Things from Another World

Chapter 812: It ’s not only powerful but also convenient in a sense

After staying at Tang En's house for lunch, Coco finally realized what a real "delicious" was.

Today, she discovered that the original food is not only grilled and cooked, but also can be prepared in a dazzling manner such as frying, cooking, steaming, etc ....

The taste and deliciousness brought about by different cooking methods are very different, especially the sweet and sour pork ribs and meat sliding section that Tang En personally cooked, and the cocoa tongue almost swallowed.

How can food be so delicious! ?

Compared with the meal at noon, the food she used to eat is just rubbish!

The most direct consequence of this delicious meal that was beyond imagination was that Coco reluctantly didn't want to leave.

In the end, the more resistant vanilla flew away and stared at Tang En's vanilla.

If she doesn't drag her away, it is estimated that she will even rush up and hug her thighs in order to continue to eat delicious food.

Don't doubt, she can really do it.

Watching vanilla and cocoa in a dragon truck and leaving, he scorned his lips in disdain: "Hey, what a unknowing fellow."


Tang En looked back and said with a smile: "I don't know who just ate Ellington's meal and couldn't help crying for a day ..."

"Stop, stop!"

Ye Ye blushed every night: "That's just your illusion! That's right! It's illusion!"

"Oh, I'm curious. Does the puppet also have a taste and digestive system?"

"So I have to explain a few times! Although we transformed our bodies, we still retain their original functions!"

"That means you still need to go to the toilet?"

"No need! We can completely absorb the nutrients in the food, isn't it great !?"

In a sense, it is not only powerful but also convenient ...

"It's okay to have a baby?"

"Only, this is a little ..."

"Sure enough, the ingenious girl won't get pregnant ..."

"Although I don't understand what you're talking about, it always feels like you've said something very rude! Apology! I demand an apology!"

"There is never a precedent for the host to apologize to the maid."

Tang En turned around with a smile: "It's up to you to clean in the afternoon. It's not difficult for you. They will come here to rebuild tomorrow, and they will get dirty, so just clean the lobby and bedroom."

"Since this is better, wait until the renovation is complete before cleaning!"

He took Tang En's arm every night and tried to coquettishly: "It's been so hard for me to come to this place. Give me a vacation. I also want to enjoy the scenery here."

"Oh? Haven't you been here before?"

"He's been here, but that's a thousand years ago."

"Then go to work quickly, and then I will give you a holiday."

"I hate death! Not gentle at all! Huh!"

Every night lame, disappeared quickly.

"Big brother!"

After leaving every night, Tang En just lay down, ready to enjoy a leisurely afternoon, Yi Liya ran over quickly, and sat on Tang En's body.

A flash of unnaturalness flashed on Tang En's face, holding Ilya's fart. The stock moved a bit.

Elijah is now thirteen years old. Compared with the previous time when she was thin and weak, after a year of supplementary nutrition, the little girl has grown quite healthy now. Now, she flutters, slaps and shares to sit up, hits some embarrassing places, Tang En will feel awkward.

"The assigned task has been completed! Can we go out and play?"

Elijah held a Mithril plate like a treasure, with rows of very fine micro magic arrays on it, which was assigned by Tang En when she went out.

"So fast!?"

Tang En was a little surprised. Of course, due to Ms. Calamity, Elijah's talent is certainly top-notch, but her control is far below that level, so she needs to exercise.

"Nora, did you help her?"

Tang En suddenly remembered, as if he hadn't seen Nora for a long time before, didn't come out to trouble or pluck his hair on his head.

"No, no!"

Nora covered her face, apparently dim.

In addition to Tang En, Nora only has a good relationship with Elijah and Aigwin. When Tang En usually does not have time to play with her, she will go to Elijah to play, and it is normal for her to help her.

"You ..."

Tang En sighed, but seeing that Elijah was a little bit aggrieved and a little looking forward, he was really reluctant to reprimand her-nor dare to reprimand her.

Who knows if Ms. Cao will retrieve the sealed memory in the future? ,

"That being the case, let's go out and go."

Although Kao did not return to celebrate the victory in the tavern, Angus was also pulled by the sharp teeth to drink, but there was a nightly care at the mansion, and there was no need to worry about the security of the teleportation team, so Tang En pulled Yili Ya went out.

Said to be taking Iliya out to play, in fact, what Tang En really paid attention to was the news circulating on the street.

The news of vanilla's return has been completely spread out, and the heat of discussion in the street affects the next action.

Along the way, Tang En heard the name of the Lady Vanilla several times from the topics discussed by the orcs. Although it is not clear how deep the message is, it can at least indicate that the breadth of the message has reached the requirements.

The person standing behind should also get the news, right?

Don't know why, Tang En suddenly thought of Groma.

Focused on the conspiracy of the maiden.

Prince Groma eroded by chaos.

If nothing else, it should be the same person.

In the Rennes Empire, the only ones who dared to act against the fire sacred woman were the ones who burned their brains with the power of chaos?

"Does it look good?"

Ilia ’s voice evoked Tang En ’s attention. Looking at Ilia holding the bone carving, Tang En smiled and rubbed her hair: “It ’s beautiful.”

The orc boss next to him piled up with a smiley face: "Humans, good eyes, but this is Palermore's teeth carved with traditional carving techniques of my tribe, this kind of good thing can't be seen in the human kingdom! , Your daughter will love it! Only ten gold coins now! "

I ... daughter?

As soon as Tang En twitched, he turned his head and wanted to leave.

Nima! I'm so old! ?

Perhaps he noticed the change in Tang En's expression, and the boss hurriedly remedied: "Uh, I mean, your sister-that, 俺 拉 露 摁 玉 is not hin is good, the place where the oil is scared is wrong Ruen is not very good, please forgive me if anything is wrong. "

Mom just said it in a blink of an eye?

Tang En said with a grimace, "Do you really think I'm stupid? Palermore's valuable leather is leather. When can its teeth be sold as special products?"

"Can't say that-uh, Tucob can say-"

"Don't pretend, I'm tired of talking like this."

The boss was suddenly embarrassed, but the fur of the first-class sub-orcs was so thick that people couldn't see the blush.

"Guest, this is not what you said. After all, Palermoore is a special product of the Rennes Empire. This is the case for skins, and so is the tooth. How happy? Usually, the merchants of the human kingdom come here, and my goods are very popular. "

Tang En stared blankly at him and said, "I know that the Leopard Leopards are very powerful and proud of their speed, but I have never heard of the Leopard Leopards and traditional carving techniques. , When it comes to sculpture, whoever thinks of the fox Fox tribe with ingenuity? "

The repeatedly beaten boss was even more embarrassed: "We also learned modestly ..."

"Looking at the materials and craftsmanship, I can give up to fifty copper coins to this thing.

"Guest, this is too few! Even the cost of materials is not enough!"

The boss exclaimed, "Fifty silver coins! Only fifty silver coins!"

"A big pack of silver coins in Palermore's teeth. Even if I really don't understand the market, can you let the guy selling Warcraft materials next door to the stall?"

Tang En pointed to the side, the stall was showing a bag of Warcraft materials, which happened to have Palermore's teeth, a large bag of silver coins, and looked like a kilogram.

The boss suddenly became embarrassed, and even exposed his underwear to the other party. How can this thing be sold!

Then Tang En suddenly said, "I can buy you ten silver coins."


The business that originally flew away was able to open again, and the boss was pleasantly surprised.

"As long as you answer me a few questions."

"No problem, as long as it doesn't involve state secrets—"

The boss paused and said with a shrug: "——Say back, state secrets won't let me know, so just ask."

"This is money, hold it first."

"Well, Illus silver coins, hard currency."

The boss looked at it, and found that it was not the silver coins mixed with water that had been circulating in the past, and he immediately smiled.

"I want to ask, is the news of the return of Madame Vanilla Real?"

"Ah, guests, you also care about this? Is it possible that you are a follower of the Holy See?"

"answer my question."

"Of course it is true!"

The boss said with a smile: "Now the entire Burkeso is known, and it is said that there are people who have seen the lady under the crown of vanilla praying in the church. It is said that she will go to the Temple of Fire for baptism the day after tomorrow."

Has this story spread?

Tang En nodded, and suddenly asked again, "I want to ask, what is Prince Groma's comment?"

The boss's face changed slightly, and Tang En watched alertly: "What do you ask?"

Don En silently took out a gold coin.

The boss looked around, then quickly took the gold coins and hid them, and whispered in the ear of Tang En: "If the real prince Groma inherits the throne, the empire may be chaotic."

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