There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 785: Something happened to the third son!

"Damn! Damn! How dare you do this to me?"

Huangfu Shujian knelt there, unable to move a point!

Because as long as he moves, the position of his knee will be severely painful!


What hurts more than his knees is Huangfu Shujian's heart. He has lived for more than three hundred years. Perhaps this age is considered a human being for people on earth!

But here is the high martial arts world, a few hundred years old can only be regarded as young people!

Having lived for so long, Huangfu Shujian has never been humiliated like this before. His father is the lord of Huangfeng City!

His elder brother is an inner disciple of Taixuanzong, and his second brother is a general of the Nine Immortals Dynasty. He is commanding an army of 100,000 monks in his hand. He grew up with a golden spoon in his hand, but today, he kneels outside in front of everyone. on the street?

Huangfu Shujian's face was blue and red, and he felt his lungs explode!

There are more and more people watching around!

"who is this?"

"Why are you kneeling here?"

Some ignorant passers-by asked suspiciously.

"Shhh! Silence!"

Someone hurriedly reminded him and made a silent gesture, "You don't want to die, this is the third son of our Huangfeng City Lord, Lord Shujian, you dare to talk like this, and be careful to be banished by the nine races!"


"The third son of the city lord?"


Hearing this, the ordinary people around all took a breath!

"Why is he kneeling here? My God, what happened to Huang Fengcheng?"

Everyone was shocked and backed quickly, but ordinary people who didn't know the identity of Huangfu Shujian were still talking!

Various sounds came into Huangfu Shujian's ears, and his eyes were filled with bloodshot eyes!

"Damn! Damn! These gangsters dare to talk about me. When the guards of the City Lord's Mansion come, I will kill everyone who sees me kneeling! Kill them all!"

Huangfu Shujian is roaring, like a brutal beast!

"My son, you..."

A semi-sage next to Huangfu Shujian was shocked when he saw Huangfu Shujian's state. He quickly raised his hand and punched a spirit of energy into Huangfu Shujian's eyebrows, making him calm down a bit!

"My son, don't get angry. These people are just ordinary people, people in the city. As the son of the city, it doesn't matter if you kill people outside of Huangfeng City, but if there are a large number of people in Tusha city, I am afraid it will cause anger!" Half Saint is extremely anxious.

"Hahaha, so what? My father is the lord of the city. The lives of these people are like grass mustards and ants. I kill them if I want to. You don't need to remind me!" Huangfu Shujian grinned and glanced at this man in a gloomy way. Half holy!

"Moreover, how can these people see me kneeling here, so shameless, how can they be known to outsiders? Therefore, as long as they appear here today and see me kneeling, they will all die!"

"Including the person who shot me, I want to destroy his nine races!"

"Her woman, I want to throw her on the street and let a million men take turns insulting him. I want his daughters to become prostitutes forever! I can't live or die!"

Although Huangfu Shujian knelt there, he didn't worry about his situation at all, his eyes were full of madness!


His father is the lord of Huangfeng City, and he is the son of the lord!

The entire Huangfeng City has a population of 50 million, all under his father's rule, and his father has surpassed the rank of Martial Saint and is known as the Valkyrie!

He didn't believe that Lin Nan would be his father's opponent!

As long as his father arrives at the scene, Lin Nan will definitely die!

Hearing Huangfu Shujian's remarks, the three half-saintly stared at each other and opened their mouths wide!


At this moment.

Someone has left quickly, rushing towards the city lord's mansion in Huangfeng City, reporting what happened here!

Huangfeng City occupies a large area, with hundreds of miles in vertical and horizontal directions. The City Lord’s Mansion is in the center of Huangfeng City, occupying one-fifth of the entire Huangfeng City!

The entire city lord’s mansion was built like the Ouchi Imperial Palace, even more luxurious than the Ouchi Imperial Palace!

The power of the poor world is used by one person!


A figure flew quickly, the speed is extremely fast!

"Stop, the City Lord's Mansion is in front of you, dare to cross the boundary one step further and kill without mercy!" The guard at the gate of the City Lord's Mansion shouted loudly.

"It's not good, something happened to the third son!"

The visitor wore the clothes of the City Lord's Mansion and was extremely anxious!

Although Huangfu Shujian brought a dozen followers and three semi-sages, there were also countless guards in secret, just in case!

After seeing the accident with Huangfu Shujian, these guards rushed back to the City Lord's Mansion for the first time!


"Go and report to the city lord!"

The guard of the City Lord's Mansion changed a lot, and he quickly stepped aside. The informants kept on entering the City Lord's Mansion and came all the way to the outside of the discussion hall!


The city lord of Huangfeng City, Huangfu Canglan was sitting in the chief, with a dozen middle-aged men sitting beside him, seven or eight elders, all of them looked immortal and full of charm!

In the whole hall, the decoration is magnificent and luxurious. The maids and waiters stand respectfully and wait on the sidelines!

However, this group of middle-aged men and elderly people are frowning at this moment!

This group of people are worshipped by Huangfeng City!

"City Lord, the situation is not good! Now, most of our business in Huangfeng City and Fang City has been taken away by several nearby cities. The auction house has not opened for more than half a month. Part of the casual repairs have left Huangfeng City and went to other cities. !"

"There are several families, although they haven't left yet, they have also moved their industries out!"

"If this continues, I am afraid that it won't take long before our Huangfeng City will completely decline!"

Several of the consecraters were talking babbledly.

"Furthermore... The third son is in the city, slanderous, bullying men and women, and has a bad reputation. There are already many ordinary people who complain. If this continues, I am afraid..."

An worshiper frowned!

"Huh! Shujian is my son, I am City Lord Huang Feng, my eldest son is an inner disciple of Taixuanzong, and my second son is a general of the Nine Immortals Dynasty. Who dares not accept it?"

Huangfu Canglan sneered, his eyes like sharp swords, and swept toward this worshiper, "Do you have any opinion on my son?"

"Don't dare! Don't dare!"

The one who spoke, shook his head quickly!

"what about you?"

Huangfu Canglan scanned the others again!

"Don't dare!"

"Don't dare!"

The worshippers bowed their heads, not daring to look directly into Huangfu Canglan's eyes!

'Ugh! If this is the case, you, the city lord, will not do it for long! Many consecrates exclaimed.



The guard who reported the letter had already arrived outside the main hall, "Something happened to the third son!"

{Due to some irresistible reasons, the original title of the book "No one, I can't afford to provoke", was changed to "Urban Super Heavenly Emperor", I hope you all rush to tell me, oooooo, the river crab monster can't afford it! }

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