Things from Another World

Chapter 1088: Return of the Principality of Shiraz

Due to the accumulated hatred for many years, the Principality of Shiraz and the Principality of Ivalan are destined to coexist with the Kingdom of Grace.

So Tang En can only choose between the two.

The Kingdom of Grace is strong and strong, and the total population is several times more than the Principality of Shiraz and Ivanaland. From a practical perspective, choosing the Kingdom of Grace is undoubtedly the best choice. If Tang En is an iron-blooded emperor who only wants to complete the task and only has the goal in his eyes, he will definitely choose the Kingdom of Grace.

But he is not.

Although the quality of the population is a major condition for him to make a choice, he can't live the hurdle of his own conscience.

What's wrong with the residents of the Principality of Shiraz and the Principality of Ivalan? Why did they endure Grace's plunder for years? Endure the pain that lasts forever from the family?

But then again, is there something wrong with the Kingdom of Grace? Although the average quality of the people is very strong, the environment is too bad. People ca n’t eat enough food. Naturally, they must rely on their fists to speak. Over time, the habit of speaking with strength is formed on this land.

When the land cannot support the people who live on it, they can only seek to expand and obtain more land and resources. This is the expansion instinct of the living beings. Therefore, the Principality of Shiraz and the Principality of Ivaran are unlucky.

In fact, from the standpoint of an onlooker, no one is right or wrong, only the strong is the weak.

What really makes Tangn intolerable is that the practice of the Kingdom of Grace has reached his bottom line.

You can expand, you can plunder food, but you can't just kill innocent people, or even kill yourself. This is beyond the limits of a modern person's acceptance.

Tang En thought for a long time, and he finally determined that he could not accept such a group of people as his companions at all.

The answer is simple.

Help the Principality of Shiraz and the Principality of Ivalan to resist the invasion of the Kingdom of Grace, and at the same time solve the problem of the Kingdom of Grace from the root as soon as possible.

Don't get me wrong, Tang En isn't about to commit any genocide, he's not cold-blooded to that point.

The reason why the Kingdom of Grace will reach the current level is inseparable from the rule of the Grace royal family. There is a saying that is good. What good can a subject do to please him?

Therefore, Stanley, including his confidants, must not stay.

As for the others, wait until all the dust has settled before conducting a screening trial. Tang En believes that he will not blame a good person or forgive a bad person.

Seeing Tang En silent for a long time, Palmer asked carefully: "Her Majesty Tang En, where is your reinforcements?"

It was a pleasant surprise to see Tang En, but he couldn't see the reinforcements.

Tang En came back to God: "Oh, they're still on their way. They should be here soon."

Still, still on the road?

Palmer wanted to cry without tears. The soldiers were all down, and the reinforcements were not in place yet. How could this be fought! ?

Perhaps because of Palmer's concerns, Tang En smiled and said, "Don't worry, now that I've been here, this battle will definitely end today. After that, I will rush to the Principality of Ivalan as soon as possible. Over there, although they haven't received their request for help, they want to come to a situation similar to yours. "

Tang En's guarantee let Palmer's hanging heart be put down. Think about it too. After all, Her Majesty is a powerful magician. Even if the reinforcements have not arrived, he will not defeat the enemy with his strength. : Meow?), At least for defending the city is absolutely no problem, support for a day, no problem!

After reassurance, Palmer suddenly blessed himself with a thought in mind, this is a great opportunity!

"Your Majesty Tang En!"

Palmer knelt down to Tang En again: "Please allow me to show your surrender on behalf of the Principality of Shiraz, and I would like to bring the whole of the Principality of Shiraz back to the Illus Empire! Please accept it!"

Palmer has a good calculation. If it is the past, even if he applies for a return, I am afraid that Tang En and Aurelia may not accept it to maintain the stability of the border. They can only continue to press hard. Serve as a buffer zone, and then continue to be captured by the Kingdom of Grace.

But now it's different. His Majesty Tang En appeared here directly, which has already explained the problem very much. Returning to Illus has a drama!

The attitude of Her Majesty Tang En's words is already very clear. He wants to protect the Principality of Shiraz!

In other words, he has decided to declare war with the Kingdom of Grace!

And it seems that, because of Beatrix, Her Majesty Tang En is in a good mood at the moment. Taking advantage of the present opportunity, she directly expresses her loyalty. The success rate is definitely better than writing a letter!

After Tang En froze for a moment, he said with a smile: "Come up, the Principality of Silas has been an integral part of the Illuth Empire since ancient times, and I will certainly not refuse your return."

Palmer was overjoyed when he heard the words, and as expected, things were really so simple!

Don't think that a king's initiative to surrender to the return is too nonsense. If you are Palmer, you will be trapped between the two great powers all day. You do n’t have the chance to intervene in the middle, and you are subject to the sack of one of them every year. Watching the rapid development of the suzerain every day, I guess you will be impatient to return to the Illus Empire.

Still, even after returning to the Illus Empire, his king was directly relegated to the Lord of Shiraz, and his life was much happier than before.

At the very least, after the return, all powers, including military power and financial power, were surrendered, except for the retention of the right to govern the city. He didn't have to worry about preventing security issues. He had the protection of Brother Tang En. You can sleep well.

When Tang En saw the joy on Palmer's face, he couldn't help crying or laughing, this guy was really anxious to surrender ...

Imagine how much the motherland did to reunify in that year. If you look at Palmer again, he feels that the world is amazing ...

Tang En said: "While waiting for the reinforcements to be free, tell me about the situation of the Grace Corps, and I'd better understand it."

Palmer was refreshed and immediately began to explain to Tang En in detail. He was too incapable of detecting the specific information, but the basic information was already well known.

At the same time, in the city of Shiraz, Beatrix also entered the formal side.

With the news of Her Royal Highness' initiative to organize the people's resistance, many people reluctantly brought up a little enthusiasm and began to get busy, and this enthusiasm reached its peak after Palmer ordered the opening of the granary.

After the granary was opened, a large number of chefs were called in, and then they began to cook hard, not fancy, but just to be fruitful.

Thousands of chefs are standing on the streets and cooking together. What is it like? It's spectacular!

The scent of food is floating across the city!

The refugees who fled to Shiraz carried only a small amount of food and property. They have been miserable these days. The food has been eaten up, and it is a special period. You ca n’t buy food with money. Many people have been hungry for a long time, so when they smell the scent, don't mention the spirit, and all eyes are green.

When I heard that Her Majesty King Palmer opened the granary in support of His Royal Highness Princess Beatrix's plan, those people were immediately grateful to Dade, and the gratitude to King Palmer and Princess Beatrix was like a gush.

After scrambling to receive the rationed food, they began to get busy according to the arrangement. A large number of people were called to assemble the scarecrow, weave the dummy, the other part was to raise water and water, and the other part was to give the soldiers on the wall They gave food and drink, and some people directly replaced the weary guards who stood guard overnight, and took up their weapons to guard the city walls-this is of course out of order, but in special times, no one cares about this. Those moved The endless soldiers even felt for the first time that everything they had sacrificed was meaningful.

At this moment, the entire city was mobilized by Palmer's father and daughter, and the city of Shiraz was united as never before.

If such a city and such people are to be destroyed, I am afraid that there are few countries in the entire Prendall worth saving.

"Her Royal Highness, you are tired. Have some porridge ..."

"No, I'm full. I'm not hungry now."

"But you have been busy for a quarter of an hour ... at least drink some saliva."


Beatrix took the water, looked at the cracked and worn bowl, and looked at the simple but sloppy face of the woman in front of her. She remembered the fine golden bowl she used usually, and the food she ate ...

Suddenly, Beatrix felt sore, and she seemed to understand why Tang En paid so kind attention to the people at the bottom.

It is them that form the foundation of this country.

Without these hard-working farmers, how can there be a country based on them.

For this country, and for these peasants who are diligent but unable to enjoy life, she must also protect this country!

His Majesty Tang En, when will your reinforcements arrive?

Our only hope has been pinned on you!

After drinking the water from the bowl in one breath, Beatrix wiped her mouth and asked, "How much has the dummy made?"

"Everyone is working together to make two thousand, but your Royal Highness, can this kind of dummy really lie to them ..."

"I can't fool me, but at least this is the result of our efforts."

Beatrix reluctantly smiled and said: "Arrange people to go to the city wall, pay attention to the concealment, don't expose it directly to the enemy, and let people transport more grease to the city wall. May come in handy ... "

"I see, Her Royal Highness, but where did you learn all this?"

The woman was a little curious. Does the royal family teach the princess every day?

When Beatrix heard it, she said, "These are all learned from my teacher ..."

How dare she tell these people that these skills were all learned from the books sold by the Datang Chamber of Commerce ...

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