After listening to Fiona's report, Tang En finally got a general understanding of the changes in Ellington. Although he has only left for half a month, the changes here are huge, even letting him The host was a little surprised.

The main reason is that because the opening of expressways and buses leads to an increase in the flow of people, the collision of thinking between people will wipe out more sparks.

Sitting in the study room and drinking tea while discussing with Fiona the next development issue, as a result, Tang En almost forgot another thing.

"By the way, you still have something to do when you come back."

Tang En suddenly clapped his hands and remembered what happened: "I set up a teleportation array in Bi Village and Burkeso in the Empire of Rennes. On the other side of Bi Village, find a group of people to arrange for it, and use it as an outpost. Start secretly expanding our intelligence network. "

Fiona stunned: "Information network? Isn't that the task of the ghost agents trained by Van Cliff and Hayley?"

"The intelligence network I mean is commercial."

Tang En explained: "Due to the blockade of the Kingdom of Solent and the Kingdom of Grace, our Datang Chamber of Commerce staff cannot open a store there, but we can prepare first, do market research or something, and then if I If we have negotiated the conditions of cooperation with Tastro, we may be able to start a business there. "

"I understand."

"In addition, Brian told him after the return that there is likely to be a huge reserve of hematite in the underground of Burkeso. He can mine iron, and let him find a dwarf explorer to explore it if necessary in the future. If that's the case, you can work with Tastro to develop that mineral. "

"Then there was a big mansion in Burkeso, which could be used as a branch, but it will not be public for the time being until it becomes clear, so there is no need to rush to prepare people, just clean up."

Having said that, Tang En glanced at Ye Ai, who had been staring at Xiao Ai with big eyes, and said angrily, "Let her go just now."

Looking back every night, he said shamefully, "In a place where my life is not familiar, even Stiesa can't protect me. In short, you want to take advantage of the fact that no one else does something like this to me Right? You just want to beat me up, right? Anyway, you are the owner, I can't resist you ... "

"Stop! What the **** is this!"

Tang En frowned: "Who is going to do something like this to you! Don't let yourself fall into an inexplicable delusion!"

Tang En couldn't bear to look directly at the puppet with blushing and delusion.

Is this guy really a legendary hero who once fought against Chaos on the battlefield! ?

Shouldn't she just be a idiot! ?

Fiona sighed: "I said, there are still children here, can you pay attention to the impact?"

Elijah raised her head silently, saying that she was no stranger.

After Tang En calmed himself, he said to Fiona: "Because the situation is still unclear, I plan to hand over the outpost at Bicun to Xiao Ai. After all, she is very popular in the local area and can help cover up But she doesn't know anything now-- "

"Well, it's just a big cow who can't do anything other than a breast, and dare to be arrogant in front of me-it hurts!"

"——As an RBQ inflatable doll, shut me up honestly!"

Tang En tugged Ye Ye's cheeks and twisted: "--- Do not always bully Xiao Ai!"

Ye Ye covered her face very wronged: "Who makes her look so bullying ..."

Tang En sighed and covered Fiona's face, and said to Fiona, "Take care of Xiaoai's training. If you are too busy, just let Tina take her."

Tina is now basically a teacher. Although she does n’t have the same sense of smell as Fiona in many things, she can at least stand on her own. Now Casparmi is well-organized under her governance, and her popularity there is quite similar. It's high.

"Let Tina come, I really don't have any extra energy."

Fiona said that I was busy not to let me bring new people if everything was fine.

After calling and telling Tina to come, Tang En handed Xiao Ai hands to Tina, and then said earnestly: "Xiao Ai is the same as you at the beginning, stupid can't do anything, so you should start from basic She's better. "

"I understand!"

Tina took the task assigned by Tang En very seriously: "Please rest assured, I will do my best to let her master that knowledge!"

"Uh, it's a bit exaggerated to try your best, don't worry too much ..."

"I understand!"

"I leave it to you ..."

"You, are you leaving me here?"

Xiao Ai grabbed Tang En and looked at him with tears in his eyes. The only one who was familiar with Tang En seemed to leave her here and left, and Xiao Ai immediately panicked.

She is an orc!

This is the human kingdom!

Without Tang En's protection, these evil humans would surely kill her!

"Do not worry."

Tang En patted her hand: "Everyone is good and won't hurt you, don't you want to help me? Then follow Tina to study hard."

Tang En talked about it, finally, it was finally to make Xiaoai believe that he was not selling her to these people ...

Because the pasture has been vacant, and there is a distance from Beicun, you can safely send someone to make internal renovations in the past and notify a few wild mages in the past. As long as one day, you can make a big change there and change the basement Transformation into a large warehouse or a secret base is not a problem at all.

After the reconstruction of the main body is completed, the subsequent renovation of the above building is also very easy and pleasant, so don't pay too much attention to Tang En.

After the construction is finished there, when Xiao Ai's training is over, the personnel who are scheduled to be in the village will set off there, so all his energy can be temporarily put on the side of Burkeso.

After all, there is an agreement with vanilla to be completed.


As soon as he stepped out of the teleportation array, he exclaimed every night and waved his hands again and again: "Wow, what a ghost place, so hot!"

Staying with the Hohenheim family all year round, the average white temperature in the White Mist Plains of the Soland Kingdom is slightly lower, coupled with rich vegetation and small temperature differences, so the climate is comfortable.

But Burkeso is different. The vegetation here is thin and the climate is dry. In addition, it is summer, and the sun is almost directly here. At this moment, the temperature here is almost forty degrees, and it is no wonder that it will be so hot every night ... Strange!

"What do you mean by an alchemy doll?"

Ye Ye wanted to pounce on Tang En: "How many times have we said that we are different from the alchemy doll! We are only transformed into the body. The doll, the soul is still human!"

"Dolls still feel hot?"

"I'm sweating! Yes, yes, my clothes are soaked, somewhere is even wetter. Would you like to see it? Would you like to see it?"

"Why can you talk about this ..."

Tang En almost knelt on this guy, and slammed into a wilder way than his way.

Night after night, Tang En said, "Speaking of which, why are the orcs staying in such a hot place? Don't they have a large part of their bodies with thick hair? Such a hot day, then Doesn't thick hair feel bad? "

"I heard recently that underground hair removal technology seems to be spreading in Burkeso. It can help those orcs to remove their hair and become smooth skin. They can have a refreshing summer. Unfortunately, the people here Seems to have a lower acceptance. "

Tang En shrugged: "Think about how the Lion Lions and Ussad Bears have shed their hair? Can they bear the ridiculousness like the mighty?"

Every night, a few pictures flashed in his mind, and he nodded deeply.

"So, in fact, they are still very afraid of the heat, but because everyone says that the orcs are very mighty, they can only carry them bravely."

Tang En smiled slightly and said, "But because of this, is there a market for our products?"

What he was talking about, of course, was the Magic Energy Refrigerator and the Magic Energy Air Conditioner. It is foreseeable that these two products existed like killers in the Rennes Empire.

Famine often broke out in the Rennes Empire, partly because of low crop yields and partly because the prey was not easy to keep-the weather here was too hot and the meat rotted before it could be eaten.

But with the magic refrigerator, even the meat that can't be eaten can be frozen for the time being, which can extend the storage time of the food and reduce the food pressure from another angle!

After entering the mansion, Tang En pointed to the empty corridor and said, "Xiao Ai on the first floor has been cleaned, but it has been left to you before it is cleaned."

"Hey, what do you think of a legendary powerhouse!"

Every night, she lifted her skirt corner and gave her a wink: "Even if you regard me as a maid in a warmer bed than a cleaner, right? Anyway, it is also a legend, a legend that can warm the bed!"

"Have you not dismissed your thoughts after so long?"

"How could it be canceled—I mean, how could that be!"

"Oh, you're completely exposed!"

Tang En said with a smile: "In short, work hard."

"Someday you will regret it!"

Every night went upstairs.

"Now, brother, why does she want to warm you so much?"

Ilia said a little bit grievously: "Isn't my older brother wanting me to warm you up? That's my job."

Tang En gave a cold sweat.

The words of this little girl are too easy to cause misunderstanding!

Tang En said very seriously: "That, Ilia, in the future in front of others, don't say such words, otherwise, the elder brother will likely be killed."


"Because, some people just can't see others well!"

As soon as Tang En sent his emotions, the phone rang.

"Hey, boss, it's not good, the head is fighting with the guy named Ao!"

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