Things from Another World

Chapter 850: Death of Ellu Haksha

Tang En's face looked at the big red fish jumping over, and then he bounced back with a violent bounce-"slap!"-A loud slap-ah no, it was a tail pumping Get Leviz's face!


The face of the chef who was chasing me was suddenly scared, and he came here to work the next day, and the fish in his hand rushed out to pump the boss' face-this is going to be against the sky!

Is he going to lose the job or even life because of a fish who is not willing to go to the pot! ?

"Cough, it's none of your business, you go down."

Leviz wiped his face, then grabbed the fish in dismay: "Her Lord Kamamanda, can you stop making this noise again? You have been scared away by twelve chefs this year. Being scared away, we can only find those chefs who are out of control. "

Hal Kamanda?

Tang En's eyes were straight, a dragon turning into a fish?

"Well, it's really a group of unimaginative guys, not even a little surprise shock."

The fish in Leviz's hand suddenly floated, then shaken and changed into a mini-shaped baby dragon lying on his back.

"I don't think any chef can accept that half of the domestic animals have suddenly screamed and jumped from the cutting board and tap dance, or the fish on the cutting board actively jumped into the boiling soup pot while spitting bubbles cheerfully ... "

When talking about these things, Leviz was full of enthusiasm. The professional chef he hired could not stand for a few days and would not stand the weird situation here. His last chef was only a few days away. The chef estimates that It won't last long ...

"Can't you change your bad taste? You are a noble dragon! Why cling to metamorphosis to scare ordinary people?"

"What are you talking about? I'm just experiencing the stimulus of life and death. You don't understand the excitement of turning ingredients into a kitchen knife to greet a kitchen knife."

Listening to their conversation, Tang En was twice as aggressive.

This Har Kamanda ... Clear thinking!

He quickly identified Hal Kamanda in his heart: a red dragon who likes to die because he can't die.

Mini Red Dragon's nostrils were full of scorn with hot air in his nostrils: "Also, didn't I say that, I'm safe with you, don't call me if it's not necessary, it's easy to disturb my game."

"Put away your game for the time being ..."

Reeves reluctantly introduced him to Tangen: "This is Har Kamanda, as you can see, a red dragon, an observer from the Dragon race, is responsible for the security of the headquarters here in Nanila, and also protects me Security. "

"This is Down."

"I know him."

Hal Kamanda flew to Down, reached out his paw and touched him, then said: "Lord of Ellington, Regent of the Illus Empire, His Excellency Down, pleased to meet you."

Leviz looked at Hal Kamanda in amazement. The relationship between the dragon and humans has always been indifferent. Why was he and Tang En so happy when they first met?

"Good to meet you, His Excellency Har Kamanda."

Tang En is not surprised. The invincible charm halo has already turned against the sky, and the prestige bonus is normal.

"Is Ellington okay recently?"

This question from Hal Kamanda made Donn a bit inexplicable, but he still answered his question: "Everything is fine ... Have you been to Ellington?"

"Everything is fine? That would be the best."

Hal Kamanda came up with a backflip: "Echo Kamanda is not mature enough, and I'm worried he's done it, it looks pretty good now."

Don didn't think much about it, thinking he was referring to Eldor Kamanda's work at the Ellington Star Diamond Bank, and asked with a smile: "Do you know Eldor Kamanda?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he couldn't help but pat his forehead. The small circles of the Dragon family are still red dragons, and it is only natural to know ...

"I'm his father."


Tang En was dumbfounded.

Should the circle be so small?

In addition, Alcho Kamanda, it is really hard for you to have such a father who likes to die ...

Hal Kamanda turned his head and sprayed Mars and asked, "Right, Riviz, why are you looking for me?"

"It's not that I'm looking for you, but it should be His Excellency Tang En."

Riviez's thick fingers set Har Kamanda aside: "Your Martian has burned to me."

"Her Donn?"

"Hello, I want to find someone ... uh, I mean, a descendant of a dragon."

"Oh? Tell me, I know all the members of the Dragon clan. If it's you, I can help."

Charm halo is occasionally good.

Tang En smiled and said with a smile, "I'm looking for the descendants of Tather Hackero."

"Taser Hackero!"

Hal Kamanda froze, her wings no longer fluttered, fell on the handle of Riviz's chair, looked at Tang En with a tilted head, and was obviously a little surprised: "What are you ... looking for his descendants?"

"Since you are the father of Azor Kamanda, it means that you should have gone through that battle."

Dunn asked tentatively, "Do you know Illus's Royal Staff?"

"A king's staff ... I probably understand."

Hal Kamanda really knew about the cane of kingship. He squinted his eyes and said, "When the cane was being refined, Hohenheim used the blood of Taser Hackero. Do you want to repair that thing?"


Tang En said very seriously: "The threat of chaos has not disappeared in the past few years. The loss of chaos with our physical bodies is too great, so I want to repair this legion's weapon and have a golden giant statue legion to deal with chaotic creatures. It will be much easier. "

Hal Kamanda stretched out his claws and scratched his head: "The Legacy of the Golden Giant Idol did a lot of help to the United Army at that time. It's nothing wrong to fix it, just ..."


"Tessackero has no offspring."


Tang En's face changed, which is different from what Angus said at the beginning!

If the blood of Taser Haklow has not continued, it means that the cane of kingship cannot be repaired smoothly, and the existing rune of dragon blood must be completely stripped and replaced with the blood of a new dragon—don't say now No one can figure out what mysteries are in those runes. Even if they understand, it is very difficult to fully reproduce them.

Is it really hopeless?

Leviz next to him was quite surprised. For the first time, he saw someone could discuss the issue of dragon blood with the dragons, and the members of the dragons were not angry ...

How big is this guy's face?

"Not to say no."

Hal Kamanda recalled, saying: "Although the battle was killed, Tesse Hackero and his wife Murphy Hackshasa actually left a descendant, but ..."

Hal Kamanda hesitated a moment, he was hesitant to tell the story, but that is the lingering painful memory of the Dragons over the years.

"What's the matter?"

Looking at Don again, without knowing why, Hal Kamanda's defense was loose, and he whispered, "His descendants died."

A dragon died! ?

Tang En's face changed dramatically, and he blurted out: "How is this possible!"

This is true, however.

In Hal Kamanda's narrative, Tang En finally believed in the truth of the matter.

The name of Tese Hakrow's descendant is Ellu Haksha, but she was eroded by chaos when she was still in the dragon egg. Although the dragon's natural vitality made her survive tenaciously, she lost Thanks to the strength of her parents, even if the dragons tried their best to help her, she eventually failed to survive, maintaining the shape of a young dragon, and finally dying a dozen years ago ...

For people who are not busy, having one child can become a national pride, and having two children is a national hero's race. The death of a young dragon has dealt a heavy blow to them. Until now, many dragons have been Thinking about it.

In particular, Ellu Haksha was the child of Taser Hakro and Murphy Haksha. The couple had sacrificed themselves for this world and were heroes of the entire Prandall, but in the end the Dragons even connected their children. They have not been able to keep it, which is indeed very cruel to those long-lived dragons.

"Ilu Haksha is a very cute child ... Although her body is weak, she is very strong, always optimistic and very motivated. She will call me Uncle Hal, and she will help me take care of Ai Zhuo ... Even if Zhuo grows older, she will take care of her in turn ... "

Hal Kamanda's voice was a little hoarse: "Although the friends who grew up with her have grown up a little bit, only she is still like that, but she has never lost hope, and her face is always full. Hopeful smile. "

"Because we are dragons, we are the most powerful and omnipotent. She firmly believes that she will get better."

Hal Kamanda's voice was even lower: "But we let her down."

Tang En is at a loss, and Ellu Haksha has died, how can he repair the cane of royal power?

In his original plan, if everything was normal in the King of the King's staff, if it was normal, as long as it was slightly modified to increase the soul gems and magic channels, it could become the carrier of the heroes and make them become real combat power instantly. .

But Ellu Haksha's failure to disrupt his plans.


Hal Kamanda suddenly thought of something, and patted her paw and said, "When Elu Haksha was dying, she wanted to see the world, so the patriarch took her out, so I didn't see her die. In the scene, the patriarch did not see Ellu Haksha when he returned. "

After a pause, Hal Kamanda hesitated and said, "I heard other people say that the patriarch thought of a way, but because it was not a normal method, I didn't want to use it. In the end, I didn't know whether he had used it."

Tang En's eyes lighted up: "That is to say Ellu Haksha may still be alive !?"

Hal Kamanda snorted, "Wait to wait for you to come to her to bleed?"

As soon as Tang En stayed, he found that his reaction was a bit too conscience ...

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