Things from Another World

Chapter 1072: Machine and assembly language

"Nah! Brother, did you watch" Things in Another World "last night? Really super ~~~ Great!"

Elijah held Tang En's hand and shouted happily: "I feel a lot of things inside are incredible! Super fun!"

"Yes, yes, of course I did, and it was the first one."

Tang En sighed again and again, he was sad.

Today is a rest day, so Elijah doesn't have to go to school, this girl ran over to stick to Tang En, obviously she wanted Tang En to accompany her.

But Tang En has a lot going on today ...

"The students in the class are discussing this cartoon. Everyone is looking forward to the next episode. Big brother, can you let the TV station play the next episode quickly ..."

Elijah uses her coquettish offensive.

"Don't worry, wait patiently, there is time for the animation broadcast."

Tang En sighed again. He still muttered the appeal of cartoons to children. In this world where entertainment is lacking, such an interesting thing was suddenly born. It was only broadcast for a few days, and it was immediately in Iraq. The Urrus Empire set off a huge storm.

Not only children, but even many adults are fascinated by this new form of artistic expression.

What surprised Tang En even more was the keen intuition of the merchants. When the animation was played in the third episode, there were already chambers of commerce in the market that began to imitate the contents of the animation and began selling some peripheral products.

This is what Tang En planned from the beginning. After all, making peripheral products does not have high technical requirements, but it can give birth to an industrial chain with great benefits and can solve many work problems for many people.

But taking it without telling it is another matter, that is piracy.

Tang En himself does not care about the loss of this benefit, but he must maintain the entire market environment, just like a big tree. If the roots of the tree grow incorrectly from the beginning, the whole tree will be no matter how tall it grows in the future. Is crooked.

Regarding this matter, Tang En and Fiona had a special meeting. They sent a large number of field staff to those chambers of commerce and asked them to purchase the development copyright of peripheral products, otherwise they would use legal means to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests.

Piracy and infringement is a very serious topic. The business people of Prendall do n’t have that kind of consciousness at all now, and they do n’t even think that their approach is wrong.

What Tang En is thinking now is very simple. Before the infringement becomes a habit, he will choke off this bad habit and directly promote the rights of genuine copyright.

In the end, among all the chambers of commerce that sold peripheral products, Tang En selected five chambers with the most qualifications and attitudes to grant authorization, while all pirated peripherals produced by other chambers of commerce were banned.

This issue not only appeared in the Datang Daily, but was even picked up and talked about in the latest interview program. Taking advantage of the popularity of Magic TV, people throughout the Illus Empire learned about intellectual property. Importance.

Although no effect has been seen so far, Tang En believes that after experiencing this matter, people will later understand that protecting intellectual property is also the reason for protecting their own interests.

Tang En's calculations are very good. If the animation-related industry chain develops in a healthy way, it will soon grow into a huge market with a market size exceeding 100 million yuan. Of course, Datang Chamber of Commerce does not look at it, but for those small chambers The cake in this market is already large enough. They don't even have the ability to eat it in one bite. As long as there is no piracy, everyone will share the wealth of each other in this market. Why not?

Therefore, jointly maintaining this market order quickly became a consensus.

In Tang En's plan, the entertainment industry is a market for ordinary people and a consumer market that stimulates economic vitality. A large amount of funds flows into the pockets of residents through his planning and construction, and then they are put through the rich entertainment industry. The gold coins in their pockets are taken out, so they will work harder to enjoy life better. This is a very idealized market model.

What Tang En needs to pay attention to is only the top military industry, scientific research, magic reform technology and other fields. Take control of the development direction of the world and advance in strict accordance with his plan. There may still be vitality in this world.

While listening to Elijah's classmates showing off their collected cards and surrounding toys to each other, Tang En, who was thinking, came to the Magic Energy Engineering Research Institute.

"Where's Gene?"

"Master Gene is not here."

Croto, who was welding the parts, shoved his glasses and said without raising his head: "It is said that the Xingyue Tower observed a medium-sized chaos gate on the other side of the Solagel Mountains, so he brought a special The mobile team ran to solve the problem. "

When Tang En raised his eyebrows, the Solagel Mountains were the location of the Temple of the Wind and the base of the Dark Serpent, but the hilltops were flattened by Tang En. This chaos door has nothing to do with the Dark Serpent. Maybe It just happened to be there.

After all, the chance of a gate of chaos in Ronente is not high.


"What the **** is this special mobile team?"

Tang En felt as though he had never set up such a unit.

Croto raised his head, pointed to the front of the magic power armor and said: "The first batch of materials sent back from the astral world has excellent performance, so we specially produced a batch of magic power armor, although it has not been completely improved. Satisfaction level, but has already obtained the actual combat ability. Gene felt that he should pull out for a practical test, and just happened to receive the news, so he took people out. "

Tang En black line: "I asked the special mobile team ..."

"Jean said that of course, troops equipped with magic power armor cannot be confused with the previous troops, so he named it."

After a pause, Croto laughed: "Don't say it, I think the name is very appropriate."

It turned out to be a casually formed combat squadron.

Tang En narrowed his eyes and asked casually, "How many power armors have you produced? Is the door to chaos enough?"

"In the early stages, a hundred units were produced, and they were all covered. The interior has been improved with shock absorbers, respirators, etc. In addition, it is also equipped with a chain saw sword, a large-caliber machine gun, and a miniature missile launcher , Carrying twelve miniature missiles. "

Having said that, Croto thought of another thing, wiped his hands, and said to Tang En: "Speaking of which, I want to further transform the power armor."

"Oh? How can I change it?"

"Space warehouse."

Croto took Tang and Ilia to a sample cabinet, pointed to the space warehouse inside, and said, "This is a space warehouse for the gold giant statue mining. I was thinking that if we could equip the power armor, Space warehouses, the continuous combat capability of power armor will definitely be greatly enhanced. "

Croto did not have such an idea at first, after all, space equipment was too rare and expensive, but as several gold giants have been put into use in the Star Base, mining has begun, and a large amount of rare minerals have been sent away. When he returned, his mind was alive.

Although space equipment is expensive, the material of the astral world is endless, and it is not afraid of waste.

Based on the advantages of the astral world, he thought of developing a mini version of the space warehouse to equip the power armor, so that the power armor can reduce a large amount of external load and increase the ammunition reserve, and the combat time will be doubled. Times increase.

"This can be."

Tang En nodded: "With the development of the astral base, the astral cube will soon begin to produce, and when the space equipment is no longer so far out of reach, just do it."

"of course."

The proposal was approved, and Croto smiled: "Besides that, I also want to further strengthen the combat power of power armor. A while back, I talked with Ms. Yustisah about the artificial soul, and then I had to Knowing something interesting, perhaps, the potential of artificial souls is greater than we think. "

Tang En nodded indifferently: "What did you think of?"

The potential of the artificial soul technology is of course huge. To a younger age, artificial souls can become tireless robots on the production line, greatly increasing production efficiency. To an even greater extent, artificial souls can even replace human features and perform observation and exploration. , Detection, locking, and offensive tasks.

However, their development of artificial souls is not deep enough now, just as if you now have a quantum computer with unlimited potential, but only the programming ability in the era of dos, the two do not match at all.

Let's use computer language as an analogy. The artificial soul technology that the Einzberen family is now studying is more like the state of assembly language.

In the early days of artificial soul technology, which is similar to machine language, they achieved specific functions by directly setting the basic state of artificial souls. When this specific instruction set was accumulated enough, they tried to save trouble. It simply packs these researched instruction sets into a series of basic instruction sets.

Later, when they made a new artificial soul, they instilled these basic instruction sets into the brain, and then began to control some behaviors and functions of the artificial soul by controlling the instruction set. This is equivalent to the assembly language of computer language development. stage.

At this stage, the alchemists of the Einzbelen family are still tinkering with the underlying basic instructions, and they start patching when they find out what features are not available. Therefore, these basic instruction sets are becoming more and more complete. Tang En estimates that if he continues to catalyze, soon the artificial soul technology will develop to the next stage, that is, the stage of entering high-level languages, and begin to directly adjust the functions of controlling artificial souls through some richer integration instructions.

By that time ...

Tang En thinks that the direct technology is a big leap, and it seems to be no problem to build an artificial intelligence computer ...

"By the way, what are you doing to find Jean?"

Tang En came back to God, took note of what had just occurred, and said, "There is something I want him to help ... Ilia, what are you doing?"

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