Things from Another World

Chapter 1051: Between goddesses

When Otinia was approached, Aegwynn was curious, because she didn't know what she could do to help a **** on earth.

Otinija didn't say anything, just said to let her follow, and Aegwynn followed her honestly.

After Otinia had entered her cottage by the woods, Aegwynn froze.

On the surface, the cottage looks ordinary, and the interior space is surprisingly large!

What's even more amazing is that at this moment, Aegwin felt like he was in the starry sky. There were planets floating around, and the dreamlike galaxy light band was slowly swaying in the air. From time to time, he could still see some planets suddenly Collapse, some burning planets (stars) suddenly become bright and dazzling, or they are quickly dimmed and collapsed ...

However, the strange thing is that only one corner of the starry sky in the room is bright, and the rest of the starry sky is dim, without any sense of beauty.

Aigwin couldn't figure out why Eutinia had to dress like this.


Where to sit?

Aigwin lowered his head, only to find that there was a shining chair beside him-it was made up of starlight in the air.

Carefully touched, the stars actually turned into touchable entities.

After sitting down, Aegwynn asked curiously, "Can you tell me now, what can I do for you?"

"Cast down."

Otinija said neatly: "I want to contact Niscle Claire through your power of casting magic."


Aigwin said: "Is there no way to link the deities?"

Eutinia shook her head: "Of course it is, but the situation is special now, I can't use that method. The" noise "caused by your descent is still within the permitted range."

Aigwin didn't understand what was special and didn't understand any noise. She suddenly felt stupid ...

"I see, start now?"

Otinija nodded, a thought flashed, and the room was completely closed.

After Igwen calmly finished her prayers, the power of the earth goddess came to her as expected, and at this moment, Otinija suddenly appeared in front of her, pointing her finger on her forehead.

Aegwynn felt only a small but unmatched force pouring into her body, and the next moment she lost consciousness.

Then Otinija retracted her hand and stood silently waiting for something.

A moment later, an invisible will fell from the sky and entered Aegwynn's body.

When I opened my eyes again, it was already the earth goddess Niss Clair, or part of her will, after all, the passage opened by Aegwynn's descent could only allow part of the will to come.

Nisse Claire looked at Eutinia calmly: "I know what you want to ask, but the answer is clear, don't worry."

Eutinia raised her eyebrows: "You don't think you need to worry? Because of you, he came into contact with the astral world too early, and I can only let him naturally tell him how to simply use the power of the astral world, which is likely to Causes uncertain future direction! "

Nisse Claire is still very indifferent: "All of this is inevitable. In order to get him the power to fight the chaotic invasion, he must use the resources and power of the astral world, otherwise, only using the resources of Prendall, fundamentally It is impossible to support subsequent developments. "

"It's too early, it's too early."

Eutinia's eyes were lowered: "It's not a good thing to get into the astral world too early. They can't control their will very well. Mortal people are easy to think wildly. Once an accident occurs, the consequences are irreversible."

"It's not early ..."

Nisse Claire sighed and glanced at the starry sky in the room: "How long haven't you focused your eyes on the starry sky in the main material world since you left?"

Otinija shook her head: "Unlike you, I am in the physical world. Too much attention is more likely to attract them. I can only distract myself as much as possible."

Nisse Claire was silent for a moment, raised her hand and touched it gently, and then on the starry sky in the room, a starry sky suddenly extinguished, and a large swath of stars quickly cooled and collapsed into white dwarfs, neutron stars, and even black holes ...

In just a blink of an eye, a quarter of the original bright starry sky became darker.

"This is the situation now."

Nisse Claire said slowly: "The speed of chaotic corruption is accelerating. According to the current growth rate, in less than forty years, the sky of Prandall will be completely black."

After a pause, she added, "Maybe it will be faster."

Forty years!

Otinija was silent for a moment and said, "Your confidence is a little too much ... Just for forty years, why do you think he has the ability to build a legion capable of countering chaotic creatures? He even now leads These people have no ability to leave the planet, he does not have such a sufficient knowledge base, he is just a lucky one who was fortunate to be selected, and nothing more. "

"No one has confidence."

Nisse Claire's eyes were lowered, and there was a gloom on her face: "But now, we have no other choice. If we fail this time, we will not even have the opportunity to restart civilization."

There was silence in the room.

"Forty years ... less than forty years ..."

Eutinia clenched her fists: "The genetically adjusted weakened body and strengthened the wisdom of the last generation of survivors (referred to as gnomes and goblins) were originally the most promising successes. As a result, who would have thought that they would get the tearing space in advance Technology? The storm of energy emerging from the astral world not only brought everything back to its original shape, but also attracted the attention of chaotic creatures ... even now they have not yet found the technology that their ancestors once mastered! "

"Although we have learned the lessons of the previous generation of civilization and made enough adjustments and attempts, there are still problems."

"The largest number of Asian and other intelligent creatures have no potential, and no wisdom spark has been born for 10,000 years. They can only become the lowest-level cheap labor ..."

"The genetically synthesized species (referred to orcs) proposed by Callomare River, although strong in reproductive ability, have inherent defects, have been in clan society for a long time, and have insufficient development potential ..."

"The aquatic species proposed by Anita Lehr (referring to the bright scale Naga and the Turtle Murloc) are limited by the sea, and it is difficult to put their eyes in the starry sky ..."

"You and Atanox have created the same kind of underground species (referred to as dwarves and dark elves) ..."

"Now it seems that humans who originally had a balanced reproductive ability and comprehensive potential are very promising, but they have been influenced by the strength (magic power) and personal guidance you have given in advance. They have not been able to get out of this planet, and have been It seems like you are immersed in the pleasure of being a nanny and forget the danger ... "

"And now, the 'firewall' (refers to the elves) have been infected, and they have lost their ability to clean themselves. The 'insurance' (referred to the dragons) have almost been eroded and directly crashed ..."

"The situation is so bad now, but you say, there are only forty years left! These times are not even enough for the generation of this planet to breed for many generations. How many living entities can now come in handy on this planet? Five billion? One billion? Let me give you an optimistic figure, including all races, 1.5 billion! "

"1.5 billion people. Forty years, they will reproduce with all their strengths, and how many usable adult individuals can be reproduced? And the time may be shorter. If there is an emergency, fewer people will be available."

"What's more, not everyone is willing to reproduce with all their strengths. Even if they are willing to give birth, not everyone can safely give birth to offspring. The way of breeding offspring with the body is too risky, so I was in favor of Bynka. The method of division and reproduction that Della refers to is fast, efficient, and reliable. "

"Even if the fertility rate goes up, with the current population base, how large a scale of industrial base can it support? How much military strength can it have? How many military literate talents can be born? How much vitality can it consume to fight chaos?"

"It can be one percent. Don't thank our so-called deities. Thank goodness."

"And the enemy they are facing? It is the darkness of this world, this universe that is about to devour."

Eutinia's eyes were cold. Although she was facing a higher god, her lower **** did not flinch in the slightest: "Give up, there is no hope in this world, and the Creator has disappeared. Why should we continue to save this world? "Using the last time, think about how to get out of this world. If you really can't abandon these creations, then think of a way to take this planet together."

Niscle Claire was silent all the time, and Otinija was very reasonable, but ...

"If we could get away, we would have left here long ago."

Nisse Claire said quietly, "Don't you understand ... the day we got 'permissions', we were bound to this world ..."

Outrigger's mouth trembled, but she uttered a rude gesture: "This **** 'authority'!"

"So, it's not that we don't want to leave, it's that we can't leave."

Nisse Claire sighed and said, "So, saving this world is also saving us, and now, our only hope is him."

"We look forward to the collision of different civilizations and different ideas in the two worlds to generate new hopes. Although our opinions were contrary at first, at least now it seems that he has shown the corresponding value, doesn't he?"

"But he is just an ordinary person. He is not omnipotent. We hope to be with him, but we cannot rely on him completely."

"So, wherever we can, we will help him and make his development smoother."

She smiled: "He wants to develop the resources of the astral world sooner or later, but now the time is tight and there is not enough time for him to explore slowly, so you tell him a certain The trick didn't go wrong. Rather, you helped us solve a big problem. We were still thinking about how to tell him this shortcut. "

"We are not expecting him to save the entire world, as long as he can save Prandall."

"All we need is a successful sample."

"Otherwise, no matter how many times the civilization is restarted, it will still only become a nourishment for chaos."

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