Things from Another World

Chapter 1375: That old bastard!

"Do you want to marry Tang En?"

The sudden guest, a sudden sentence, made Xiao Ai stunned: "Hey?"

"Don't be surprised, answer my question."

Testro stared at Xiao Ai with an eye-catching look, and her answer related to the next series of things.

"Marry, marry His Majesty Tang En ... or something like that, it is impossible ..."

Obviously already very strong, the little love who can be a one-sided person at this time, but suddenly changed back to the original unsophisticated look, nervously put on playing with his fingers, overwhelmed.

At first she didn't know what Tastro wanted to ask this question suddenly, but soon she guessed what Tastro wanted—marriage, to strengthen the relationship between the Rennes and Illus Empire!

That's right, this is the only possibility!

A few days ago he applied to Princess Aurelia for marriage, but was rejected. Now if he wants to establish a stable relationship with Illus, he can no longer make Princess Aurelia's idea.

Vanilla and Coco have a good relationship with Tang En, but after all, they are the virgins of the Vulcan court, and Testero has no right to order them to marry Tang En, and Testero himself does not have a girl, think about it Go and finally thought of little love.

Xiao Ai and Tang En also have a close relationship. Now she is also the person in charge of the Datang Chamber of Commerce in the Rennes Empire. The degree of trust can be seen. More importantly, she is from the Rennes Empire and is a descendant of the Koao tribe. The human form is almost exactly the same, so you don't have to worry about Don being unacceptable.

Testro thought very simple-to accept Xiao Ai as a daughter, and then awarded the title of princess, and then proposed to marry Tang En to strengthen the friendly and cooperative relationship between the two countries.

Then Xiao Ai suddenly found out that in the Rennes empire, she was actually the person who was the most suitable to marry Tang En at the moment. Suddenly, she felt a strong surprise.

Did not hear Xiao Ai's answer, but seeing her reflection, Tastro already knew her thoughts.

Testro smiled slightly, patted Xiaoai's head, and said, "From today on, you are my daughter, the little princess of the Rain Empire. I heard that your parents do not have a last name? Your single name A love? "

Xiao Ai nodded, and Tastro said, "So, today I will give you the last name of" Blood Eye ", but love · Blood Eye is more unpleasant, and your name has to be changed ... Well, you are from that famous stone Bi Cun, then your official name will be better than Bi Cun Ai · Blood Eye. "

"Thank Your Majesty."

"No, you should call my father now."

Xiao Ai, no, now I should call her Bi Cun Ai, a little flattered: "Thank you ... Father."

"There is no need to thank me, you should understand that we are just taking what we need."

Testero looked at her and said, "I will convince Queen Olina to ask Don Enna to be your consort. At the same time, after you marry Tang En, you must guarantee the status of the Rennes Empire in Tang En's heart."

"……I know."

This is the cruel world of adults. Bemura is very clear. If it is not for each other to use and cooperate with each other, then Tastro will not come to find her to cooperate, so at this time, bemura did not feel anything wrong. Ok.

"Very well, then you prepare after work today. Tonight you will prepare a grand dinner with the theme of you as the Princess of the Rennes Empire."

Testero stood up: "Soon, the news will spread with our impetus, the entire Rennes Empire will know about it, and the next step after the completion of the momentum, I will send to Queen Olina Proposed, you get ready. "

Bemura nodded, and Tastro disappeared.

Soon, Testero accepted a daughter, and the Rennes had more news than Princess Ai of Village, and quickly spread.

At this time, Tastro also arrived as promised, and when Tang En was absent, he found Queen Olena.

"Testro has seen Her Majesty."

Testro gave a greeting to Queen Olina, and then her eyes fell on the baby girl in the Queen's arms: "This is the little princess in your country just after the full moon? It looks really cute, her name is what name?"

Olina opened her mouth, and after a moment of hesitation, said helplessly: "Jebirny."

"A really good name, as cute as she is, I—"

Subconsciously following Olena's words, Testero suddenly felt something was wrong, and suddenly returned to God: "What do you say her name? I seem to have heard it wrong."

"You heard me right, her name is Yebilny."

Olina sighed: "The name of the **** of light."


Testro smiled stiffly, "Your heart is so big ..."

Although there is no explicit stipulation that the name of the deity cannot be named, this is a kind of minimum respect and a hidden rule generally followed by the Prandall ethnic groups. As a result, the couple was so good that they named their daughter Yebilni ...

Testero felt that he admired Don especially, this courage, this courage, oh!

Olina reminded Testero not to patronize with emotion: "You haven't stated your intention yet."

Testro smiled slightly, then slowly said, "It's like this ..."


Tang En was lying on the roof of the Lord's Mansion, staring blankly at the sky.

"I looked for you for a long time, how did you come here?"

Fiona flew up from the side and said angrily: "Everyone is busy dying, but you are lazy here and be careful to catch them and complain."

Tang En smiled and shook his head, and said, "All I can do is done, and the rest is their work. I have no use staying there."

"You underestimate your symbolic significance."

Fiona lay down beside him and looked at him in the line of sight: "Isn't it Baiyun, what's so good about it?"

"I'm not looking at Baiyun ..."

"Is it lonely?"

"... when did you become so grumpy?"

"I have been with you for so long, and I have become an old woman, and I will definitely be affected by you."

Fiona moved around Tang En, found a comfortable position in his arms, and asked, "Well, tell me what are you looking at?"

"The sea of ​​stars."

Tang En raised his hand and swiped in the sky: "Can you imagine? Outside of Prandall, there are countless planets like us, what kind of scenery will there be, are there lives like us? We Is it possible to meet? Every time I think about this problem, I am very excited, and now we finally have the opportunity to take this step. "

Fiona grinned and said, "The Pathfinder was not built to conquer the sea of ​​stars, it was just to travel to Lolita."

Pathfinder is a large manned space vehicle currently under construction at Ellington, and an improved and upgraded version of the spacecraft that Down had previously entered into space. It is not only safer but also more superior in performance.

This is because the power of God's runes has been added, resulting in a new type of magic engine that has better control and utilization of magic.

This spacecraft uses two sets of power systems. One is a wind-powered engine inside the atmosphere, which allows the spacecraft to achieve long-distance flight in the atmosphere, and the other is a magic engine, which enters outer space. Without air, it is Relying on the magic energy of the magic engine to push the line of sight backwards, this is a pure energy engine, so each time the propulsion efficiency is increased, it is greatly improved.

In addition, the spacecraft also has an anti-gravity engine built in. This is an engine modified from a dwarf gravity well, but the principle has not yet been clarified, and the processing technology may not meet the requirements. Therefore, it cannot be copied and produced. It saves a lot of effort, and its role is to assist the main engine and provide auxiliary power. For example, when it is lifted off, the anti-gravity engine can be started, which reduces the weight of the spacecraft and the driving effect of the wind-powered engine is better.

After entering space, you can also start the anti-gravity engine at the appropriate time based on the calculation of the artificial soul quantum computer, and use the gravity of the planet to achieve the effects of propulsion, change of orbit, etc., and it is very versatile.

Besides, even if only the prototype or principle data of the dwarf gravity well were found on Lolita, this trip is worthwhile.

"Now it has entered the final assembly adjustment stage, and it is estimated that it can take off by the end of next month."

Looking down at Pathfinder in the spaceship launch base on the outskirts of Ellington, Tang En couldn't help but have another surge of emotion: "That said, we can set off for Lolita next month at the latest. Now! Is there any question about prehistoric survivors who lived 10,000 years ago? It can be officially revealed! "

"However, we don't even know how far we are from there."

Fiona murmured to himself: "And still in such a dangerous environment ... I'm really worried."

"Relax, it must be fine, if you are worried ..."

Tang En lowered her head and bumped her forehead, chuckling and said, "Why don't we have the wedding first?"

"I don't care, as long as you're not afraid of Aegwynn being jealous."


Fiona gave him a white look, then sat up and said, "Seriously, our wedding can be done anytime, but this time, the Rennes Empire wants to marry you. I'm afraid you have to agree ... ... Olena has promised it for you. "


Tang En was startled, and then furious: "Testero's old bastard! He's still dead to Aurelia!"

"Not Alleria, it's you and-wait?"

Fiona squinted and looked at Tang En: "It seems that you are very unwilling to let Aurelia marry someone else, why are you jealous?"

Tang En is speechless again!

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