they love themselves so much, how can they stop themselves because they know this?

Yes, there is no need to worry!

Thinking of this, Elsa finally woke up, but at the same time, a question came to mind.

Are you really that "Ilu Haksha"?

Is it really a dragon?

Not such a big coincidence?

At this time, Hal Kamanda, who had not spoken beside him, came forward and looked at Elsa and said, "Maybe you will doubt, but I have a gift from the king here. After you accept it, don't There will be such doubts. "


What will it be?

Elsa looked puzzled, and then she saw the gift from Har Kamanda.

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