Things from Another World

Chapter 862: Tormented Barlow

The sudden "Meteor" smashed into the head of Barlow Yan Mo, and the Barlow Yan "Boom" was smashed back into the portal, the "Meteor" was also ejected and rolled on the ground After smashing several times, I stabilized my body and flew up again.

Elsa stunned and exclaimed: "His Excellency Kamanda?"

Yes, the meteor that fell from the sky and was embarrassed by it is Eldor Kamanda-after hearing about Ellu Haksha, he was very excited at the moment, so his mood was a bit out of control, and when he flew A little reckless.

"Ill ... Elsa?"

After turning drowsyly, Eldrokamanda found Elsa, and her eyes flashed and fell in front of her. She looked at her eagerly, opened her mouth, and wanted to say something, but she chose to When the words came to my mouth, I couldn't say anything ...


Barlow's roar sounded again, his head protruded out of the portal again, and growled angrily: "Damn-ugly reptile-"


Eldor Kamanda stared at the portal in surprise: "What's the matter?"

Elsa was also very surprised: "It actually spoke Ruhn !?"

Saratimore wasn't sure: "Maybe I was smashed by this guy just now, so I want to scold him, but I'm afraid he doesn't understand?"

The Barlow screamed and roared at Mars: "After I walk through this door--"

"Well !!!"

There was another sharp cry, another "Meteor" descended from the sky, and smashed straight into the face of Balo Yanmao!

"I'm going to burn you down-ah-"

Before Barlow's magical words were finished, he was smashed back to the portal by the suddenly appearing "Meteor".

"What the **** is so hard !?"

After the meteor stabilized his body, he couldn't help rubbing his head, and his head was pink.

Elsa opened her mouth slightly. Who is this?

"Portal? What the hell?"

Hal Kamanda frowned, turned around, and yelled: "Shit, will you lead the way? What the **** is this place? How messy?"

Alcho Kamanda directly cursed: "Smelly old man! Do you doubt my talent !? Don't forget that you taught me everything!"

"But you are not as good as me at all, and sometimes I wonder if you are my seed!"

"I don't want to have any blood relationship with a guy who likes to scare the chef every day!"

"Bastard, what did you say !?"

"Do I have to repeat what I said ?!"


There was a roar on the ground, and Barlow's incomparably angry voice rang out through the sky: "Damn, ugly, humble reptile, you challenged my will again and again! I! Decided to fulfill your wishes and surrender to me- "


At this time, Tang En, who was trailing behind, was late. He glanced at the bare-eyed Barlow, and looked down at the messy battlefield below, and at the bickering Hal Kamanda Eldrokaman. Da father and son, with inexplicable faces: "What's going on? I'm just one step late? Why is it like I missed a big show?"

Brother Tang En!

Elsa was overjoyed, and the tight heart string that had been there for the past half month suddenly relaxed and was very happy.

As long as Brother Tang En is here, everyone will be safe.

At this time, the warriors and Templars suddenly found that the Barlow Enchant, who had roared aloud, was silent at this moment.

After looking at it, the Barlow who had just drilled a head was surprised when he saw Tang En, then incredible, and then became shocked, followed by a look of fear-yes, A demon who was born under the pollution of chaos and only knew about killing and destroying. After seeing Tang En at this moment, he was actually showing a fearful expression!

Barlow's flames retracted behind the portal in fear, and its instinct told it that the human in front of him was very dangerous. It was definitely a dead end to appear in front of him, but he could not even say why.

The Barlow Flame Demon could perceive an extremely dangerous breath from that human being, just like its natural nemesis.

Elsa was anxious and shouted, "Brother Donn! Can't let it escape! It may have remembered the space coordinates here!"

Tang En frowned, and the huge and terrible magic power burst out instantly, forming a huge incomparable mage's hand, grasping the sharp corner of the Baloyan demon and dragging it from the portal stiffly Immediately following him, the portal disappeared fragmented.

"Now stay here ... stay forever."

"Abominable humans! You are seeking your own way!"

There is no escape, the Barlow Flame Devil can only desperately, how terrible a legendary demon who is going all out can see.

It opened its wings, and the raging flames spewed out. The entire sky was ignited by its flames. The sea of ​​clouds turned into a sea of ​​fire, the sea of ​​fire became a flame storm, the flame storm swept the world, the earth was melted by flames, and the air It also burned, the closer the area to this area, the greater the impact, but in the blink of an eye this wasteland is about to become the same place as the purgatory abyss.

The angry demon is going to devour everyone here!

Tang En snorted, and did not let Har Kamanda and his sons take care of the soldiers. With a wave of lavender, they were protected by a layer of lilac arcane shield. Then he held up his right hand, and the world will appear out of thin air. In the palm of his hand, when he grasped the will of the world, Barlow Yan suddenly felt an unprecedented sense of crisis-escape! Do not hesitate! Run away now!

It cuts everything, forcibly tears the space and tries to escape!

But at this time, Tang En had pronounced his death—the people below didn't hear what Tang En said, but just watched his understatement with a sword, which was separated by dozens of meters from Barlow The body was cut in half in no time, and no accident, directly killed!

Elsa and the fighters of Ellington cheered wildly. Of course they knew Tang En's strength. At this moment they felt deep pride. This is the king they follow!

The Templars were stunned—the projection was terrible just now, but the ontology is coming!

Obviously such a terrible demon, how could he be killed simply?

Illus, the new regent, is so scary! ?

"This guy really ..."

Saratimore looked at Tang En with great jealousness, especially the sword in his hand. Although it looked simple and restrained at the moment, it could clearly feel the terrible emanation from above. pressure.

Huh? Is Baloyan dead?

At this time, Sarattimore suddenly returned to her eyes, her eyes suddenly flashed, she was ecstatic, and she rushed up with a cheer. A large amount of black mist was released on her body, completely covering the body of the Barlow flame. Arise, it would be a waste to devour the body of the Barlow Demon, but if this method is not used, it may not have the chance to eat this thing. You must know that the demons at this level of Barlow Demon are almost full to humans. Treasure-its wings can create powerful flying magic props, and its horns can not only serve as alchemy materials, but also be used as weapons, or as additives to magic weapons. Its skin is extremely tough, and its anti-magic power is very high. One of the best materials for leather ...

Of course, although these materials are good, they also carry a lot of chaotic pollution. People who are not strong enough are not qualified to use these materials ...

After releasing a small snowstorm to lower the temperature around him, Tang En slowly drifted down. When passing Saratimore, Leng Buding said, "After eating this meal, I owe me ten years and my contract was extended for ten years.

Saratimore, who was so beautiful, heard that she was stiff.

Oh shit! I know there is no free lunch!

Saratimore continued to eat while cursing Down.

No way, ten years, just ten years. It's so **** worth it to trade a Barlow for 10 years!

After eating this Barlow flame, Saratimore's strength will at least rise to a level-originally a legendary upper devil lord, and another step up, it means that it has the qualifications to be the devil. Prandall's creatures couldn't understand it, but in the abyss of Purgatory, it was a huge improvement.

In fact, not only the Templars were surprised, but also Hal Kamanda and Eldor Kamanda.

Although Altro Kamanda knew that Tang En's strength was very long ago, he didn't know that this guy was so strong!

The legendary Barlow Flame Devil just couldn't even beat him. After all, he was just an adult, but Tang En even killed it with one hand-this is justified! ? He's just a human!

Although Hal Kamanda is not afraid of Barlow and can kill him, it is not easy to be freehand.

If the previous impression of Down was based on the lords of Ellington and the regent of Illuth, now he has changed his point of view.

Although this guy usually looks inconspicuous, he is very strong and quite strong-maybe stronger than himself!

Hal Kamanda gave her evaluation very carefully. After all, humans who are stronger than the adult dragon are too rare. There have been few in history, but now it is clear that a "Tang Um. "

What kept Har Kamanda from being calm was the sword that Tang En had just taken.

Although it looks unpretentious, in another sense, the sword is so dazzling that it can blind the eyes of the real strong-the concentration of magic around it is really terrible!

legend? Do not! Legendary weapons are not even worth the sword!

Arcane? Do not! The treasure is obviously a lot worse!


Only real artifacts or superb artifacts can have such magical radiance!


If Tang En knew his guess, he'd be afraid to hesitate.

This thing is the golden thighs that the gods really matched him ...

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