Things from Another World

Chapter 1037: It's him ~ It's him ~ It's him ~

In the Throne Room, Tang En awakened Queen Shanelie again.

The unlucky queen who woke up again saw her father Morrison at a glance, and cried suddenly: "Father! Her Majesty Klein was killed!"

Immediately after she saw Tang En, pointing at Tang En and screaming: "The murderer! The murderer is him!"

"I know, I certainly know!"

Morrison was full of bitterness, but now had to start to appease his daughter's emotions as Tang En ordered.

"Sanali, my daughter, Klein, he has done a lot of wrongdoing. It will be a normal day. Although he is dead, we can't be buried with him."

Morrison himself was dying when he said these things, but he couldn't help it!

His life was in the hands of others, and Topney was still staring at him in the back. If he took the wrong step, it would probably cause the entire Caton family to fall into the abyss.

And now, persuading Shanelie to let her stand up in support of Down's recovery of Solant is the first step for the Caton family.

Shanelie's current queen status is a unique advantage of the Caton family. As long as you make good use of this, you can add a lot of points to the Caton family in front of Down and leave a good impression. Even in Illuth The political mix of the empire will surely go well.

"Father, what should I do now?"

Shanelie looked blank: "Klein is dead, he has no children, he has lost his heir, and I and I have no idea what to do now!"

She hasn't married Klein for a few years, and has not fully adapted to the role of queen. In addition, Klein is accustomed to taking over power, and she even has no ability to govern alone. When Klein died, she became completely Headless flies.

"Stupid boy! Don't you understand?"

Morrison was a bit anxious, and he gave his daughter winks again and again: "Now Down's hand has defeated Klein, the tyrant, and has recovered Soland, and we have returned to the Illus Empire!"

Return to Illuth?

Shanelly looked at Tang En timidly: "In other words, I will no longer be a queen?"


Downe nodded: "Illus Empire has only one Queen Olena, no queen."


Although Shanelie was scared, she was still a bit reluctant to lose her queen's identity. Once she obtained this identity, how many women could give up indifferently?

Morrison was worried that Shanelie would make Tang En lively, and he suddenly yelled, "Sannelly!"

Shanelie agitated: "Yes!"

"Wake up! Klein is dead! The Kingdom of Solant is history! Queen Solant is meaningless!"

Morrison almost pointed at his daughter's nose: "The last thing you have to do now is to cooperate with Her Majesty Down and announce to the people of Sorant that Sorant returns to the Illus Empire. Will accept Her Majesty's rule! "

"I, I see!"

Even if Shanelie was stupid, she also noticed her father's winks. Thinking about it, it was strange enough that Klein's confidant was not killed by Tang En, and suddenly turned again Is n’t it even stranger to come and support the Illus Empire?

I'm afraid, Tang En is watching her performance to determine the future of the Caton family!

Having lost her queen's identity, Shanelie can no longer lose the shelter of the Caton family, so she will really have nothing!

Morrison turned around and respectfully said to Down, "Your Majesty, I think she understands."

Tang En nodded slightly, and then said to the pope who had been watching the movie beside him: "Under the pope's crown, I think we can start."

"Oh ... OK, OK!"

The pope returned to God next time and looked at Tang En with a strange look.

This guy really does everything. Whenever people and things that can achieve their goals make the most of their value, it is just like the legendary devil who will drain all the value of the contractor.

The pope stood in front of the throne and began to chant prayers. Down, Aurelia, Eluli, Shanelly, Morrison, and Topney stood in front of him, and Gunther, who was standing next to him, prepared. A plaque made by Tang En-specially prepared for Queen Chanelly.

Soon, the glory of the divinity penetrated the heavy ceiling and fell on the pope. He soon contacted all the places in Prandall where the Church of Light was built, and informed the local bishops to let them project the projection here. Spread out.

In just a tea time, Prandall's towns and even villages covered with bright churches were illuminated with the power of divine magic. The pope's figure appeared in the sky and was seen by hundreds of millions of people.

"My people, Illus, I am the Pope of the Holy See, Jesorini XXIII. Today, I want to convey a very important and very exciting message to the people of Sorant, but I think it would be more appropriate for Queen Shanorie of Solant to personally convey it to you. "

After the Pope had spoken, Shanelie's face appeared in the projection in the sky.

"... what is this ... divine art? Just speak to this? ... Ah? People all over the world are watching me !?"

At the beginning, Shanelie in the projection did not understand what was happening. After she understood it, she was in a hurry for a while, and finally she calmed down. She didn't know how many people looked at her and made her think that the queen should be. It is the old man who holds heavy grace and luxury.

"Sorante's people, I am your queen, Shanelie Caton Solent, and today I have to announce to you a heavy--no, I mean, an inspiring News ... "

The people who looked at the projection found it strange that Queen Shanelie's eyes continued to drift away while she was talking, and her expression was quite strange.

"For a long time, Klein Sorant, who has been tyrannical and overwhelming on the people, has finally returned to the embrace of the **** of death, Grittens! From today, this tyrant will no longer be able to bring suffering , There will never be anything like Lostmar City, and no one will be ruined and displaced! "

As soon as Shannelly said this, everyone in the Throne Hall heard a loud noise from the city of Anthem.

The news of Klein's death was immediately known to everyone, and the most excited at this moment are the Lannisters in the west, the Joyce family in the Valley of Glory, and the Bari family in the Lightning Wilderness, although it is not known in the end Who killed Klein, but Klein is dead! Things are a foregone conclusion! Even if your family does not have the power, you will definitely get huge benefits from it!

"At the same time, I also want to announce a painful news. During the darkest period of the Kingdom of Solant, three lords stood up bravely. They are our greatest heroes. They are Rams Lang in the west. Duke of Nestor, Duke of Relagos Joyce in the Valley of Radiance, and Duke of Sam Barry in Lightning Wilderness. "

"For the future of Solant and for the land to return to the embrace of the motherland, they stood up bravely and chose to fight the tyrant Klein!"

coming! finally come! Who is it in the end! ?

Where people can't see it, a group of people flex their muscles and look forward to the next news.


There was also a small group of people who were aggressive after hearing the news.

Isn't Raleigh's grandson a traitor! ? Why did you suddenly become a hero! ?

What the Duke of Sam Barry who was killed by the attack! ?

This plot is wrong!

However, no one knew their messy thoughts at this moment. Queen Shanelly stopped pouring cold water this time. Instead, she threw out a bomb and shocked everyone in those three families.

"However ... the three brave lords underestimated the power of Tyrant Klein, and no one knows that Klein already has the power of the supreme rank five!"

Extreme Level 5! ?

Sinclair suddenly red-eyed: "It's impossible! Isn't he only the strength of the extraordinary peak !? How can he improve so much !?"

Chanelly said slowly, "... This is unfortunate news. All three lords died heroically ..."

恍 If the thunderbolt hit the head directly on sunny days, the three families in excitement instantly fell into the ice cave.

Lord Lord ... died! ?

how can that be! ?

This shouldn't be!

This is impossible!

If they die, who killed Klein! ?

Who is it! !! !! ? ? ?

"Although the news of their death is sad, but now I want to announce a more exciting news, hoping to dilute everyone's sorrow. Here, I only declare on behalf of the royal family of Sorant that we, Sorant, will be at a lapse After 168 years, return to the embrace of the motherland again! From now on, the Kingdom of Solant will cease to exist, and the Kingdom of Solant will become the leader of Solant, accepting the direct support of Herne Down Jurisdiction! "

Return to the Illus Empire! ?

There was another sensation outside, and the news was more explosive than the death of Klein and the three lords!

Klein died, and there were no descendants. Even if Shanelie announced that she was crowned queen, it was not surprising that Klein had just announced that she would return to the Illus Empire!

From now on, the Kingdom of Solant will become the leader of Solant! ?

"What a joke !?"

In the west, the Lannister family, a young man could not help yelling at the projection on the sky outside the window: "My father sacrificed himself, and I was going to be His Royal Highness. You actually said that Sorant will return to Iraq Urrus Empire !? "

He is Sinclair Lannister, the son of Rams Lannister.

When Rams led the army to leave, he doubtfully sent his father on the road, looking forward to the day when he became a prince. What happened? Before the excitement just passed, he said his father was dead, and Solant would return to the Illus Empire!

How could he be a prince after returning! ?

"Which idiot made this decision !?"

Sinclair growled: "Father would never do this, would it be Relagos? Or Sam !? Neither of them is pro-Illus! Who are they !?"

He was so angry that he ignored the death of his father.

The Joyce family and the Barry family were similar to the Lannister family at the moment. They were waiting with anticipation to see their owner wearing a crown appearing in the picture. Shanelly poured a cold water. Everyone's heart is cool, and they are cursing the fool who made this decision.

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