Things from Another World

Chapter 846: Suppressor and psychedelic gold

"We wanted to inform you two days after we had the finished product. I didn't expect you to be here now."

Nokia looked at Tang En in amazement and then smiled and said, "Did you know our technological breakthrough?"

Tang En was quite surprised. How could he have thought of coming around casually and just heard the good news: "It just so happened ... which technology breakthrough?"

"Improved the fusion scheme of artificial souls and tanks, as well as the optimization of the artificial soul combat assistance system, etc. In addition, the most important discovery is a new material."

As Nokia talked, he took Tang En to the front of the laboratory. The current research room as a whole looks full of sense of future technology. However, the research projects in it are backward products of the Middle Ages. Gnome, so looks very weird.

They don't think so.

On the table in front of Tang and Nokia, there is a glass cover. Inside the cover is a transparent light blue square floating in the air. Above the square is also a metal ingot that is hundreds of times larger than it.

Nokia explained: "This is the analysis of pumice stone, followed by preliminary purification and then reorganized pumice stone crystals. Because a large amount of impurities have been removed and purified, the floating effect is stronger, and the same volume unit can carry more More heavy objects floated. "

Tang En stared at the floating stone crystal, and a fist-sized piece of floating stone crystal could actually load that one hundred times the volume of metal ingots to float ... this is no longer the concept of floating, but crystallized in this floating stone Ignore the law of gravity within a certain range. Hey! ?

Is this perhaps a new natural element unique to this world?

Tang En found it very regrettable that although this type of floating stone widely exists on the floating island, he has no way to understand its molecular structure, let alone mass-produce it by artificial means.

Fortunately, this special element does not seem to be rare in this world. Except for Prandall, floating islands also exist widely in the astral space. From the perspective of reserves, there is no need to worry about the exhaustion of resources for a long time— What's more, this stuff is not a consumable, and it can be recycled after it is used up.

"Yes, I did not expect that you have analyzed the floating stones to such an extent."

Tang En highly praised their achievements, and let them begin to analyze the floating stones long ago. Even if they don't understand why the floating stones can float, at least they must find a way to separate and purify the active ingredients in them. Now they finally did it.

This means that in the subsequent processing and production of many materials, the component of floating stone crystals can be added to reduce self-weight. For example, the existing magic bus can reduce the self-weight, which can effectively increase the effective driving distance and load of the unit magic crystal. Passenger volume is very important for controlling costs.

What's more, the purified pumice crystals have a wide range of uses, and they can completely open their brains to realize some wonderful ideas that have not been realized on the earth ...

Nokia smiled and said, "My friend, the new material we are talking about is not the boulder crystal ... but the metal ingot on it."

Tang En froze and focused on the blue-purple metal ingot. Nokia greeted him, and then Rune Dwarf Gorka threw a fireball without a word. After the fireball hit the metal ingot, the metal The ingot did not even move, and there was no trace of high temperature burning. All the escaped fire elements were completely absorbed by the metal ingot!

Tang En's eyes flashed: "It absorbed the element of fire?"

"Please keep watching."

Groka fired a series of fireballs on the metal ingots, but the metal ingots were as stable as Tarzan, and there was no change at all.

When Tang En's face was full of doubts, Groka suddenly spit into her hand, and then plucked a hammer and smashed it hard!

The sound of "咣", the metal ingots held in the air by the floating stone crystals suddenly buzzed and released a heat wave, and the hot flames roared and spewed out, which instantly inspired the magic enchantment on the test bench.

"Sink !?"

After the fiery flames raged in the enchantment for a moment, calm returned to the test bench.

Fiona was stunned: "It was just ... after absorbing the power of the fireball, was it released by the impact of the hammer?"


Nokia smiled and said, "The nature of this material is very special. It contains a certain amount of magic stone dust. We originally wanted to develop a metal material with high magic resistance, and it did succeed. As a result, we When I took the material to test the crystals of the floating stone, I found that this material has the wonderful characteristics after superimposing the power of the crystals of the floating stone. "

Gorka said: "We have confirmed this after many tests. Adding mirco dust and pumice crystals to the universal alloy in a one to one ratio can get this special metal, which will not only devour Magic, and its weight has been greatly reduced. "

Reduced weight? No wonder such a small piece of floating stone crystal can hold a hundred times the volume of metal ingots ...

"We call high-magic anti-alloys that simply add demite dust to them, and alloys that add demite dust and pumice crystals to them."

Is the magic gold out? Where is the blood of Sargeras?

Tang En was too lazy to say that this is a "coincidence" naming method.

"After discussion, we generally think that it is better to make these two metals into armor or shields."

Groka's suggestion is the best solution for researchers after comprehensive consideration.

Think about it. The armor and shield made by this metal are not only afraid of magic, but also absorb the power of magic. After entering the melee range, a shield slam can release the previously absorbed magic power and give the enemy a turn. Double the blow, how terrible the power will be!

After the armor on the body absorbs the power of magic, the wearer becomes a hedgehog. Once attacked, the previously accumulated power will burst out, and the attacker will be violently counterattacked.


"It's good to use magic suppressor for armor and shields, but magic addiction is obviously more suitable for building airships."

Tang En said decisively: "Think if Skybreaker is using psychedelic gold, will it still be afraid of air defense spells?"

The most feared by the Skybreaker is the air-to-air spell. The bow and arrow cannot shoot at its height. Only the spell can threaten it. If this material is available, even the magical enchantment of defense is destroyed. Depending on the characteristics of the hull itself, it can be resisted for a long time.

With this excellent material, the spaceship plan has been brewing for a long time

"It's not just airships."

Tang En suddenly clapped his hands and said, "The tank under design can also be changed to this material, which reduces its weight and enhances its resistance to spells ... By the way, how strong is the psychedelic gold?"

With the addition of so many other materials, theoretically, the purity of the alloy has decreased, and the physical properties have also declined, as long as it is not too outrageous to be acceptable.

"You saw it, I just showed no mercy with this hammer."

Glocka shrugged and said, "No trace, the intensity is pretty good."

In the year of Ellington, Gorka not only learned a lot of knowledge, but also gained many benefits, such as crystals of deep sea water elements, Tang En did not ignore him, plus the source of magic Powerful effects, his strength is now close to the gold level, and his attacks have not allowed this psychedelic gold to deform, which can already explain the problem.

"That's what I want to tell you."

Nokia pushed the glasses, pulled out the book and turned a few pages, and then said to Tang En: "After testing by Ms. Estes, this kind of psychedelic gold and artificial soul have a very high affinity, and the time for implanting artificial soul is shortened 30%. Under the same conditions, the work efficiency and accuracy of the artificial soul implanted in psychedelic gold is 20% higher than the artificial soul implanted in ordinary universal alloys. "


Fiona was very surprised: "Is this still the effect?"

Nokia scratched her head: "I don't know much about artificial souls. Ms. Yusita is next door. I'll ask her to explain."

Nokia quickly called Yusita.

"Master Messenger."

Yustis bowed her knees as a gift.

Tang En bowed his head: "No need to be polite, what's going on with Nokia?"

Yusita nodded with a smile and stared straight at Tang En. "As far as we speculate, this is probably due to the ability of psychedelic gold to absorb the accumulated magic power. The high concentration of magic power reduces the work of artificial souls. Loss, efficiency has improved a lot. At the same time, we have also tested the change of the magic channel of the previous alchemy maggot to psychedelic gold, which has also enhanced the work efficiency of artificial souls to a certain extent ... "

Yu Stisa briefly described the special effects of psychedelic gold on artificial souls. In short, this metal is very compatible with artificial souls. It would be best if the carrier of artificial souls could be completely replaced with psychedelic gold.

Yustissa said with regret: "Unfortunately, now the production capacity of universal alloys is limited, and there is no way to continue to increase the production of magic gold."

"is it?"

Tang En smiled and said, "Then I can tell you the good news. Soon, our universal alloy production capacity will increase by leaps and bounds, and it will not be a problem to increase the output of magic gold at that time. "

Yustissa tilted her head and looked curious: "Why?"

"Because we have already settled the game, we found a very large-scale hematite in the Rennes Empire, and at the same time we obtained an unlimited mining certificate from the Rennes Empire. After the completion of the new Burkeso, We are going to build a very large-scale steelmaking plant on the ruins of Burkeso. "

Tang En smiled very happily. As a person from the earth, no one knows how important this important basic industrial material is for the development of civilization. Even if it is a magic civilization, it may also require a basic industrial material. The universal alloy is obviously the special steel of Prandall.

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