Things from Another World

Chapter 375: Liver pain

Although the remaining four polluters were powerful and extremely dangerous, but after being restricted by the forbidden magic trap, the magic shields they used to defend themselves instantly disintegrated, leaving only armor in front of Elsa and Brian. And fragile body.

"It's now!"

Warfare-Storm Spike!

Locke yelled, a dazzling golden light emerged from the sword, the speed suddenly increased, and it instantly penetrated the body of the polluter, pulling out a long bloodline!

"Give me-kneel!"

Bryan followed closely, his muscles were knotted in his arms, and the explosive power was completely infused into the undead warhammer of the King of the Mountains. On top of his head, the warhammer it used to defend was smashed into pieces and it exploded!

And the polluter himself was severely smashed into the rock by the devastating force!

"go to hell!"

Brian smirked and waved the warhammer, and the polluter's head was "banged" by a blow, leaving only a headless body buried in the rock.

Warfare-Furious Hammering!

Brian waved the Warhammer frantically, and the power of the Warhammer's outburst fell completely on the body of the polluter, and instantly that area was completely blasted into a large pit.

"What a terrible power!"

Not far away, Meng Kahn exclaimed: "The talent of the dwarves is really amazing! It is indeed the darling of the goddess of the earth."

Ursa wiped his paw and said in a deep voice, "Isn't the goddess' darling the elven?"

"... It doesn't make any difference."

"The power of the human girl you think is more amazing than other powers?"

Ursa pointed at Elsa, and she had completely suppressed another polluter. Although that polluter had strengthened a lot, if one-to-one, Elsa was completely worthy of it, even the ones in its hands. Warhammers have been distorted by the two-handed sword.

Meng Kahn said very skeptically, "That sword doesn't look special. Why is it so powerful? What spells are constant?"

They only know that the spell is fixed on the weapon, but they do not know what spell is fixed.

"I don't know, but obviously fits that human girl."

Ursa finished speaking, sneering at Montgokahn: "By the way, you seem to have been rejected by that human girl."


"Hey, I'm happy about this year. You don't want to threaten me."

"Compared to this, Kate the cat guy, do you know?"

Montgokahn ignored Ursa directly, pointing at the vanilla that was fighting the polluter, frowning: "I always feel that the breath on her body seems a little familiar, but I really don't remember seeing her."

Ursa shook her head: "I am the first time I have seen such a big cat warrior. If I had seen her before, I would definitely remember it."

Ul Sutton frowned, and said, "But you're right, I also feel a little strangely familiar with her breath ... is it an illusion?"

"I know it in my hometown, no matter what, wait and say hello."

Mongo Kahn nodded and made his final conclusion.

"Give me-die!"

Elsa yelled, the Great Sword split again fiercely!


The Warhammer of the Defiler finally couldn't withstand the horrible power, and the response broke, and the great sword Yuwei continued to slash down from its head, tearing the Defiler in half!


The giant sword landed on the ground, and only heard a loud noise, the whole cave trembled a few times, and a deep fissure spread tens of meters forward starting from the sword tip.

"Hisse! What a terrible power!"

The adventurers were stunned and shocked, not to mention anything else. This terrible power alone was enough to scare the apocalypse below the grandmaster level?

There is no way to stop it!

As soon as they thought that the polluters had actually reversed the trend under such terrible power, these adventurers suddenly had a clearer understanding of the power of the polluters.

Soon, the final battle was over, and the eight polluters counted on their feet. Eighty-two people on Ellington's side were seriously injured, forty-six were lightly injured, and zero death. The price was the blood of the goddess, which was consumed in large quantities.

Hadn't Tang En provided a large amount of goddess blood as a combat readiness consumable, the Ellington Guard would have been seriously wounded.

And what about the onlookers? Although they did not take any action, unfortunately, several unfortunate accidental spells released by the polluters spread to them and killed them on the spot.

The insertion of the Phoenix Mercenary Regiment was actually very good. The fighters in Ellington had figured out the way the polluters were fighting. The pressure was not so great. They quickly cut into chaos and grabbed a few heads directly. I worked hard, and then continued to watch the movie beside me ...

"Sister, you are great!"

As soon as Elsa returned, Elijah hurried up and greeted her.

Elsa blocked Elijah: "Don't come over, my sister is dirty."

Her body was full of dust. After the polluter died, the flesh and body left behind had disappeared into dust and the power of chaos penetrated into the depths of the cave ahead.

"Hello, Lord Down, it is a pleasure to work with you side by side. In Xia Cao, the head of the Phoenix Mercenary Regiment."

Looking at Cao's outstretched hand, Tang En's heart was terribly terrible. To be honest, Tang En wanted a fireball to baffle his face.

If it were not for their trouble, the battle would end at least ten minutes in advance. What is the concept of ten minutes in advance? Ten minutes ahead means that the Ellington Guard has consumed less of the blood of the goddess, and it also means that the rangers can shoot fewer bursts of burst arrows and magic arrows.

One round of burst arrows is 50,000 gold coins, and one round of magic arrows is 100,000 gold coins. Tang En's current family can't afford them to burn like this!

Watching that arrow flew out, as if smashing the enemy with money, Tang En and Fiona's liver hurt.

But without reaching a smile, Tang En shook hands with him: "Hello."

"Lord Tang En's strength is unfathomable."

Cao glanced down at Tang En's dazzling magic halo, and said with a smile on his face: "Maintaining such a powerful halo for so long, and with so many gains, I think even the Silver City I'm afraid those magicians are like this, right? But the battle is over, you can put away the aura of the spell, you can take a proper rest and replenish the magic pool. "

Fiona couldn't help but froze, this guy could think of anything with his butt.

Now the inheritance of the magician profession is basically monopolized by the Silver City. The wild mage of the free body is very rare, let alone the powerful wild mage. Tang En is not only a powerful mage, but also a Mage Wild, even a recognized lord ...

These identities add up, and a powerful and free wild mage lord who is not constrained by the city of silver, I am afraid that people with a little vision will choose to be better with him than to turn his face.

"This is okay."

Tang En put away the aura of magic, and frowned, scolding his head and covering his face, and scolded, "But what I want to say is, can you keep your head up when your head is hot?"


The smile froze on Cao's face.

"Just now you guys who didn't see me, are you ready to wipe them out !?"

"But don't we help resolve the enemy faster?"

Tang En looked at Kao with a painful expression, and said with a twirled face, "I said, don't you even know the characteristics of the chaotic creature?"

"What characteristics?"

Cao's look was inexplicable: "I only know that chaotic creatures will attack other creatures and completely control his reasoning and thinking."

"... Well, it seems that before you go any further, you have to make up lessons for you."

Tang En sighed. They didn't even know this. They seemed to have to make up lessons for them.

Tang En simply explained that the chaotic creatures would enhance their strength with the strength of the attackers, and at the same time, after the death, the characteristics of the strength will be swallowed by the same kind to explain to them.

Then he said: "... So, next, when facing those polluters, the most important thing is to get them together and get rid of them ... I mean to get together and kill them, otherwise, we kill The more we have, the stronger the rest. In the end, we are likely to be a chaotic creature that everyone can't defeat. "

"That's it! No wonder you're so powerful but you haven't shot yet, just supporting the battle beside you."

Cao thoughtfully: "We have never had this kind of information, and I must record it."

Tang En sighed, the gods discovered this characteristic of chaotic creatures in the chaotic invasion war, but humans have not noticed so far, maybe because the human power level is too low, the increase in the strength of chaotic creatures is not obvious.

Not far away, Lyon frowned, and whispered to Illy, "Did we have this information?"

Yi Luli was clever, she turned back, shook her head, and said in shock, "No, no, I have never heard of such a thing in all records!"

"Very important intelligence."

There was a flash of light in Lyon's eyes, and Shen said, "But the question is ... why was it heard from this person, from him for the first time?"

"I don't know, I don't know!"

Illuli was at a loss. Such important information may have been known to the heroes who had participated in the Chaos Invasion War. It may even be recorded in the Holy See, but anyway, it came from the mouth of a wild wizard Violation.

"Anyway, write down this information, the significance of this information is almost equivalent to the blessings ..."

Lyon took a deep breath and strode forward. Tang En didn't know him, so he didn't worry about revealing his identity.

But he felt it necessary to know this mysterious Down.

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