Things from Another World

Chapter 1004: Bone Dragon has no tears

The first thing that Taser Hacklow regained in his mind was struggling to return to the battlefield.

However, he did not know that at this moment, more than 850 years have passed since the first chaotic invasion war.

This is the obsession that lasted for 850 years ...

Tang En shouted, "Calm down! Tess Hacker, calm down!"

"Taser Hackero ... Yes! I'm Taser Hackero! I'm the leader of the Black Dragons! I can't hide behind!"

Tethy Hackelo finally remembered his name, but he struggled even more.

Tang En was almost overturned by him several times, angrily, and Tang En pulled his paw up and shouted, "Tethakro! The Chaos Invasion War is over! Do you know what it is? Now You calm me down! "

"It's over !? But that chaotic door—"

"Shut up for me! Listen to me now!"

Tang En interrupted him: "You are in a bad situation, do you know !? Look down at your own body!"

With a stun in his eyes, Teather Hacker glanced down at his body.

Senbai's bones, faint blue and the soul core of black gas ...

This is ... my body? I ... became a bone dragon! ?

Taser Hackero raised his head in disbelief, shocked: "I ... I'm dead!? ... Yeah! I'm dead!"

After asking the question, he recalled the moment of his death the next second.

He is dead.

Corrupted to death by chaos.

However, since he is dead, his soul should have returned to the kingdom of death, or has disappeared between heaven and earth, why, why now he has survived in this attitude! ?

The memory seemed to be shackled, and behind the hazy fog was the truth he couldn't see.

Truth, what is it?

"Yes! You are dead! It is now 850 years since the first Chaos Invasion War! Now is the 850-year-old withered moon!"

Tang En shouted, "You and your wife have been imprisoned by Rodriguez and become the undead dragon under his control!"


The fog shattered and the truth hidden behind him surfaced, and Tather Hacker suddenly growled: "Yes! Rodriguez Hornheim! That bastard! How dare he imprison my soul! Where is he !? I want to kill him !!! "


Tang En flipped him to the ground again, cursing: "You have all been corrupted by chaos. Do you know how much power it will take to clean up chaos for you !? Don't add burden to me!"

Taser Hackero calmed down again, he felt a physical condition, as Tang En said, very bad, the erosion of the chaos had penetrated into the bone marrow, and almost was not saved.

"Give up, I have no help. The dragon has no resistance to chaos."

"Shut up for me! How much better you are now than you didn't know at first!"


Taser Hakrow stared at Dunn, he found that he didn't know this dragon. Now the dragon has the ability to purify chaos? This is really good news.

"Who are you? I have never met you. You are a new member who has only recently been born?"

Tang En said angrily, "I'm Tang En, and I'm about to become your son-in-law."

Taser Hakrow was aggressive, and his brain became confused again after just awake.

Down? My son-in-law? I ... son-in-law? and many more! ? After 850? Could it be that……

"Where is Elw !? Where is Elw !?"

Taser Hackero suddenly became excited: "Dragon God is coming again! She is still so young! Only 800 years old! How can you bear with your heart!"


Tang En wanted to slap him directly to the ground.

Tang En yelled, "Shut up if you want to see Ai Lu!"

Tethy Hackelo was quiet immediately, but the soul core was constantly flashing. I can imagine how excited he was now.

When he was dying, he was ready for the day when he could never see his daughter grow up. I did not expect that, because of the mean behavior of Rodriguez's asshole, he was able to survive to this day and can see his daughter grow up Day!

Tang En began the last purification, and the fire of the void combed Taser Hackero from head to toe, and after purifying all the chaos, he released Taser Hackelo: "Ro I have been dispelled by the spell of slavery Drigas left on you, and now you are safe. "


"To shut up!"


"Now you stay here quietly!"

Tang En said coldly, "If you still want to see your daughter!"

"I just want to know where Elw is ..."

Taser Hackero found that he did not dare to look into Tang En's eyes. He said weakly, "I just felt like I saw her ..."

Tang En pointed to the indistinguishable Elsa mother and daughter: "She's fighting her mother for life and death now. If you keep struggling, just wait to collect your wife's body."

That skull dragon ... is Murphy? another……


Taser Hakrow looked at his daughter's back. The fire of soul flickered for a while, but she found that Bone Dragon had no tears.

"Don! Please help Murphy! She must be very distressed now!"

"You wouldn't say I would do the same!"

Tang En took a deep breath, and finally warned Tessa Hackero: "Don't bother me!"

"for sure!"

Tang En whistled and flew to Murphy Haksha: "Elsa! Help hold her!"

"Your Majesty Brother!"

Elsa jumped into the air to avoid Murphy Haksha's sweep, hitting her spine fiercely, the dragon's claws locked her neck directly, and then Tang En crashed and pressed the "mother-in-law" Under the body, a breath of dragon breath sprayed directly!

"Well !!!"

Murphy Haksha screamed in pain and struggled frantically, but how could Tangn and Elsa work together to escape the bondage.

"Murphy! Patience! Patience!"

Teather Hacker couldn't help cheering for his wife.

Elsa looked back, and her eyes were opposite those of Tather Hackero, and both sides froze.

"Your Majesty Brother!"

Elsa exclaimed: "He, he, he's back to sanity !?"

Tang En didn't have time to answer her, but just nodded and continued to breathe dragon breath.

Necromancers enslaved by necromancers have even recovered their senses! ?

In other words ...

His real father, who had died, stood before him again! ?

Elsa paused.

When I heard the news of their death before, I didn't feel any sense, even if that part of Ellu Haksha's memory was just a little sad, but now, when I see the father who was born again, why, why the tears are not affected again Gushing out in control?

The father and daughter looked at each other from the air, but for a moment they forgot to speak.

Murphy Haksha, bathed in the dragon's breath, and Tisak Hakro, weakened violently, and finally directly and quietly received the purification of the fire of the void, and the soul core became more and more clear and bright.

After a long time, Tang En finally stopped breathing—he felt like he didn't want to eat spicy food for the next month.

Tang En asked: "Are you awake? Can you remember who you are?"


After being silent for a moment, Murphy Haksha said slowly: "Thank you for your help, please let me go now. I have checked my memory and I know about the situation."

Tang En breathed a sigh of relief, which saved a lot of words.


Taser Haklo rushed over in a bang, facing his wife, and could not help but be silent.

In the first generation, the black dragon couples, in order to maintain order and protect the world, are purely orderly creatures, but now they have become undead creatures, which is a great irony.

But this is not without its benefits.

The couple turned their heads very tacitly, and looked at Elsa together.

"Murphy, can you feel it ..."

"I can feel that although it has become a necrotic creature, I can feel that it is our blood that flows on her ..."

"That means ..."

"She is our daughter Ellu!"

Looking at the stupid Elsa, Murphy Haksha wanted to cry, but Bone Dragon had no tears.

"His brother ... they ..."

Elsa panicked, she really panicked.

Unlike the situation with the Abbotton Clara couple after learning the truth, at this moment, she is facing her true parents, but the true parents are more like a conceptual symbol to her. She had no impression at all.

If it were not for the mysterious inheritance inherent in the dragon's blood, she would not even dare to admit how she feels at the moment-she could feel that her body was trembling, trembling, excited, and she was longing for those two dead The arms of the dragon!

"Elsa, they are now sanitary, go."

Tang En arched Elsa: "I think being able to see each other is not only your luck, but also their luck. Although Rodriguez's starting point is bad, it's not all to you. bad thing."

Elsa was pushed in front of Mrs. Taser Murphy by Don, and stood there stupidly, not knowing what to say.

Taser Murphy and his wife were similar at the moment. They wanted to say too much and didn't know where to start.

What's more, when they died, Elu was just a dragon egg, just a name, and they hadn't even seen her daughter look like it.

Now waking up like a big dream, but suddenly after more than 850 years, I am dead and my daughter has grown up ...

This sudden situation falls on any person, and it will make him feel at a loss, even if he is as powerful as the couple of Taser and Murphy.

What to say?

What can you say

what you want to say?

"Are you (you) okay?"

The two sides spoke unanimously, but at the same time froze.

Tang En, who took the opportunity to rest, sighed and couldn't bear to look any further. He checked the magic pool and found that it was almost recovered. Then he flew back into the sky and came to the imprisoned life box.

Next, it's time to cook this master Hohenheim who once made a great contribution ...

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