Things from Another World

Chapter 1175: Aegwynn's kiss (Spread the flowers to celebrate!)

Undoubtedly, under the influence of Gang Yan, Algwin's thinking process was almost exposed to Tang En's eyes. Tang En could not know exactly what she was thinking, but he could also guess.

Although she wanted to tell Aegwin that she was thinking wrong, Tang En found that things seemed to be moving in the direction he expected, so he didn't bother her thinking, just looked at Aegwin nervously.

if it is like this……

Aegwynn asked himself, did I hate Down?

Obviously, it is impossible. He is his best friend. The elf never betrays his friend.

Since I don't hate it, then I just like him?

He likes me, and I like him too. He wants to confirm the relationship in a human way, but he is worried that I don't fit, so he is so nervous, so embarrassed, so hesitant?

If so ... as a friend, should I take the initiative to cooperate with him?

Eggwin looked up at Tang En. The two were so close that they almost touched the tip of their noses.

She looked at Tang En, blinked, and suddenly tiptoeed her face, and her wet lips were lightly printed on Tang En's lips. As soon as she touched her lips, she lowered her head and whispered: "Well ... is that okay? I asked myself, and I should like you too."

Although it was just a touch, Tang En was stupid as a whole, and his head exploded!


Really kissing Aegwynn!

It's her initiative!

I didn't force her!

She said she likes me!

At this moment, Tang En was happy like a child, and the smile on his face was beyond description.

Tang En hugged Aegwynn and said in her ear: "Like me, you say you like me, it's great, it's great! I'm about to die happily!"

Aegwynn felt a little weird, but she was so happy to see Tang En, she also showed a mild smile, hugged him, and patted his back gently.

[Human beings are really weird. Just one sentence will make the mood change so much, just because I said that I like him, is he so happy? 】

"Yeah, just because of your word, I am very happy, it feels like dreaming."

Tang En froze on his face, he was really worried that he was dreaming now.

[Thanks Maserati, Thanks Isari, Thanks Gangao ... It's you who gave me this opportunity ...]

"Don't talk near my ears."

Eggwin shook his ears. "A little bit itchy."

Tang En glanced at her long ears, bit a smirk on it, and blew a little breath, and he very clearly noticed Iger's tremor in his arms. He shook, and seemed to be patient. .


Aegwynn broke his arms and looked at him with a little pique: "All said don't talk near your ears, you're deliberately mischievous!"

The elated Tang En immediately apologized: "Sorry, it's because you are so cute, so you can't help but want to prank ..."

[Also I am cute ...]

Aegwynn's expression softened involuntarily, and he asked softly, "So, do men and women do meaningless things?"

"How can it be said to be meaningless?"

Tang En held her hand and said in a righteous manner, "It is precisely because of the small games between these couples that they have further promoted the relationship between the couples, made them more aware of each other, more admired, and stronger relationships."


The simple Aegwin immediately believed his words. She glanced at the confused Gangsters and asked subconsciously: "After the relationship is strong, can we mate and reproduce?"

"Yes—keke! Why, why suddenly ask this kind of thing?"

"Because in recent years, Isari has been worrying about the reproduction of the elves. The grandfather of the world tree was affected by the power of chaos and could not give birth to a new elven. The desire of our elves to combine and reproduce through men and women is very weak ..."

Although Tang En wanted to ask them a long time ago why he should call the world tree capable of giving birth to elves the grandfather instead of the grandma, but he controlled his curiosity and continued to listen.

Aigwin thought deeply: "But from your body and from today's experience, I seem to have discovered the reason."

"what reason?"

"Our ability to coordinate is too strong, both individually and collectively."

Aigwin said a little bit insanely: "This coordination ability allows us to resonate and coexist with everything in the world, to integrate with the whole world, and to let us know each other very well ... In human terms, it is too familiar and lost Am I mysterious? I do n’t quite understand what is love in your human mouth. You humans often say that the supreme realm of love is that you are willing to sacrifice everything for each other, but our elves are willing to sacrifice themselves for each other, but you say this is not Love, but affection. "

"Well ... it ’s true that the whole Elven clan feels like a family, only family, you are sisters to each other, it may be because you are too familiar, it is difficult to have love, after all, few people will Love is created by their own siblings. Love is built on the process of mutual understanding from the stranger to the little one, and speaking of it, no matter how much we sing about love, love will eventually be transformed into affection, so in essence, Affection is the strongest emotion. "

"That's what you said."

Aigwin tilted his head, and his face was full of confusion: "So I don't quite understand, obviously we already have a higher level of affection, why do you want to chase the lower level of affection? And you are also a legendary strongman. Elves are similar, so the need to breed offspring is not urgent, right? But you are still pursuing love, aren't you? "


Tang En was speechless: "I don't know, maybe because of the difference in life forms? The ordinary human life is short, and it takes a few hundred years to complete a series of tasks such as growth, family, reproduction, etc., so this kind of need Strong emotional stimulation to promote reproduction, if there is no catalytic effect of love, it is estimated that our race is already extinct. "

He also said: "But you are different from the elf. Because the elf has a long life, the need for breeding offspring is not strong, plus the mission of the elf family-"

Don Enton paused and skipped this passage: "——and the unique reproduction method has always been the only way to cause the Elves' need for love is not strong. With the passage of time, this kind of Emotions have basically disappeared from the Elven clan. And I have been human since the beginning, so human instincts still exist. "

"That said, you still have a breeding instinct and impulse."

Eggwin nodded: "So when you see Gangao mating, you want to mate with me?"

Tang En blushed: "... Did we not say that topic?"

"But isn't this what you desire most?"

Aigwin tilted his head and looked at Tang En: "And I still have a bet that has not been fulfilled. If you say that mating with me is the thing you desire most, then you already planned when you bet? So the order is This one? "

"No ... yes ... no ... I actually ..."

Tang En was blushed and red with her careless words. What could he say? What Aegwin said was indeed the thing he longed most for, but how could such a thing be decided by such a ridiculous method as fulfilling a bet?

"So this is the order?"

Aigwin repeatedly confirmed that when Tang En was in a daze, she took off her leather armor by herself and planned to unbutton it!

Tang En's heart pounded in a panic and hurriedly stopped her: "What are you going to do!"

"Fulfill the bet."

Aigwin smiled, without the slightest unnaturalness: "I can feel the strong thoughts in your heart, and this is probably the only thing I can do for you, right?"

"Don't say stupid things, you turn your thoughts into your thoughts, and your actions turn into actions. I won't do that kind of thing to you until you understand what love is and really respond to me!"

Tang En held her hand down, but then he found his hand in a delicate place ...

Tang En swallowed his mouth, and after a moment of nostalgia, suddenly withdrew his hand and said sully, "Sorry, I didn't mean it ..."

Aigwin's head was even more confused: "You obviously feel good, why do you apologize?"

"Because for the human being, the opposite **** body is very private. Except for couples, other opposite **** cannot be seen casually."

Aigwin blinked: "But you've seen my body before, have you? Why are you so nervous?"

Tang En scratched his hair a bit distressed and said, "It was different then."

Aigwin suddenly realized: "That is to say, human thoughts of the opposite **** will change according to different situations, different environments, and different times, and not every time there is a desire to mate."

"It's almost like this ... so can we stop talking about mating?"

"Sure enough, humans are still so difficult to understand ..."

Aigwin sighed: "I've walked around Prendal for so many years, but I still can't understand many ideas of humans ... many simple things, but humans always get very complicated."

"Probably because the gods who created humans are themselves full of faults, so humans have gathered all their faults."

"Perhaps ..." Aegwin's face straightened. "So when do you plan to let me fulfill my bet? Whether it's kissing or mating."

"Please don't talk about mating any more ... I seem to hear Mr. Zhao's loud voice on the African savannah!"

Tang En groaned and groaned. "As for the bet, I want it, you already gave it to me!"

Aigwin snapped: "You mean ..."


Tang En suddenly lifted her, kissed her lips suddenly, then raised her head, looked at her eyes, and said, "All I want now is just your kiss!"

"……I know."

Aegwynn looked at him sternly, and when Tang En thought she was finally getting rid of it, she said, "But ... why do you stick your tongue over your head?"

Down: "..."

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