Things from Another World

Chapter 843: Right arm

In order to become a great and glorious salesman, and to obtain the sales agency right of Datang Chamber of Commerce in the Rennes Empire, Testero did not hesitate to stay for training.

"Do you think this is appropriate? This will disrupt previous plans."

Fiona asked Don En with a doubt, wasn't he originally planning to open up the market by himself? Why did you suddenly decide to recruit regional distributors?

Tang En explained with a smile: "On the one hand, because our stalls are too large, the markets in the Illus Empire have not been completely digested. Now attacking the markets of the Rennes Empire will distract us. We simply cannot take care of it. "

"On the other hand, because recruiting him as the general agent has only good and no harm to us, the more he depends on us, the better it is for us."

Fiona had nothing to say about this, and she also saw the benefits clearly.

Due to the actions of Groma, Burkeso was destroyed, and Testero was burdened with sky-high debt. He could not be repaid with the current economic situation of the Rennes empire, so he replaced a certain amount with a certificate of unlimited mining. Debt is returned to tax exemption.

But this is not enough to completely offset the debt. The most important thing is that the economic empire of the Rennes Empire is sluggish and there is not much income in taxation. Testero is very poor and quite poor. If this continues, it can be seen that for a long time, Ray The economic conditions of the Empire will continue to decline, and he will become poorer.

But now, his creditor, Tang En, suddenly gave him a way to make a fortune, which is a beacon in the dark for Testero who has a huge debt, even if Testero knows Tang En is not so kind, and he can only accept this "benefits" with gratitude.

Becoming the regional general agent of the Datang Chamber of Commerce, Testereau is equivalent to being tied to Tang En's thief ship and can no longer go down.

However, Tang En was quite confident. Once he became accustomed to relying on the Datang Chamber of Commerce to obtain huge profits, he could not even drive him out.

And Tang En's purpose is exactly the same, allowing Tastro to rely on Datang Chamber of Commerce, and by virtue of Tastro's status and power, the roots of Datang Chamber of Commerce are deeply rooted in the soil of the Rain Empire. Into every aspect of the residents of the Rennes Empire.

In the later period, even if Tastro finally wakes up and realizes that he has become a puppet of the Datang Chamber of Commerce, it is too late, because the residents of the Rennes Empire can no longer leave the Datang Chamber of Commerce.

This silent invasion is the scariest and deadliest. In Prendall, accustomed to using force to solve problems, peacetime economic means to achieve invasion and actual control is simply an invincible artifact.

"Testro is now also receiving training. After he understands the significance of those trainings, I am afraid that he will pay more attention to Xiao Ai who has been trained before him, and may put forward the idea of ​​reusing Xiao Ai."

Fiona reminded Tang En: "If Xiao Ai is leaving, will you stop her?"

Tang En asked: "She was free, why should I stop her?"

"Everyone thinks she is your prey."

Tang En suddenly tangled: "So who is this‘ everyone ’referring to? Is n’t it just you thinking about it yourself?”

Fiona blushed, don't open her face: "Only, I haven't thought about it! You, dare you say you didn't take special care of her because of her 'so big' chest?"

"Well ..."

Tang En was guilty.

Although he did not have the idea of ​​hunting Yan, he said with conscience that this kind of spectacle of the world is indeed very eye-catching. Even if he doesn't eat, he wants to stay with him from time to time to appreciate it.

"Look! I'm guilty!"

Fiona slammed her feet and pushed out the door: "I don't care about you!"

what the hell! Obviously mine is not too young!

Why hasn't I been so enamored with my chest?

Instead, he was so concerned about an orc girl who had just met for a while?

Fiona was grieved for a while, Tina and Lola wouldn't say anything, even Peltis had a leg with this guy!

Even Naga didn't let it go--it's so clear that the hunting range is so wide, but they don't care about themselves. Does this guy really not realize that he is also a girl full of charm?


Fiona was confused for a while, was it because she was too capable, so she forgot that she was also capable?

It's not impossible.

If a person's talent in one area is too outstanding, it will make people subconsciously ignore the advantages of other areas.

For example, Fiona herself, from the beginning, has been in charge of the Tang Dynasty Chamber of Commerce for Tang En. Now the Tang Dynasty Chamber of Commerce has developed into a huge financial empire, but it is still firmly under her control. Chaos, even if this ability is placed on the earth, it is definitely a global top 100 CEO-level woman.

But the stronger the ability, the easier it is for people to ignore the gender factor. Over time, she forgets that she is still a charming young girl.

Even more ... Because I have known each other for too long, but I haven't made any improvement in my feelings, I have begun to become bland friendship or family-like affection, but it is very difficult to produce hot love.

Thinking of this, Fiona couldn't help worrying.

There is no way to be in a hurry, with a small cow that I just met can attract his attention more than himself, and Fiona, who had already decided to dedicate everything to him, was certainly anxious.

When I was in Nanila before, I had said something so exciting (see Chapter 629), and then I went shopping in hand.

But why does it become the same after returning?

Why not go further?

Is it because he has been busy running around? Or is it because he didn't continue to attack?

Fiona couldn't figure it out.

Did he chase it out?

Would you slow down and give him some time?

Fiona slowed down subconsciously, listening to the movement behind her.

do not have it?

Does he really care nothing about my feelings?

Or did he not notice my mood at all?

Without hearing the footsteps chasing out, Fiona felt sore in her heart, and suddenly a feeling of tiredness hit her.

I paid so much for him, wouldn't he be touched at all?

Even an encouraging look, a gentle consolation, and a thoughtful caring ...

Why so embarrassed ...

I ’m so tired, I ’m so tired. Although it ’s okay to stay strong, I occasionally want to have a shoulder to rely on ...

Fiona walked around the corner and leaned tiredly against the wall.

But ran into a warm embrace.

"Finally know that you are tired?"

A gentle voice passed into the ear: "The shoulders are now empty, so I can borrow them for you."

Fiona covered her mouth, and her eyes blurred immediately: "No-uh ..."

Ingested a subconscious rebuttal, and finally spoke the words of obeying his own heart.

"So, man, it doesn't hurt to be honest with yourself."

Listening to Tang En's ridicule, Fiona felt her ears were red, which clearly meant that she was not honest enough.

The soft body lay in the embrace of Tang En, feeling the wide and warm embrace behind him. The sadness just turned into an endless sweetness. The strong mood contrast aroused her courage, she roused Courage, look up-but how can such a thing make the girl's family honest!

Although the family is in the middle, but after all, she is also a well-educated famous girl. She simply does not pretend to be completely different from those glamorous and cheap goods outside. This kind of thing is definitely to ask the boy to speak first!

Things like love, you lose first.

But if no one speaks, there is no chance of losing.

Fiona didn't want to give in, but why did Tang En force her to give in first?

Fiona understands the things he has done before.

Playing with the girls in the applause, finally forcing her to lower her noble head to herself, enjoying the pleasure of conquering the other party a little ...

This is obviously his bad taste.

Fiona's eyes burst into flames.

This bad taste is obviously abnormal and unhealthy. As a man you fancy, you must find a way to adjust. Teach him and let him correct this hobby.

Of course, the average person is certainly not his opponent, but Tang En is not invincible in terms of sex.

At least, when he was in the underground world, he couldn't hide so many changes in spirit and spirit. Haili, Lola and Lorraine were probably the enemies of Tang En.

Perhaps the only thing that could force him to correct this bad taste was the super-juicing skills of the dark elves.

Maybe ... and Lili's night attack plan.

Snuggled in Tang Enhuai, Fiona suddenly had this idea.

Rather than let the flamboyant cheap men outside to hook up with this guy, it would be better to help them, and let them who are anxious to have a child to completely dry this guy out, he would definitely not be interested in going out with women outside again.

"What are you thinking?"

Tang En suddenly felt a cold chill, and wondered if it was an illusion. How did it feel that Fiona was sulking?

Is it too much to put PLAY on?

Having said that, she should have no black potential ...

"It's nothing, it just feels like I've been busy lately. We don't seem to have had a good rest."

Fiona said quietly, "Sometimes I really miss when I first came to Ellington, it was only us two."

Tang En said meaningfully: "Some people say that remembering the past is a sign that they are getting older."

Fiona exclaimed: "Ah !? Ah !? And this kind of statement !?"

She is only twenty-two years old. How old can she be! ?

"Fool you."

Tang En's mouth froze in Fiona's ear, teasing: "You also care about your age."

Fiona resentfully said, "After all, I'm also a girl."

Tang En certainly understands her subtext: I am a girl, so you have to take the initiative!

But of course he wouldn't show it, and he didn't understand at all: "Of course I know you are a girl."

Fiona was even more angry.

This guy is intentional!

Definitely intentional!

Obviously people should admit to themselves, but he never intended to do so!

If you think about it, this guy has been used to playing with girls' feelings for a long time, right?

It was like deliberately acting at first, pretending to be an emotional idiot. As a result, it caused a lot of embarrassing events. When others were embarrassed, they thought he was just slow, so he would not say him, but he did n’t know that this guy From the beginning, they opened their hearts and waited to see their embarrassment.

And in the end this sentence deceived Tina.

Sure enough, we need to find a way to take the initiative to attack.

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