Things from Another World

Chapter 577: Spend a lot

Of course, the idea of ​​road building has long been available, but now Tang En has the conditions to realize it.

Fiona frowned, then slowly said, "I took a note, and then?"

"Then I will set up the Ministry of Education, with Olina in charge, and immediately begin to develop a unified education system."

Olina next to him stunned: "Ministry of Education?"

The ruling class here in Plantand is not the same as the European Middle Ages on the earth. In the European Middle Ages, the lords were divided, the knights loyal to the lord, the lords loyal to the king, and the king loyal to the theocracy. Go to the bottom officials.

The Illus Empire, which is in the transition from the feudal era to the capitalist era, is currently in a very chaotic division of government affairs. It is neither a feudal system (which has been terminated by Victor) nor a responsibility system. There is no clear department. The only thing that is clearer is the tax department, where a special tax minister is responsible for managing tax officials in various places.

The other is the army. After the cleansing, the army has been completely controlled by Aubrey and Adrien. They also fully support Tang En, which means that military power is firmly in the hands of Tang En.

So the question is now: Can a country without a sound management system develop at a high speed?

Obviously not.

The trouble is that when Tang En was on the earth, it was too troublesome to deal with various departments in the company, let alone study the government system in particular. He only had a vague impression of the mature government system on the earth. .

Tang En doesn't have a fool-like system, an intellectual brain of an era, no Google or wiki across the world, and no unforgettable memories. If it were not for the gods who built this body for him, he would be one of the most ordinary and ordinary Earth traverse, save the world? Whether or not to survive is a question.

Therefore, he cannot simply pull up a perfect government team to promote the entire Illus Empire from top to bottom and implement a democratic ballot system in the capitalist era. All he can do now is to listen to the news according to his usual time. The blurry impression that came was barely putting together a frame.

"The Ministry of Education is the department that specializes in the education of residents. It appoints and removes an education minister who is directly responsible to the king and queen. At the same time, he will shoulder the task of developing the education system."

Tang En briefly explained, and then said, "It's similar to the Ellington College we established in Ellington. Didn't I appoint you as the principal to take charge of the Ellington College? This principal is responsible to the Minister of Education, If something goes wrong, you can give feedback from bottom to top. "

Olina suddenly realized: "I see."

"But our foundation is too weak right now, so I will come up with a rough framework and give it to you, and you will be directly responsible for it, and then slowly cultivate the corresponding talents."

This is the helpless reality, even if Tang En can build a framework based on the mature government system on the planet, there is no applicable talent-because those people do not know what they should do in that position.


Olina nodded, and Aurelia suddenly interjected: "Mother, you can go to Dean Byron for help."

Olina's eyes lightened: "Yeah! How can I forget him even more."

Byron Ducard, dean of the Royal Military Academy of Illus, this military academy is also the closest to the school that Dunn has heard so far. There is no one.

Unfortunately, they only train aristocrats, and they are trained as military talents. They teach combat command, and they have nothing to do with social science, industry, agriculture, and so on.

But Byron undoubtedly has a wealth of education experience, and then he can be gradually cultivated to turn him into the first Minister of Education.

"Whoever you want to help, just think about it, as long as it is reliable."

Tang En waved his hands and said: "In addition to the Ministry of Education, a Ministry of Finance must be set up to be responsible for macroeconomic control of the state of the country. Of course, the main responsibility is to supervise currency issuance, conduct market regulation, and prohibit anyone from monopolizing the market."

Aurelia's eyes lit up, this Treasury is okay! If it can play a role, it can prevent the national economy from being controlled by the nobles. As long as the economic lifeline is not controlled and the military power is in the hands, those nobles will be useless even if they are noisy.

"Then the Ministry of Agriculture, and for the time being I think about granting Grantia as Minister of Agriculture."


Aurelia froze and said a little hesitantly, "But she is an elven ..."

"What about the elves? As long as they can help us develop steadily, the elves can also use them if they have talent."

Aurelia said silently: "No, I mean she lives too long ..."


Tang En's mouth twitched. This is also true. If the world is not ruined, if human officials can retire at the age of 60, it is estimated that Grantia is capable of doing so ...

The reason why Tang En considers Grantia is to give the Elves a chance to integrate into the society. She will be a typical example. Once people accept Grantia, he can promote more Elven people in the future. Post.

Speaking badly, he trusted the Elves more than humans.

"Grantia is the most suitable. The main task of the Ministry of Agriculture is to develop agriculture. Agriculture is the foundation of everything. Only when people can eat a full stomach, they will create greater value, so the Ministry of Agriculture is very important. "

"And then ..."

Tang En talked eloquently, he said, while Aurelia was recording, although Tang En only mentioned it in many places, it gave her a great inspiration, which made her yearn more for Tang En The world that lives.

That must be a very wonderful world.

In this way, during the lunch break, a simple and rough but effective administrative framework was set up. Tang En was mainly responsible for giving them pointers and reminders. He was not particularly concerned about the specific staff appointment and removal. The only requirement was that the other party was reliable. .

After all, his mission to this world is not to be a ruler, but to be a hero who saves the world.

If he did not need the identity of a king to integrate the resources of the Illus Empire to develop the magic project, he would not be too lazy to be a king.

Let the **** out of politics.

After lunch, Garien met Tang En in the study, and there were only two of them in the room.

"I sincerely congratulate you, Your Majesty."

Garrian exaggerated a ninety-degree gift. If it wasn't for Tang En, this unruly guy would have rushed to kiss his boots.

"Garyan, don't be polite."

"Thank Your Majesty."

Garrian stood up, gathered his collar, and grinned, "I didn't expect to see you in just a few days. You're the king of the Illus Empire. It's incredible."

Tang En smiled at Garian: "This world is always full of miracles, isn't it?"

"of course!"

He smiled, "Your Majesty, did you call me here to ask about the road? If it is this, I can be very honored to tell you that the road has been completely repaired!"

Tang En froze: "Fixed? So fast?"

"The potential of money is endless."

"I agree."

Tang En nodded and said, "This news surprises me, but I think my news will surprise you even more."

Garrian's eyes lit up: "Big business?"

"Nice, big business."

Tang En smiled slightly and looked at Garian meaningfully: "Remember what I talked to you before? There were no conditions at that time, but now there are conditions, I think we can start."

"You mean, road plans?"

"Yes, I want the entire highway network to cover the entire Illus Empire. I want every village and every town to be covered by the highway. I want people to travel without hindrance."

Down looked down at Garian: "This business, can you take the lead?"

Garrian calculated the cost and income in his heart, and immediately blushed and heartbeat, breathing quickly: "Your Majesty, this is a big business. It costs a lot of gold coins. If all of it is paid by our Star Diamond Bank, our pressure will also be great what……"

Garrian is well aware of the financial situation of the Illus Empire and Ellington. It is impossible to afford the money, and it is impossible for Star Diamond Bank to make full advances.

The first line has not yet started operation, so Star Diamond Bank has not seen the economic potential of the toll highway. If at this time, it rushes to advance funds to lay a large area of ​​the road, in the event of a loss, Riviez will tear him alive. Peeled off.

Talk to me about money? Vulgar!

Ye is not bad money now!

Tang En smiled proudly: "How many coins? Tell me the number."

Garian raised three fingers.

"300 million?"

Tang En was relieved, his heart was okay, and he could afford it.

Garian then gave him a head shot.

"No, Your Majesty, three billion."

"Three billion !? Do you know how much three billion gold coins are !?"

Tang En suddenly lay in a large slot. The weight of an Illus gold coin was about three grams, and three billion gold coins was 3,000 tons of gold. Although Nima's planet Prandall is one circle larger than the earth, How much is China ’s gold reserve on earth when crossing? Less than 10,000 tons!

This Nima repair road will use one third of China's national gold reserve! ?

Of course, gold coins are not pure gold. A small amount of magic iron and fine gold are added to the gold coins to increase magic affinity. Special magic items can be used to test the authenticity. Therefore, the actual value of a gold coin is more than that of pure gold. It's more expensive.

"Your Majesty, three billion, not much."

Garrian said in a hurry: "Do you know how much gold we invested in Star Diamond Bank in order to build the road of the Ellington-Bein-Preston-Paganis?"

"How many?"

"Nearly 30 million gold coins are still the result of our careful planning and saving a lot of unnecessary expenses. If you need, we can provide detailed accounts at any time."

Garian spread his hands and said, "The cost is a small head. The important thing is the magic crystals consumed by artificial and magical machinery, as well as the cost of asking the dragons to shoot. You should know how big their appetite is."

Tang En was speechless.

Because the Dragon's greed for money is indeed well known.

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