Things from Another World

Chapter 818: Don't mess with the maid!


"Who doesn't bother knocking all the time!"

The door opened every night, and outside was a strange face.

The comer is groma.

He said lightly, "I'm looking for Lord Noble."

After looking at this guy every night, he found that he didn't know each other and then closed the door.

"and many more!"

"He's not here, please come back."

"So Master Angus will do too!"

"He's not there either. I'm the only girl here. Don't bother me?"

Groma was aggressive.

What the **** is this! ?

Just being beaten by a little girl, today, even a maid dare to pump her face! ?

If this can be tolerated, how will he mix in the future! ?

"How dare you talk to me with this attitude !?"

"Who are you?"

Groma was furious: "I'm Groma Bloodeye!"

"I don't know, never heard of it."

"Don't close the door! I'm the Prince of the Rain Empire!"

Ye Ye said with a scornful look: "Is the prince dragging? Don't say I don't know, even if I know it? Hurry and hurry, don't delay me in training Little Loli!"

"Presumptuous! To whom do you show such perfunctory attitude !?"

Gromma sank, and yelled, "It seems that Noble hasn't taught you how to be a qualified maid! I ask him to apologize!"

"Ask him to apologize and find him, what a yell at me! Let's say something when he comes back!"

Pointing at Groma's nose every night, after scolding, he planned to close the door.

Not here?

Groma's heart moved and asked, "Where has he been? How long will he be back?"

"I said why you guys have so many questions? How do I know where they went!"

Ye Ye rolled her eyes and said angrily: "According to his usual habits, it is estimated that he will not be back until night! It is best to die on those women outside! Huh!"

Looking for a woman?

Groma was overjoyed, so I'm afraid he won't be able to return one day.

He had only come to entangle Tang and Angus to prevent them from supporting Cocoa and Vanilla, but he did not expect them to be gone!

It was so smooth!

She just said that there is only her and a little girl in it, it should be that little girl!

It is next to the royal palace, and there are almost no idle people waiting to disturb him. It is a golden opportunity!

That little girl has such terrible potential. If Tang En can be swallowed up before he returns, and then swallow the power of two saints, he can instantly become the strongest of Prandall!

Who can stop him at that time! ?

Thinking of this, Groma, driven by desire, no longer hesitated, erupted instantly, rushed directly into the door, grabbed Yeye's neck, and sneered: "Where is that little girl! Take me there, Otherwise I will break your neck! "

Blinking every night, it seems that I can't believe that someone dared to attack here.

"Say it!"

"Are you serious?"

Every night, she was very confused and felt Groma's increasing strength. She finally realized that this guy was not joking.

Thinking of this, Ye Ye almost cheered out every night. The sun came out to the west. Someone dared to smash Tang En's place!

And it's just an extraordinary orc who is the pinnacle of where he comes from! ?

If he told Tang En, his expression would be very interesting!

"Wait! I see! Don't kill me!"

Every night immediately changed into a painful expression that was about to suffocate: "I, I take you-"

"Well, with good cooperation, I will spare you."

Groma snorted and let go of every night.

He didn't believe that a maid could escape from himself.

Every night he rubbed his neck in horror, glanced at him timidly, and then turned to lead the way silently.

The mansion has been transformed after a day of renovation. Many extra grotesque things made Groma puzzled, especially those boxes that can blow out the cold wind. If it is not the matter, he wants to put those things. Moved away.

After coming to the backyard of the mansion, Groma saw Ilya sitting in the backyard gazebo at first glance, and her eyes suddenly lighted up, almost eager to rush up.

Ilya turned her head and shouted, "Sister Ye Ye, why is it so slow? A guest is here?"

When Groma had just met Ilya's eyes, the shadows that had remained in her heart a few days ago suddenly appeared, and a chill ran straight down her head along the spine, causing him to fight a cold war, and she couldn't help being stiff.

No, don't delay time!

Must launch a lightning strike!

Breath-devour her!

Gromm growled, dark desire overcame fear and gave him the power to act again!

Groma suddenly screamed and rushed forward, but just then-"Prism blockade!"

Every night he slammed his fingers, and the high-purity wind elements converged into a prism to block Groma inside, shot him down from the air, and nailed him directly to the ground.

At the same time, Ye Ye also blocked the entire house instantly, leaving this guy with no way to escape. It was only fun to play slowly after closing it!

Groma popped a claw in his hand for a moment, and caught on the prism of the wind element severely, but failed to break it!


Groma was shocked: "How is this possible !?"

"Sister Ye Ye?"

Elijah tilted her head a little puzzled.

Every night she clapped her hands and said with a smile: "Yelia, is it okay to watch my sister beat the bad guy?"

"Okay okay!"

Elijah cheered. Of course, it was more fun to watch a show than to do homework.


Groma stared at Yeye every night: "You are not an ordinary maid-you just pretended!"

"What nonsense are you talking about now? Is this unknown?"

Every night, she pulled it apart and tore off the maid's skirt and tied it. He smiled at the active wrist. "I haven't started for a while, I hope you can hold it longer."

"A maid who wants to defeat me too !?"

Groma yelled and went into a state of rage in an instant: "I will tear you to pieces!"

"To shut up!"

Every night, he appeared in front of Groma, slap him and turned him to the ground. He just wanted to step on his head, but suddenly remembered that he was inconvenient to wear, he put his feet back and kicked him.

"That guy is better than me. I have nothing to say, but what is your ultimate peak dragging with me !? You, the old ancestor of the Rennes Empire, Kerger Bloodeye, have to be polite in front of me. You What are you dragging with me? Huh? "

Gromma rolled over and got up, and scarlet eyes stared at Yeye, both shocked and incredible, and almost squeezed out a few words from the gap between his teeth: "... pass! Strange! Grid! Fight! Family!?"

Just a maid in the family has a legendary strength! ?

Is this world crazy or is he crazy! ?

Ha, right! He was crazy!

He's been crazy for a long time, hasn't he? ?

Groma suddenly laughed wildly: "Although it is surprising that you turned out to be a legendary combatant, but what ?! In front of me, it must be the same! Roar !!!"

Now that the face has been torn, there is no need to keep anything anymore. Groma yelled, the chaos breath that had been suppressed in the body was also stimulated, the scarlet violent light in his eyes became a little deeper, and soon became Black purple.

"This feeling--"

Yeye's face changed slightly. As a legendary hero who had been on the battlefield and the army of Chaos, she was particularly sensitive to the atmosphere of chaos.

"It's chaos!"

"You are dead!"

The dark purple light was entangled in Groma's claws like lightning. The intense amount of wild violence even distorted the space around him-after the fury, he slaps the prism of the wind element beside him again, and the prism shatters in response!

Now that she has revealed her hidden power, the maid must die today!

After releasing the hidden power, Groma's strength has crossed the supreme level and is extremely close to the legendary level!

Even if Ye Ye is a legend once, and now a pseudo-legend, facing such a grammar, she has to take some serious attitudes, such as ... wearing her own weapons.

"Where are you confident?"

After perceiving the atmosphere of chaos, Ye Ye's expression became extremely cold. Compared with her, she was almost like a new person. A pair of black leather gloves suddenly appeared on her hands, and the strong magic radiated around the gloves. on.

"Black Dragon Leather Gloves ... Legendary Quality!"

Groma's greedy gaze turned around in the black gloves, and shook his head slightly with regret: "It's too small."

"Even if you become a chaotic minion, can't you hide your greedy nature? Kerger's descendants have fallen to such a point ... let me clean up the portal for him."

Ye Ye's eyes were cold and full of murderous intentions. She shook her fist gently, her joints crackled and her muscles adjusted to the best.

If her former comrades saw it, she knew she was really killing her.

To find creatures corrupted by chaos, we must cut off the grass and eradicate it!


Groma roared before Ye Ye, and the terrible sharp claws caught him!

The power of black-purple set off a weird wave, and the blow in full force even tore the space in front!

Sure enough, they were all idiots after being corrupted by chaos.

Secrets · Wave Reflection!

Yeye's eyes were extremely calm. When the palms were dragged in front of him, the sticky magic force dragged Groma's claws aside, and the force attached to the claws was also stripped by the magic power. After the superb power superposition, he hit back again, and banged directly on Groma's chest!


Unexpectedly, Groma was stunned by her all-out strength plus the power of night and night, and her chest was suddenly blown open with a huge **** wound, and she could even see the internal organs through Sensen's bones!

The terrible power passed through the body, whistling and brushing through the Kerger Mountain, leveling a mountain, and then slanting it into the sky, it only slowly disappeared after a huge hollow left in the sky!

"What kind of combat technique is this !?"

Groma had never heard of this weird warfare in the world, and he could bounce back his attack!

He sprayed blood violently, and all the internal organs and internal organs of the body were shattered. If it was not for the particularity of the chaos breath that kept him alive, just this blow would directly kill him!

"The fallen who is actively corrupted by chaos ... must die!"

Ye Ye was not interested in explaining to Groma her original secret technique. After coldly issuing Groma's death announcement, she punched her in the past. The powerful power accumulated on the black dragon leather gloves burst out, and it appeared in the air. When a phantom of a black dragon rushed to Groma, the dragon roared faintly!

"It's impossible!-You can't kill me! I'm the Prince of the Bloodeye Clan! Can't-"

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