Things from Another World

Chapter 1076: Artificial Soul Quantum Computer, Eve (Spreading Flowers to Celebrate Author's B

The artificial soul computer in front of Tang En is completely different from the computer on the earth. From the appearance, it is more like a rigid combination of a prism crystal and an artificial soul carrier. As a result, the output interface is a magic projection receiver. Of course, this is different from the home TV, its positioning is the display.

The data storage uses the crystal data storage technology provided by the Dragon family. This technology has been applied to the crystal card of Star Diamond Bank and the storage of customer data, but it has never been deeply expanded by the goblins. Tang En directly used it as a hard disk.

The input terminal is not a keyboard, but a holographic interface made by using the magic projection. There is already a relatively complete text command input interface, but there is no strict standard. The interface currently displayed is Croto. The samples used by these engineers are very complicated.

This computer has nothing like a mouse, but recognizes the user's mental power through a receiver to determine the positioning instructions. From this perspective, this soul computer seems to have surpassed the existing homes on Earth from the beginning. computer……


This is only two or three days ...

When Tang En saw the artificial soul computer in front of him, he couldn't help but be filled with emotion. Making a computer is not a simple matter. In order to research the computer on the earth, the front-end technology tree has been ordered. Slowly transitioned from punching computers, tape computers and tube computers to transistor computers. As a result, in the high magic world of Prendall, these foundations were skipped directly, and artificial souls were used to simulate logical judgments and calculations. It is even more incredible that only It takes two or three days to build a prototype ...

But what kind of computer is this artificial soul computer?

electronic calculator? This thing is completely without electricity.

Biological computer? This stuff doesn't use biological features such as proteins and nucleic acids to calculate storage.

Quantum computer? This thing doesn't have the characteristics of parallel exhaustive computing of quantum computers ... but the existence of the soul body is quite like the quantum state of a quantum bit that exists between non-existence. The principle used to calculate data should be the same as Are quantum algorithms similar?

So, this is a special artificial soul quantum computer?

... The world is really too unscientific.

Tang En looked at the thing that was an artificial soul quantum computer, and asked curiously, "Is this thing ready for use?"

"Yes, we had a simple test after we finished the work overnight."

Although working overnight for a long time under accelerated surgery, Clotto was full of energy and no fatigue at all. This is also thanks to the tea made by the leaves of the tree of the world provided by Tang En. Drinking a cup can clear away the fatigue immediately. Adding energy is definitely the best choice for working overtime all night.

Tang En refreshed: "Open it up and let me see."

Cloto immediately turned on the artificial soul quantum computer. Without a sound, the projection display suddenly ejected the picture. The projection was completely black, followed by a light mass. It should be the artificial soul's projection. image of.

"Hello, the artificial soul 'Eve' is at your service. May I help you?"

The light ball kept flickering, and a non-male non-female neutral voice came out of the speaker. Tang En looked at the screen with a surprised look. This was the first time he saw the working state of the artificial soul.

"It turns out that you can talk to artificial souls directly!"

Isn't this all catching up with the AI ​​voice assistant! ?

Yusitsa nodded, adding: "Only simple conversations can be achieved, too complicated."

"Why? Our technology is not up to that level?"

"rather than……"

Yusita hesitated, then whispered, "This is what the gods mean ... don't forget, we are sealed because we study the soul deeply."

Tang En suddenly realized: "That is to say ..."

"It is not technically impossible, but it cannot be done. If the same level of intelligence is given to artificial souls and human souls, it is a total violation of the realm of God ..."

"I understand."

Tang En's heart was full of marvels. Although Yusita did not create a real intelligent artificial soul, from the meaning she expressed, the Einzbelen family probably had the technical strength, even if They are not real human-like souls, I'm afraid they are very close, so they would start to shock the gods.

"What functions does Eve have now?"

"Because time is too tight, we have only had time to enter some simple algorithm instruction sets, which can realize some data simulation calculations. Other subsequent functions can be remembered and then gradually improved."

Tang En nodded slightly. Perhaps this is another benefit of the artificial soul quantum computer. It can be dismantled for maintenance and upgrade at any time. Instead of creating an instruction set written in ROM (read-only memory) like an electronic computer, it cannot be modified. Unless reproduced.

This means that the expansion and upgradeability of an artificial soul quantum computer is almost unlimited, unless it reaches the computational limit of the artificial soul. However, since the artificial soul is a calculation method similar to the quantum state, in the visible time, I am afraid It is difficult to reach its operational limit.

But again, this also means that after an artificial soul quantum computer is sold, there is basically no such thing as a subsequent hardware upgrade, only software upgrade ...

Considering the current development status of Prandall's mobile phone communication network, I am afraid that the system software upgrade of this magically modified computer may be unified through the wireless network ...

Tang En's expression was quite weird. As soon as the magic computer was born, it embarked on a cloud upgrade.

"Let me demonstrate simple functions,"

Croto cleared his throat: "Eve, switch to computing form."

"Yes, Mr. Croto, entering the calculation form ... please enter a preset instruction."

After entering the calculation form, the projection display projected a holographic keyboard in front of Croto. At the same time, the light ball in the projection disappeared, replaced by a black background, and then some white text was displayed on it. Those texts were mainly It is for the convenience of reminding Clotto to recall the preset instructions, which have various functions such as query, help, entering formulas, etc., they are still quite comprehensive.

"Because it's just an engineering prototype, we don't need to consider too much extra, these preset instructions are just for our convenience."

Clotto began to hit the keyboard—it was n’t appropriate to say, because there was no sound, but because of magical interference, hitting the projection keyboard also made Clotto feel powerful feedback, but it did n’t feel like it was Bouncing the air.

Croto chose a simple preset instruction, a formula for calculating a trigonometric function, and then he entered the data, almost as soon as he confirmed the execution of the instruction, and the result was already out.

Tang En mouthed straight: "Even if you test, choose a representative ... This function has been calculated ..."

"Uh, I just want to demonstrate functionality ... So what do you say should be used to demonstrate?"

What is the speed of the computer to test?

Do you still think about it?

The calculation principle is different, and you don't need to test the floating-point operation speed. Of course ...

"Of course it's Superπ-uh, I mean, of course, it's calculated using the Dal Cylinder Ratio (Prandall's Pi)! You should know that the Dal Cylinder Ratio is an infinite non-recurring decimal, and it calculates fixed digits The time needed will show the performance of this computer. "

In fact, to calculate the pi on a computer, of course, it is not as simple as imagined. It involves a very complicated algorithm. Do n’t believe it? If you do n’t believe it, do n’t memorize the value of the pi, try to find the pi, see how you can find it, how many digits ...

On Earth, iterative calculation formulas were developed by many mathematicians with painstaking effort, and Clotto wrote the algorithms developed by the dwarf ancestor Dar Cylinder.

No matter how good the algorithm is, at least the results are definitely not bad.

The layman, Tang En, is now blinding his eyes with two eyes-he can only memorize a dozen or so PIs, but let him study specific algorithms ... kill him.

After a pause, Tang En said, "This algorithm may be used more in the future, so you'd better wrap the algorithm separately and make it into an executable program."

Croto looked puzzled: "I understand that a single packet, what does an executable program mean?"

"It's a fixed set of instructions, and the calculation will start automatically whenever it is executed."

Tang En briefly explained the concept of the program, and Klotto immediately understood what he meant: "I see, we'll work on this slowly, now let you see the calculation of the Dal Cylinder ratio."

He said that he began to enter instructions, and the speed was relatively slow. This was also impossible. After all, it was the keyboard they had tinkered with, and they were not even proficient themselves.

After a while, he finished typing, glanced at Don, and started executing.

The projection just paused, and immediately after the waterfall started flashing numbers, it was said that the waterfalls were slow, because the numbers shown above were too fast, and they were completely connected into a white line!

The projection faded quickly, and Eve's voice sounded: "Warning, the calculation data is too huge, the data is about to overflow, and the data is about to overflow-"

Before it's finished, I heard a “click”, and the storage crystal used as the hard disk could not bear the amount of data, and it was directly burst!

Eve calmly said: "The storage crystal is damaged and the operation is terminated."

Fried? Tang En faced a stubborn face, just calculated a pi, which actually blew up the hard disk?

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