Things from Another World

Chapter 827: Oops, the house is gone! (For monthly tickets)

Burkeso was roaring everywhere, and the terrible killings were permeating all the time. Although Tang En had begun their operations, they were short of staff and could not control all the chaotic believers in the first place.

Even if the sharp teeth had informed Burkeso's civilians of fleeing the city for the first time, there were more and more casualties.

From the sudden outbreak of Chaos believers, there are now more than 5,000 dead and wounded, most of them are the first wave of orc adventurers and orc soldiers who launched the charge.

And the majority of those civilians who died were killed by the corrupted forces that escaped from the Chaos believers, and part of them were affected by the aftermath of the battle.

There is no way, no matter how hard the strong man in the battle tries to control his power, the escaped Yu Wei is too terrible for the civilians.

The gold-level apocalypse's all-out battle can easily destroy a street, not to mention the master-level or even the super-level battle.

"Sister, are you hiding? Still fighting?"

"Sister, it's time to get rid of it. Some garbage is coming."

"I'm my sister!"

"I'm the!"

The sisters glanced at each other, clasped their hands together while clamoring, and opened their talents at the same time-the fiery element of fire emerged from the middle of the two bodies, and their clasped hands seemed to become a gateway The door to the elemental world of fire.

Incomparably violent elements of fire entangled around the two men's bodies, the flames became increasingly fierce, and quickly turned into a sky-high flame tornado. With them as the center, the temperature became higher and higher.

"Dirty cultists--become ashes under the flame! (X2)"

The sisters were almost elemental, and their voices became harmonious, like the voice of a single person.

The chaotic believers approaching here attacked them with a twisted smile-various spells with chaos.

Unfortunately, those spells have no effect on the two sisters who are close to elementalism. Chaos pollution is also resisted by high-purity fire elements.

Following the sisters, they raised their left and right hands at the same time, and then a pillar of flame with a diameter of more than one meter shot out angrily!


The pillar of flame destroyed thousands of kilometers ahead, and the chaos believers who just ran over were directly burned to the ashes by the pillar of light, leaving no trace of debris.

"Let's replace the great **** of fire (X2)-purification here (X2)-"


The flame storm swept in all directions!


Looking at Burkeso, who was surrounded by smoke, Testro felt cold: "Forget to tell them to control the destructive power!"


The sharp teeth fell from the sky with murderous power, and the tomahawk locked a chaotic believer head to head and fell off. The strong and terrifying force broke the several layers of twisted spell shields on the chaotic believer and split him in half. And dark-purple blood splashed in all directions.


The tomahawk fell to the ground, a huge impact rushed out, the ground cracked, and the houses in front of it collapsed-if the civilians here had not fled, I am afraid they would be more terrible than the Chaos believers.

Testro exclaimed, "Master Tooth !?"

"The house can be rebuilt."

Sharp teeth pulled up the tomahawk and chuckled, "But if you don't die as soon as possible, there will really be nothing."

Testero's face floating in the sky changed slightly, no longer nonsense: "On the right hand side, the end of the street! The civilians have all evacuated!"

"Very good! Eat me an axe-Furious Flying Axe !!!"

The sharp teeth clenched the tomahawk, accumulating strength, the dazzling red light on the tortured tomahawk became brighter, the whole tomahawk was covered by a violent force, and then he growled in the direction indicated by Testereau Throw his tomahawk!

Testero was in a deep shock, he could not describe the scene he saw-after the axe that accumulated the violent amount of violence flew out, as the Vulcan fell, he destroyed everything along the way, all The houses were shattered into dust, and the fiery flames engulfed the chaotic believer who swallowed the end of the street, and immediately followed his sharp axe to tear his body!

The chaotic believer didn't even have time to enhance his power with the power of chaos, and was torn into pieces by the insanely violent power!

Tomahawk flattened the houses hundreds of meters along the way, and opened up an open road for sharp teeth. He strode forward.

After killing the chaotic believer, Tomahawk did not stop the offensive, but continued to roar forward and fly away.

Shocked, Tastro suddenly exclaimed: "Master of sharp teeth! The palace! The palace is lying!"

However, he shouted too late, and the burning axe whistled and flew out for several kilometers, directly destroying the outer wall of the royal palace and flying into the royal palace.

"I did it on purpose."

Sharp teeth raised his hand with a mad smile, and the tomahawk that flew into the palace whistled and flew back to him: "Lao Tzu has long seen you as a palace!"

Testero: "..."

"Just a joke, I'm going to help you save your wife."

Testro silently glanced at him: "They should have hid in the back room when they received the news, it was safe."

The sharp tooth simply stopped talking, and after flattening the surrounding buildings, there was no obstruction of sight. He simply put himself into the battle and began to kill and kill!

Then, after witnessing the battle of sharp teeth letting go of his hands and feet, silently Testero gave up the treatment.

Sharp Teeth is an orc. Not to mention the other humans, they are operating in the royal city of the Rennes empire, only to be excited in their hearts.

In fact, it does.

After discovering that Bulkeso was built on a huge hematite mine, Tang En has been thinking about how to use this mineral. Now there is an opportunity for demolition and bright demolition. How could he give up with a ghost in his heart?

It can be said that among the crowd, he is the most vicious.


Not as cruel as sharp teeth?

He was expressionless.

Have you ever seen a mage hitting a target with a group spell?

There is one here.

Have you ever seen a mage who used an extra-wide range of spells to whip (remove) the corpse (room) after the enemy died?

There is one here.

Freezing (Sixth Order)!

Lava Burst (Sixth Tier)!

Obviously two sixth-order spells have ruined the chaotic believers in front of them ...

"Go to death-Arcane Torrent (Level 7)"

He just used a seventh-order spell to blast him out ...

Ilia, sitting on Tang En's shoulder, yelled, "Ah, it's not good! He fled into the house! He must not be given a chance to breathe! Let's just destroy the house!"

Good job!

Tang En grinned, purgatory fire (eighth-tier)!

The fiery element of fire poured out of the gate, and instantly the street where Tang En was turned into a sea of ​​fire. The fiery flames engulfed the surrounding houses and the chaotic believers in the houses, but ...

Tang En patted his head: "Oh my hand slipped away! But the **** chaotic believer will hide in the ground! Don't give him this chance!"


"Use an earthquake!"

Earthquake (eighth order)!

Another terrible destroyer-level spell was cast, and the land in the entire Xicheng District was shaking. If he hadn't controlled the power a little, I'm afraid the entire Burkeso would be covered by the spell.

The residents who were thrown out of the city by Tang Enlian's belt watched the undulating and trembling earth shivering in the thick smoke-what terrible enemy appeared in Burkeso!

The power of two eighth-order spells superimposed together is terrible, almost an blink of an eye, the entire Xicheng District has been completely razed by Tang En, the entire urban area has turned into a sea of ​​lava and fire, and the liquid lava is earthquake Under the action of a violent vibration rolling, Tang En even saw the melting hematite turned into molten iron, and his two eyes almost blistered.

But similarly, the death of those chaotic believers has also caused Tang En a little trouble.

After the death of the Chaos believers in Xicheng District, there was no time to purify them, and the chaos breath was absorbed by the living Chaos believers in other areas.

This means that the smaller the number of remaining Chaos believers, the more crazy they are and the stronger they are.

In the end, I was afraid that there would be a door to chaos that made people sick.

At present, the main force of the Ellington Guard is still training in the Great Rift Camp and the Devil. If only these people and the chaotic creatures fight at present, the result will only get worse.

Must be prepared in advance to meet the enemy ...

Tang En stared at the other districts. After a moment of contemplation, he whispered into the air, then suddenly disappeared.

"Damn! What about me !?"

Just after smashing a chaotic believer frozen into ice, Angus heard Tang En's voice, and immediately anxious him.

With his eyes narrowed, the chaos believer has absorbed more and more chaos and become stronger and stronger. At this time, he ran to prepare for the door of chaos?

Is this unknown?

"Hee hee-ha ha-kill-"

Another chaos believer appeared, but after inhaling an excessive amount of chaos, the chaos believer apparently had almost disappeared from the basic reason, like a mental retardation, with his head drooling and his eyes exuding black gas. Staring at Angus stunned, he suddenly waved his hands-his arms suddenly stretched into two dark twisted tentacles wrapped around Angus, and began to absorb the magic in him!

Damn it! Mutation deepens!

Angus's face changed greatly. "Haw" twice, the ghost blade cut off the two tentacles, followed by a flash into the attack range of the chaotic believer, before he returned to God, a Smartly turned over, a flash of gloom, the ghost blade cut off the head of the chaotic believer!

However, after the head was cut off, the chaotic believer did not die on the spot. After stumbled and walked for a few steps, a black gas was sprayed from his body, and condensed again, forming a downright monster head with eyes all over it. And the mouth, the mouth keeps making crazy whispering whispers, mortals just fall into this madness when they just hear this voice.

Head of a chaotic creature.

The degree of corruption has deepened!

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