Things from Another World

Chapter 1201: Violent patrol robot

When the big bang happened, the entire Prandall was almost torn apart, especially where the sea of ​​the abyss is now, where there is the center of the explosion, and there are hardly any traces of civilization left, even in Lianglinna There are hardly any cultural relics in the land of Ga.

Only in remote areas, where the impact is relatively slight, can we fortunately retain some traces of prehistoric civilization.

This is why archeological teams always go to remote areas of the mainland to find ruins.

Grace is such a place.

Under the Alar Iron Mine, a ore refining center of prehistoric civilization is buried underground.

After the iron mining ore is collected and preliminary smelted, those ore-type mining robots store all the ore in the warehouse inside the body. After the warehouse is full, they are transported to the ore refining center here for secondary refining.

Tang En is very interested here, mainly because of their ore refining technology. This is because Ellington's ore refining technology is still very backward. The current technology is learned by dwarves, plus Tang En changed from the earth's technology by virtue of the impression. Although it sounds very large, in fact, this casual technology is definitely inferior to the prehistoric dwarf civilization of scientific origin.

If they can learn their ore refining technology from this ore refining center, Ellington's current steel quality will definitely be greatly improved, and perhaps the performance of the converted universal alloy will also be improved, so this ruin is important Sex has suddenly improved a lot.

In addition, if the alloy formulations synthesized by prehistoric civilizations can be found here, they will have more materials available. If the performance is good enough, maybe they can replace universal alloys in some places.

Tang En followed Jindi and they got into the ruins. This time Dinge didn't hesitate anymore. He took out a lot of light crystals and installed them along the way. The dark ruins were brightly illuminated.

Due to its solid structure, this ore refining center has not collapsed in 10,000 years, but just covered a thick layer of soil. This should be formed after the dust caused by the original big bang fell. This ore refining center should have been It's on the surface. In these ten thousand years, it's not known what kind of geological changes it has undergone. The uplifted soil has become Alaer Mountain, which has been buried underground.

The mercenaries in the front are clearing the dust here, and Lockma is obviously full of complaints about this job. Now he is also a dignified master-class apocalypse. Now he is cleaning here and using small things!

At this time, Aegwynn came in handy. At Tang En's request, she used a clever spell to roll all the heavy dust aside, and directly restored the original appearance of the entire ore refining center.

"Your fiancee is really amazing!"

Gindy was amazed: "I've heard that most of the elves can do magic martial arts, but this is the first time I've seen them."

Tang En smiled and said nothing.

This is actually a misunderstanding. Strictly speaking, the elves are not a magic martial arts. Their spell abilities can be said to be innate, but without reinforcement learning, they can only release some simple low-level Spell.

It's just more enviable than humans.

After the relics were cleared out, Gindy and Dinger dispatched some staff to continue their exploration, and most of them stayed to study the ore refining center.

But in the first step they were stumped-because they couldn't get in.

The door of this ore refining center seemed to have touched the emergency safety system during the big bang. The door was directly locked, and now the internal energy system has been cut off. Facing the heavy metal door, the archeologists were at a loss.

"So this is the time for our performance!"

Dinger laughed, his voice sharp and harsh: "You leprosy patients always say that we are too violent, but in this case, how do you get in without using violence? Not to mention the research and exploration It's up! "

"As long as I'm here! I will never allow you to do it!"

Gindy shouted with excitement: "This relic is so precious! Your bomb is likely to ruin this place!"

"Then you tell us, how do you get in now?"

Dinger sneered: "I'm afraid this is a fully automatic ore refining center controlled by the structure. There are no windows at all. There is only such a gate. The wall is inside the mountain. Do you want to dig a passage behind? "

Gindy was speechless, but he still strongly protested Dinger's approach.

In the end, Tang En came forward to solve this trouble-let Aegwynn take the shot, dissolve the solid mountain body with fossil mud mud, and look for another entrance-since it is a ore refinement, there is no such thing as an entrance There is also a separate outlet for discarding waste.

In fact, as expected by Tang En, they found two exits behind this refining center. One of the larger ones seemed to be transporting ore, and the other, if not unexpected, should be slagging.

Aigwin's ears shook, and he suddenly said, "There's something inside."

"It should be a patrol construct."

Gindy said very calmly: "We have encountered it in the previous ruins, it is very difficult, but now we have Rokmar, and Ms. Emilia, there is definitely no danger."

"Let's go ahead and explore the road."

Lockma took out her tomahawk and tried.

"I'll go for insurance."

Although he doesn't worry about Aegwynn's love affair, he still doesn't want to let Rockman, the turbulent guy, be alone with Aegwynn-he's so stingy, so unreasonable.

The three walked into the ore refining center one after another. The shimmering light released by Aegwynn illuminated the front passage. The dark passage was like an abyss monster that was eaten by others. Only the sound of their footsteps was in the quiet passage.

Lockemar was curious and asked curiously, "So quiet, how did you hear anything?"

Aegwynn pointed to his ears: "I'm an elf."

"This is also true. I heard that the elves are very sharp ..."

Lockma stared at the dark channel in front of him and said, "Compared to humans, elves can indeed be called the darlings of gods."

Tang En heard that he shook his head secretly, darling? Maybe it is, but is it also a sorrow that is set as a "firewall" and has a mission to completely lose its freedom and the infinite possibilities of the future?

"Kacha Kacha ..."

A crisp sound of footsteps slowly approached them, and Lockma immediately stopped and stared at the passage in the front. A few moments later, some redness appeared in the darkness.

Sure enough!

Soon patrol robots appeared in front of them. Those were 90 cm tall robots-patrol robots developed by the gnome and goblin civilization. Imagine what they would look like.

The robot is covered with a layer of dust. In these ten thousand years, the paint on the surface has been cracked and peeled off, and the shell is dull, but this is not the point. The point is that they all look very uncomfortable holding a hand in their hands. Wonderful weapon.

"Unknown target found ... Life signature scan completed ... Signature database matching failed, identified as unknown creature ... Authorization detection failed ... Confirmed as unauthorized target ... Central system instruction not received ... eviction procedure performed ..."

After the patrol robot spoke, Qi Qiba held up his guns: "It has been adjusted to the freeze mode ... began to expel ..."

"Be careful!"

As soon as Lockemar's voice fell, a bunch of violent rays suddenly shot, and the three of them bounced off instantly. The ice-blue rays hit the ground where they had just stood, and a thick layer of ice appeared on the ground instantly.

"These constructs use magic!"

Lockerma was shocked and more alert.

"It's more science than magic."

Down spoke a word, then gave Aegwynn a color: "Control them, try not to damage them."

These patrol robots also have great research value. Their intelligent systems, energy systems, and weapon systems are very valuable, especially the firearms in their hands, which are obviously installed on the Skybreaker before Klotto. Gnomes Frozen Rays are a systemic weapon, and if they can be brought back to study thoroughly, they will have new weapons available.

Eggwin nodded and rushed up instantly.

"Missing target ... Target threat level increased ... Switched to destruction mode ... Adjusted to high energy pulse mode ..."

As soon as he heard the words of the robot, Tang En scalped, and saw that the front end of the firearms in their hands suddenly overflowed with a very strange blue light. At the same time, a very strong sense of crisis suddenly came to his mind: " Be careful--"


Just listening to a low buzzing sound, almost the moment the sound sounded, the blue high-energy rays emitted by the laser have arrived in front of Lockma!

Lockemar had no time to forcibly twist his body to avoid a fatal blow. The beam of high-energy rays slanted through his left shoulder. The blood armor did not work at all, and his entire shoulder was instantly gasified!


Rokma growled in pain, Tang En's face changed slightly, and he was immediately healed, but while the power of life enveloped him, the attacks of several other patrol robots had arrived!

Aegwynn said nothing and suddenly appeared in front of him, holding up layers of spell shields.

"Don't-eh !?"

Tang En was surprised to find that the high-energy rays that had a very strong penetrating power just now were partially blocked by the multilayered magic shield!

No, it is weakened layer by layer!

The high-energy rays that penetrated multiple layers of spell shields could not even hurt Aegwynn's skin!

Why is that! ?

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