The more you enter, the more you will be able to enter.

As a professional, you should be ready to fight at any time when facing the arrival of a secret realm.

Of course, if it is an intermediate or advanced secret realm, Zhao Qian will definitely take people away directly.

But the primary secret realm must be fought, which is the basic quality of a professional.

What's more, this is also an opportunity.

In the secret realm, you still need to find it yourself.

But when the secret realm arrives, it is not necessary at all.

After the arrival, the secret realm automatically opens the door and releases a large number of source beasts.

At this time, it is not you who finds them, but they who find you.

"I will be in front for a while, you follow behind, don't rush, especially you Wang Mengxing."

Zhao Qian specifically mentioned Wang Mengxing.

Wang Mengxing's love for fighting was beyond imagination. He might just rush forward.

As for Wen Ruyu, he had already released his stealth.

As for whether it was consumed or not, it didn't matter to him. The recovery speed had exceeded the source power consumed by use.

"Uh, where is Ruyu?"

"I'm right next to you."

Wen Ruyu's sudden voice in Zhan Mingyu's ear startled him.

"Damn, can you please stop talking in my ear? It's scary."

Wen Ruyu rolled his eyes: "I'm one meter away from you, how can it be in your ear."

Zhan Mingyu glanced at his side. He had to learn the ability to show and hide no matter what. This thing was too scary.

The blue light column in the distance gradually faded.

A blue crystal appeared in the open space, flashing a faint light blue light.



Military trucks and helicopters rushed over, and professionals rushed over one by one.

"Evacuate the crowd!! Set up an isolation zone! We only have half an hour, hurry up!!"

Looking at the official personnel who appeared, Wen Ruyu licked his lips. He didn't want these people to ruin his plan.

Even if he used it 1,000 times, it would be a profit.

He was worried that the speed of his skills would not be able to keep up with the speed of the other party killing the source beast.

"That official person is here, can we still take action?"

"Don't worry, there will be a time for you to take action. If they can really control it, they won't put up an isolation zone."

Don't look at the four or five hundred people, but there will be tens of thousands of source beasts that will appear.

It is impossible to use large-scale attack capabilities in this place, otherwise the surrounding buildings will definitely be damaged.

Only single-target attacks and small-scale attacks can be used.

Wen Ruyu leaned forward and came to a distance of 20 meters from the domain gate.

Seeing that his figure was not exposed, he was relieved.

Fortunately, no one used the appearance skill.

Soon, half an hour passed.

The frequency of the secret realm crystal flashing became faster and faster, and then there was a buzzing sound, and ripples appeared on the surface of the crystal.

"Everyone, get ready! The source beast is coming out! If anyone destroys the building, I will throw you here to move bricks for me!"

A man shouted loudly.


This answer made Wen Ruyu feel as if he had been electrified.

He looked at these fighters with envy.

Once upon a time, his dream was to become a combat professional, join the official organization, and close those secret realms that were meaningless to humans.

But now it's not bad, although he can't join the official organization, but it's enough.

At this moment, the space in front of the secret realm in the distance was distorted, and groups of source beasts rushed out from it.

The official professionals hurried to stop them.

But there were too many of them, and they rushed out in batches.

But Wen Ruyu didn't have time to see where the source beasts could run to at this time, he had to use his skills.

[Trigger the Empty Hand, Strength +2]

[Trigger the Empty Hand, gain the skill [Death Ray Lv2] x1]

[Trigger the Empty Hand, gain a small amount of source power]


In just a few minutes, Wen Ruyu's expression was about to cry.

He used it quite a lot, more than 100 times, but he also missed a lot.

Either they were killed, or they ran out of his range, or he had to avoid these source beasts and had no energy to use them.

But fortunately, these were all in vain, so it was okay to lose a little.

As more and more source beasts came, the three lines of defense could no longer stop them.

Those source beasts had already run towards Zhao Qian and the others. This line of defense was the fourth line of defense built by students and free people like Zhao Qian.

And behind them was the last line of defense.

Line and isolation belt.

"Everyone hold on! Other teams are heading here!" the commander shouted.

There are such garrisons in different areas, but it takes time to deploy them.

Of course, the most important thing is that this time is only the primary level, so higher-level professionals did not rush forward.

Soon Zhao Qian met the first batch of source beasts. Wen Ruyu turned his head and took a look. The level was not high, only about 20 level source beasts.

Then he continued to release his abilities to other source beasts.

I saw his skill experience rising continuously.




Soon it broke through to 1000.

Wen Ruyu swallowed his saliva. Although he was very tired in order to avoid these source beasts.

But when he thought that these were all good things, his spirit was instantly excited.

Maybe! Today he can reach the advanced level of the second level! !

However, he thought too much.

It took only 15 minutes from the release of the source beasts in the secret realm to the arrival of the second batch of personnel.

He was not given the chance to be promoted to the advanced level of the second level.

Wen Ruyu retreated to the team and emerged from stealth, looking regretful.

This team came too fast.

He looked at his empty hands, just over 2,000.

"The support is really fast."

"Of course it's fast, after all, these teams are only 5-10 kilometers apart." Zhan Mingyu shook his head.

In fact, they also felt it was a pity. Just now, more than 100 source beasts were killed in such a short time. If it were in the secret realm, it would take at least an hour, not to mention the search on the road.

Although the level is very low, it is better to have it than not.

"Okay, let's continue eating."


The appearance of the secret realm did not disturb people's fun.

The amusement park resumed normal operation one hour after the secret realm appeared.

With so many professionals here, there is no need to worry about problems.

The main reason is that only the primary secret realm appeared this time, otherwise it can only be opened after the secret realm disappears completely.

The secret realm was closed at 4 pm.

This kind of secret realm that appears in the city will not let it stay for a long time.

Even if it is said that the resources are rich, it cannot be left in the city.

First, it is a waste of manpower, and there is still a certain degree of danger.

At five o'clock, Wen Ruyu and his party walked out of the amusement park.

"Ah, it turns out that the amusement park is so fun."

"Yes, I haven't been so relaxed for a long time." Lin Ran stretched.

"There is no way, after all, if you want to be an excellent professional, you must pay."

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